Anita Shah, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 02 May 2022 06:49:31 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Anita Shah, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Perform Mobile App Development Like a Pro With These Tips Mon, 02 May 2022 06:49:29 +0000 Developing a mobile application is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, when performed after extensive research, you can drive your business success. Coupled with research, you also need to place importance on having the right set of elements and features. This will...

The post Perform Mobile App Development Like a Pro With These Tips appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Developing a mobile application is not everyone’s cup of tea. However, when performed after extensive research, you can drive your business success.

Coupled with research, you also need to place importance on having the right set of elements and features. This will help to maximize your customer and revenue base both.

I have covered this area in this post. After reading it, you will get enough clarity in this area. This will furthermore ensure that your mobile application drives maximum value for you.

So let’s start.

Reasons Why Businesses Need a Mobile App?

Anyone’s first achievement has an emotional value attached to it. This goes true for businesses too. After all, it is the brainchild of a business owner. It thus demands the creation of a solution that would propel their business forward, followed by adding unique features, and elements that would go on to drive its overall popularity.

While discussing about solutions, one that comes to mind is mobile apps. They support to propel business visibility at an altogether great level.

Today you have apps for almost every purpose, starting from ordering food, to ordering daily groceries too. You have platforms too where almost every hour, and second, they get their launch. This includes the iOS and the Android platform.

However, both have different development methods and use different tech stacks, which goes on to make the appearance of the app on these platforms distinct from one another.

In this post, I will list down the steps to develop Android and iOS apps respectively. This will support you to build something that helps your business become a known name in the market.

Continue reading!

How to Develop Android App?

Create a development environment to help you in achieving your different goals for building an app for this platform.

To perform this task, you need to select both Android Studio and Android SDK. The former is an interface that helps developers to enter the code, like, Java or Kotlin, and access the tools they may need for development.

The latter gives them access to libraries and APIs mostly from the Android SDK. This makes it easy to access native functions of the OS seamlessly.

After performing Step 1, you now need to start a new project. Go to the File part of your desktop. Next, place a click on New, and from New, type New Project. Finally, select Project Template. It will help you to gain clarity on the code, and the UI elements which would be included within your final app after loading.

Next, it is necessary that you have enough familiarization with the different files that get utilized mostly while building an app on this platform. To make this easier, select MainActivity.kt.

Being the main logic file, it will help you to understand the overall app behaviour. For some of the other files you should also have good knowledge of the layout files to gain insight on the appearance of the solution you are building, along with giving you the necessary assistance to add widgets like buttons, and windows, apart from text too.

Finally, testing is something that you need to follow. This will empower you with the knowledge that the app is functioning seamlessly. To perform this task, install an Android system image, and Virtual Device Manager respectively. These will assist you with gaining insight along with the overall app functionality apart from its performance in different environments.

All these steps ensure that the final solution drives maximum value when launched on the Android Play Store for your end customers.

How to Develop iOS Apps?

To embark on the task of the mobile app development process for iOS, follow the steps listed below-

Remember first, Apple prefers their solution to run on their ecosystem alone. This means they recommend that the end solution can only be run on the iPhone or the iPad, to name a few. Therefore, it is recommended to set up MAC. This will allow accelerating the development, debugging, as well as testing-related tasks.

Use Xcode to your maximum advantage. Consisting of the iOS SDK, a source code editor, and debugging tools, to name a few. This will allow you to edit the app seamlessly.

Place a click on Xcode, and launch it. Then create a new Xcode project option in order to make a new project. I recommend then selecting the Single View App option and clicking on Next. This will make customization simpler for you.

Fourth, get your iOS app running. All you do is select device destination or simulator basically from the top left area near the Run/Stop button of the Xcode screen. This will help you to get your first app to run seamlessly.

So now that you know the steps you should follow for building an app that drives maximum value for your business, it is important to examine the user requirements too.

This is because when you ask the question, ‘how to build an app?; it is simply not enough. Equally important is understanding a few areas that would make the app even more intuitive. This means, before you get the app live, or even built it, in particular, it is important to keep some points handy.

Key Points to Remember Before Developing a Mobile App

Have a look at this image below:

Image source:

This image depicts the different stages that usually get followed before entering into mobile app development in the first place. In the lines below, I explain this furthermore.

1. Plan and Research

Planning and research are key to understanding the design and requirements at large. Therefore, it is recommended to place focus on these two areas. This means you need to have an idea first, before anything else. You need to analyze next the areas that customers face an issue with at the moment and understand how your solution would address them.

Once you understand this, you enter into the planning stage. This means you build the basic design of the app to suggest how your users would get their issues resolved through your solution. This will include the features. All this will make your app one that is reliable, so to speak.

It is also recommendable to create a marketing strategy so that you can attract the right set of customers towards your end solution.

2. Allocate Budget

Being a new venture, I am sure you would not want to spend excess resources and budget on your solution. Therefore, I recommend you get in touch with a reputed mobile app development company that can build an app with pre-built features along with being responsive. The company will help you to save on time as well as costs. It will simultaneously support you to independently make modifications within your current solution as per your different business requirements.

3. Android or iOS or Both?

Regardless of the popularity that app launch on iOS or Android will provide to your business, it is in fact much better a business proposition to get your app developed on both these platforms. This will stimulate the process for you in terms of reaching a wider audience. Also, it will help increase brand awareness too.

When you have clarity around all these areas, you enter into the next stage, that is, building a minimum viable app.

This means you add the features that are absolutely relevant to the audience, and get it launched thereafter. To understand this, you need to examine the problems that your app would solve, the process users would follow to get those problems solved. It will also include the features that make your app unique, and what is currently missing. All of this will drive your app’s success to a greater extent.

4. Measure Performance

The end result of an app is to function efficiently and solve the different issues that your customers face. Thus, it is pivotal to examine the performance. To perform this task, check the engagement level, UI/UX, the organic conversion rate your app brings, and so on. This will definitely assist your application to perform better.

Finally, examine the security level. This will help you to gain an insight into analyzing how your solution will protect the data of users. Finally, understand the monetization methods that your app will incorporate to help your business gain maximum growth.

Summing Up – Making Your Mobile App Development Experience Seamless

Needless to say, mobile apps play a prominently important role in enhancing the way people at large get access to services, apart from giving support to businesses at large in enhancing their visibility too. Therefore, it demands using the best tech stack, and the best design so that the overall user journey on the app remains satisfactory always. It is equally understood to incorporate some methods and follow some techniques especially before you go on to perform this task. This includes performing extensive research on whether customers are actually in need of an app, apart from looking into the budget, and so on. All this coupled together will drive maximum attainment for your enterprise apart from driving maximum customers towards the services your solution has in store for them.

Remember, it is your app, therefore, the steps you follow before building it will ensure to drive revenues and users to the greatest level.

The post Perform Mobile App Development Like a Pro With These Tips appeared first on Tech Web Space.
