Jake Anderson, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 21 Jun 2021 13:13:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.5 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Jake Anderson, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 4 Reasons Why GPS Tracker is Important for Women Drivers https://www.techwebspace.com/4-reasons-why-gps-tracker-is-important-for-women-drivers/ Sun, 01 Mar 2020 06:07:42 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=32914 Women today are big-time multi-taskers and are becoming more independent than before. Be it managing their household, taking care of their kids or excelling at their workplace – women are acquiring skills and carrying out their responsibilities, all on their own. Overall,...

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Women today are big-time multi-taskers and are becoming more independent than before. Be it managing their household, taking care of their kids or excelling at their workplace – women are acquiring skills and carrying out their responsibilities, all on their own. Overall, women are making a mark for themselves across all walks of life, and technology has become their most formidable ally. Take driving cars, for example. In today’s fast-paced life, cars not only make their lives easier by helping women commute between home and work, but they also assist them in fulfilling their family obligations.

Women behind the wheels are a common sight these days. Given the sub-standards of road safety in India, however, it is crucial that women drivers prepare themselves against all contingencies, and feel safe while driving their vehicle, especially at night time.

it is here that installing a technologically advanced car GPS tracker can help women drivers prepare against unforeseen situations. At the same time, these car GPS trackers also help achieve peace of mind when it comes to personal safety.

Still need persuasion?

Here are four reasons why a car GPS tracker is a necessary device for every woman who drives.

Gives Your Location During a Breakdown

Nowadays, MNC’s and Corporates have undefined work hours. Imagine yourself driving back home late at night from a deserted neighbourhood, and your car breaks down. In situations like these, your priority is to make sure that you get assistance as soon as possible. With a car GPS tracker installed, your loved ones can track your whereabouts and confirm that help arrives at the earliest.

Times when you are Unreachable

There are many times that your phone runs out of battery or has a poor network. In such circumstances, your family may get concerned about your safety and well-being because they have no way of finding where you are and how you are. However, a car GPS tracker can be your knight in shining armour as it enables your family to track your location and make sure that you are well on your way.

Late Night Driving Security

During odd hours of the day, especially at night, it becomes increasingly difficult for women drivers to seek help in case of emergencies. When you are returning home late from work or a party, it is instinctive for your family to worry about your safety. A car GPS tracker device offers the functionality of your monitoring your location by a family member or a friend who can access your car GPS tracker’s application on their mobile. So when you leave for your destination late at night, you can be sure that your family is watching over you.

Ensures Total Protection

A car GPS tracker device offers comprehensive security to you and your vehicle both. The tracker comes packed with elements that help ensure your safety while making your lives more comfortable. Say you have parked your car in a crowded parking lot and are not able to find it, you can quickly locate it with your mobile that has access to the tracker’s GPS application. With a car GPS tracker, you can always feel safe and secure, regardless of where you are or what time of the day it is!

Is your car’s GPS Tracker advanced enough?

Modern-day problems need modern-day solutions. As time passes by, road safety is becoming a primary issue with women drivers. It is imperative to stay prepared for any unforeseen situations. While you can ensure personal safety by following road traffic rules and keeping your car in peak condition, you can add an extra level of security by installing your vehicle with the best car GPS tracker to avoid any mishaps.

Cutting-edge car GPS trackers such as KENT CamEye provide 360-degree protection for you and your loved ones. These devices are the next generation of GPS tracking devices in the country. Car GPS trackers nowadays offer advanced features such as facial recognition, geofencing, live streaming and intelligent alerts. At the same time, these car GPS trackers are readily available online or can be purchased after taking a free offline demo. Remember, a little step towards security goes a long away – make sure that your loved ones are always protected!

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How Retailers Can Survive the ‘Retail Apocalypse’ https://www.techwebspace.com/how-retailers-can-survive-the-retail-apocalypse/ Fri, 02 Aug 2019 14:19:37 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=25844 We’re in the throes of what’s frequently called the “retail apocalypse.” It is undeniable that the overall U.S. sales landscape is in a state of flux. It’s also true that we’re seeing many well-known brick-and-mortar businesses either close their doors or otherwise...

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We’re in the throes of what’s frequently called the “retail apocalypse.” It is undeniable that the overall U.S. sales landscape is in a state of flux. It’s also true that we’re seeing many well-known brick-and-mortar businesses either close their doors or otherwise drastically change their business models to keep up.

As CNBC reports, 4,810 store closures had been announced in 2019 as of March—including locations from recognizable brand names like Dollar Tree, Abercrombie & Fitch and Charlotte Russe. For reference, about half as many store openings were announced within the same time period.

But people are still buying—just differently. Access to mobile and desktop eCommerce means people can get the products they want to be shipped directly to their doorsteps nowadays. Increasingly, online and omnichannel sales strategies are replacing purely physical sales. Earning customers’ hard-won business in today’s competitive marketplace requires understanding what people want, then having the infrastructure in place to deliver it.

Retail Apocalypse

Here’s more on how retailers can drive sales and customer loyalty throughout this so-called “retail apocalypse.”

Embracing Omnichannel Retail’s Many Forms

The customer journey used to primarily begin when someone entered a store—and end when they left it. But now, shoppers are gravitating toward omnichannel retail, or using multiple channels to browse and buy. Brands that can facilitate smooth omnichannel experiences are more likely to capture conversions and earn repeat business.

Forbes outlines how beauty retailer Sephora has successfully created an omnichannel experience. This brand has made mobile a centrepiece of its experience “before the shopping trip, during and after.” How? Well, this company uses locational and behavioural data to personalize marketing content. It also provides a mobile app to “enhance the shopping experience,” with features like an augmented reality tool that helps users try on products digitally.

More broadly, omnichannel typically means integrating eCommerce with physical retail. For instance, someone could order a product online and pick it up in-store. Another person might visit your store first, then use a kiosk or their mobile device in-store to order what they want online. Another example is an online-only brand setting up temporary pop-up stores to create a physical touchpoint. People may also save mobile links to later pick back up on their desktops, too, so a brand could create a seamless experience between these platforms by allowing account holders to stay logged in across devices.

There are a number of ways to successfully take advantage of omnichannel retail today; the most important thing is facilitating buyers’ natural journeys across platforms and devices.

Retail Apocalypse

Harnessing Retail Analytics for Customer & Product Insights

The days of having to guess what people want from your retail business are over—now there’s enough customer feedback and behavioural data to inform every decision your company makes. The challenge is converting billions of stored data points into actionable insights employees can use to increase sales, decrease inefficiency, improve customer service and boost loyalty.

Giving employees access to a retail analytics platform like ThoughtSpot allows them to ask questions of stored data and receive answers in seconds—all without having to wait for specialists to hand down static reports. Merchandisers can monitor product performance by SKU and reduce dead stock. Operations managers can optimize staffing and store layout by location. Brand managers can gauge performance by channel to deliver increasingly personalized experiences. Marketers can better understand how people are interacting with campaigns and content.

Go Beyond Customer Acquisition

Retailers tend to put more time and money into customer acquisition than they do retention. But loyalty is going to make or break bottom lines in this fluctuating retail landscape. Make sure you’re tracking and optimizing for certain retention metrics, like:

  • Repeat customer rate: # of Customers That Purchased More Than Once / # Unique Customers 
  • Purchase frequency: # of Orders Placed / # Unique Customers
  • Average order value (AOV): Total Revenue Earned / # Orders Placed

Retailers can survive this “retail apocalypse” by making the most of their data, pursuing an omnichannel strategy and aiming to retain customers for the long haul.

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Are You Doing These 5 Voice-Search Basics? https://www.techwebspace.com/are-you-doing-these-5-voice-search-basics/ Thu, 28 Feb 2019 10:15:37 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=19964 No matter how you parse it, search and online business success are a package deal. Organic traffic, whether by fingers, thumbs or voice, fuels traffic growth and potential conversions for any type and size of business. Google’s official move to mobile-first indexing...

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No matter how you parse it, search and online business success are a package deal. Organic traffic, whether by fingers, thumbs or voice, fuels traffic growth and potential conversions for any type and size of business.

Google’s official move to mobile-first indexing should clarify the picture for business owners wondering if their site is optimized well enough, but these stats underscore the movement:

  • Currently, around 20 percent of mobile queries are voice queries. Comscore predicts voice will comprise 50 percent of mobile searches by 2020.
  • It’s the same trend at home. Per NPR, among 18+ U.S. adults, 53 million—or 21 percent—own a smart speaker. Research from Google states that 72 percent of people who own a voice-activated speaker say that their devices are often used as part of their daily routine.
  • All these things make clear that online businesses overlooking mobile (voice) optimization run the risk of being left behind.

It’s time to look truth in the eye: are you doing these five voice-search basics?

5 Voice-Search Basics

Mobile responsiveness.


Google’s now using mobile-first indexing for over half of all pages shown in search results globally. Sites that haven’t been moved over yet may not be using responsive design techniques. But this shouldn’t worry businesses nearly as much as the poor user experience they’re offering customers. Per Google, sites that don’t use responsive web design throughout their pages make it harder for users to interact with and share your content.

This can also increase page-load times, give users varying displays of your page, and impose plenty of other usability issues. It also makes it harder for Google’s bots to crawl your site.

This is critical because every site owner should want Google to crawl their site as much as possible. When they do, more of your pages are indexed, which gives you a search rankings boost and a leg up with voice queries—all in one fell swoop.

Page speed.

landing page speed

In a fast-paced world, page speed means everything. According to Crazy Egg, even a one-second delay in page load time causes 11 percent fewer pages views, a 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction, and a seven percent loss in conversions. But the effects go much deeper. Whether you’re creating content to generate revenue or using one of the best website builders for e-commerce to create a fluid online shopping experience, you won’t get there if your pages load slowly. This is because users perceive slow-loading websites as untrustworthy.

Affecting every level of the funnel, from awareness and branding all the way down to the hallowed conversion, all aspects of your performance suffers when this is the case.  There’s also the not-so-small fact that page speed is a Google ranking factor.

PageSpeed Insights will help you get a quick benchmark of where your site stands, but in general, most page speed sprucing has to do with making your source code more efficient and compressing images to be smaller in weight. Other steps include minimizing the number of HTTP requests your site makes as well as using a quality domain name system (DNS) and hosting provider. Other good moves include leveraging a content delivery network (CDN) and utilizing caching.

Create useful content.

Create useful content

No matter what the specific goal is with your web pages, you also want visitors to have good experiences accessing them, and find the information useful to their needs. Do an audit of your entire website, asking yourself a tough question: does your Site offer visitors value, or is it a smattering of your use cases, promotions, and other branding?

Want to attract new fans and develop deeper relationships with your existing customers? The solution isn’t revolutionary—it’s basic human psychology: put your customers first. Build an FAQ page that addresses every broad question a visitor might have with answers free of ambiguities. Write blog articles about things your customers are interested in. Build how-to guides that solve problems they have. In anything you create, aim to keep it simple, clear and actionable. This content makes for a satisfying voice-search answer. When in doubt about the usefulness of your content, ask yourself if you’d share it with a friend. Another clear evaluation is to check for brand mentions. Talking about yourself in your content won’t help your voice search game or your on-page user engagement. Actionable info targeted around relevant topics, will.

Target longtail phrases and question queries.

Target long tail phrases

People use the internet for entertainment or information — and sometimes both.

But unless you’ve built a top-tier blog that people come to for LOLs, your best bet to get more voice searches is being helpful. You can do that when you create content that solves searchers’ problems.

Unlike when someone goes to Google via their fingers, voice-search queries are usually in question form. Somebody looking for authentic Mexican restaurants in San Diego would type precisely that in a text-based query, however, a voice search would be closer to “What are the best authentic Mexican restaurants in San Diego?” While we’re far from the days of stuffing exact-match keywords get results, voice-search queries are different, and you should always keep them in mind when creating content of any kind.

Forbes advises collecting as many questions about your industry as you can, then trying to answer them all across your marketing channels. An FAQ page, as discussed above, is one way to do this.

Structured data

Structured data

Like a poor page layout spells doom to consumer engagement, unstructured, unoptimized data makes it harder for spiders to crawl your site. Sites that are crawled regularly usually rank better, too. But it goes much farther than that. As voice search continues to gain popularity, the pages search engines understand easily will be leveraged for voice search results.

Adding structured data to your web pages will make your page listings look more attractive in search results. They will also help Google understand your content and serve it to relevant queries. Again, the pages that get served for voice search queries won’t be anomalies; they will be pages that also rank well on mobile.

Not taking advantage of structured data in today’s internet landscape effectively cuts off a lot of your search traffic and impressions because your pages won’t be eligible for knowledge graphs, ‘people also ask for,’ and other rich snippets.

What am I talking about? Schema markups! Thankfully, communities and resources like Schema.org exist to help sites create and maintain them for structured data on the internet. Think of schema markups as the thing that creates rich snippets. Review the different types of snippets Google offers and add schemas that align with your offering.

As virtual assistants make their way into more U.S. homes and voice-search technology continues improving, the sites that have gone the extra length to ensure their sites are mobile friendly, fast, useful, and structured in a way that Google understands will see their brand awareness and bottom lines boosted significantly.

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Making Data More Accessible for Business Users https://www.techwebspace.com/making-data-more-accessible-for-business-users/ Sun, 28 Oct 2018 15:23:00 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=15465 A lot of people recoil when they hear the word “data.” It’s a term that for a long time has been owned exclusively by an elite group of people with a mastery in statistics, data science, and other fields. Thankfully, this is...

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A lot of people recoil when they hear the word “data.” It’s a term that for a long time has been owned exclusively by an elite group of people with a mastery in statistics, data science, and other fields.

Thankfully, this is no longer the case. Computers are no longer the size of entire rooms but can fit into our pockets. Interfaces don’t have to be clunky. They can be made understandable for non-technical audiences.

There’s an obvious benefit to making data more accessible to everyone within a business, however. It allows for insight to come from anywhere, at any time. Here’s how companies should approach making their data easier to approach for all users.

Self-Service Analytics

There’s a term for the kind of dashboard that can be navigated by anyone within an enterprise:  self-service analytics. This has been one of the most important technological and cultural shifts to ever happen in regard to enterprise data. Why? Because it makes data finding more accessible. With self-service analytics dashboards as offered by ThoughtSpot and other platform, users can conduct their own research without having to consult a team data scientist, who are often bogged down with other projects.

By allowing business users to answer their own ad hoc questions, self-service analytics saves time for everyone involved. Users can get results faster, without having to go back and forth with analysts. As you might expect, this provides data analysts and data scientists more time to focus on more complex projects.

Data Visualization

There’s a reason why we translate data sets into graphs, pie charts, and other visual representations. For one, a large percentage of people are visual learners and prefer to read a data visualization that provides an at-a-glance break down of the numbers. Ensuring your data dashboards are equipped with the best data visualization tools will make them easier to use for a broad audience. Whether you’re using heat mapping tools to show clusters of data density or pie charts and other figures, data visualization is key.

Search-Based Analytics

Just about everyone knows how to look something via a search engine. Thanks to advances in artificial intelligence, these results have become extremely fast and accurate. Imagine if this same power were available to people conducting BI data analytics. Well, that’s the power of search-based analytics.

Search-based analytics allow for business people to instantly get synthesized visualizations and other results from a single inquiry almost instantly. This, data is more accessible to users across the board.

Don’t Have Data Silos

It’s natural for executives to want to keep their data as secure as possible. After all, data is power. But it’s also possible to go too in restricting this information, even from internal teams.

Data silos are the term given to data that’s kept separate, often behind walls inaccessible to vast groups of people. While this might be necessary for some information, breaking down data silos is key to getting the most out of that data. With too regimented of a structure, companies will lose out on important insights that could be used by different departments and teams within your organization.

Embedded Analytics

Once you’ve found something useful, you’ll probably want to share it with others and replicate your success in other sectors. Embedded analytics accomplishes exactly that. This tool allows for users to easily embed graphs and other visualizations across dashboards and other places. It’s now easier than ever to get everyone on board with data.

The companies that are able to the best job of introducing data across their whole enterprise will ultimately find the most success. The best way to do this is to make data more accessible to all people within the organization. These tools will facilitate this transition.

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Product Page SEO Best Practices https://www.techwebspace.com/product-page-seo-best-practices/ Tue, 09 Oct 2018 05:21:10 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=14804 Whether you decide to build your eCommerce site using free website templates or hire a designer to construct it from a blank screen, search engine optimization should be integral to your activities. With that said, product pages are the most important feature...

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Whether you decide to build your eCommerce site using free website templates or hire a designer to construct it from a blank screen, search engine optimization should be integral to your activities. With that said, product pages are the most important feature of any online storefront. These are the “salespeople” customers will consult for information about your merchandise—when they can find them.

Implementing these product page SEO best practices will ensure that happens.

#1 Appropriate Keywords

Search engine algorithms focus on keywords more than any other element of a webpage. Employing relevant keywords will help your product pages garner the attention of web crawlers. Savvy shoppers tend to search for products by name and model number, as well as size, color and other identifying attributes. If your product is also known by another name in popular culture be sure to include that in the listing as well.

The key is to figure out how people refer to your wares and make sure every possible reference is incorporated on the product page—but in an organic fashion. Keep in mind people read your descriptions too, so they have to be relatable. You’ll also need to be careful to avoid keyword stuffing. Search engines look upon this practice with disfavour and will rank a page lower if it appears to contain too many instances of particular keywords.

#2 Unique Content

While the easiest possible way to populate a product, pa age is with manufacturer-supplied descriptions and photography, too many people have this idea. When search engines see duplicate content, they rank the repeating material lower.

Thus, pages with a unique approach to product explanations and pictures get ranked more highly. Plus, it gives you an opportunity to flaunt your store’s personality.

This also applies to the metadata you use for the search engine result page (SERP) description. Many customers read this before deciding to click a link in search results. Unique, attractive and keyword rich metadata will generally get you the click. You should also employ rich snippets to provide a brief overview of the product’s pricing, rating and availability, along with a thumbnail image.

#3 Search Friendly URLs

The smartest approach for URLs is plain language. That way, your customer can read them just as easily as a search engine does. Most free website templates do this automatically by creating the URL from the title you give the page. Also, keep in mind URLs are case sensitive, so you should always render them in lowercase. The ideal URL structure for product pages is category/ sub-category/product name.

#4 Original Photography/Video

Human beings are visual creatures. A pretty picture attracts far more attention than a written description. Videos do the same, perhaps even more so, in that they combine motion, images and words. Always underpin your images with informative metadata describing the content of the picture, so search engines can determine what the images contain.

#5 Mobilize

More people are now browsing eCommerce sites on mobile devices than desktop. With this in mind, your store’s platform must embrace responsive design to optimize the look of your site to the environment in which it appears. And yes, search engines take this into consideration and rank mobile-friendly sites more highly.

#6 Loading Speed

The revelation that Google is now ranking pages based in part on-loading times is directly related to the patience shoppers exhibit. Most experts agree a load time of three seconds or more will cost you, customers. What’s more, slow loading pages will now get pushed down farther on SERPs too.

Long story short—the lack of speed kills.

Optimizing your product pages with these SEO best practices in mind will help your pages rank well, which in turn will attract more customers and drive more conversions.

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How to Hire an Editor for Your eBook https://www.techwebspace.com/how-to-hire-an-editor-for-your-ebook/ Wed, 04 Apr 2018 09:46:11 +0000 http://www.techwebspace.com/?p=7641 To paraphrase a longstanding axiom, the author who chooses to edit their own book has a fool for an editor. Every editor is a reader and every writer are a reader, but a writer is never the best editor for his or...

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To paraphrase a longstanding axiom, the author who chooses to edit their own book has a fool for an editor. Every editor is a reader and every writer are a reader, but a writer is never the best editor for his or her own work. Why? As the author of the work, you know exactly what you’re trying to say, and you’ll see it even when it isn’t there. A good editor will help you amplify your book in ways you could never accomplish on your own.

So, with all of that said, here’s how to hire an editor for your ebook.

The Right Experience

Editing books is a skill one acquires over time. An inexperienced editor can make your life absolutely miserable—and wreck your book. Ideally, you want someone who has experience in your genre and an appreciation for your particular style. It’s OK to hire a freelancer, as long as they can show you a strong body of work similar to yours. This is critical because you need someone with an eye for what works in your particular area. A children’s book author will likely be a bad choice for a technical manual—and vice versa.

Editor vs. Proofreader

A proofreader looks for grammatical errors, punctuation issues and other mechanical details. And yes, you will absolutely need one at a later stage in the game. But when you hire an editor, you’re looking for someone to tighten your book up, give it a smooth flow and ensure your points are made effectively.

Proofreaders only pay attention to structure. View anyone claiming to be capable of editing and proofreading simultaneously with scepticism. They will be mediocre at both tasks in most cases.

Current Workload

Truly competent editors know working on more than a couple of titles simultaneously is folly. If you ask an editor how many books they have in their queue alongside yours for the month and you get an answer greater than one, you’ll probably want to look for someone else. Editing is a time-consuming process.

They will read your book multiple times, making notes and suggestions for changes along the way. When you’ve made the changes they suggest, they’ll read it again to be sure the ideas improved the manuscript. This level of detail requires a significant time commitment.


Most editors base their rates upon guidelines established by the Editorial Freelancers’ Association or other well-regarded rate guides. Consulting these will give you an idea of what to expect. Granted, there are people whose work is so highly prized they can command larger fees. If they’ve got a raft of bestsellers under their belts, you can expect them to want more money for their services. However, given that you’re selling ebooks, the wisdom of going with a “celebrity” editor is somewhat questionable—unless you have a degree of celebrity too, and can count on huge sales to offset your costs.

Ask for a Sample Edit

When you’re considering how to hire an editor for your ebook, remember that the person you choose will have a significant impact on the way readers perceive it. The results can be sheer magic when you find the right person.

However, even with the right experience on their side, the two of you may have fit issues. A good way to determine your compatibility is with a trial edit of 10 pages or so. This will afford both of you an opportunity to see if your sensibilities align. It will also give you a conversation around an actuality rather than a theoretical.

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