Nick, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 02 Aug 2022 14:48:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Nick, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 10 Things You Can Do To Improve Your SEO Ranking In 2022 Tue, 02 Aug 2022 14:48:33 +0000 The year is 2022. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are in full effect, allowing you to take advantage of the latest developments in search engine optimization (SEO). While you can’t control all of the factors that go into ranking your site, there...

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The year is 2022. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are in full effect, allowing you to take advantage of the latest developments in search engine optimization (SEO). While you can’t control all of the factors that go into ranking your site, there are a few things you can do to ensure that your content is at the top of the heap. 

The constant evolution of SEO is a challenge. It’s something that you have to keep up with if you want your website to rank well on search engine results pages (SERPs). But it’s a challenge that it’s worth keeping up with. After all, a high ranking in SERPs is the key to more traffic, which means more leads and sales, and no business owner would turn down the opportunity for more sales.

Here are some SEO tips for 2022 that most experts agree will help ensure your site gets the attention it deserves from search engines and web users:

1. Produce High-Quality Content

You need to produce high-quality content if you want to improve your SEO rankings in 2022. Now, what constitutes high-quality content? There are a few factors that coincide with this. First, the basic premise of any piece should be based on an idea or topic that is researched and well thought out. It needs to add value to the reader’s knowledge base while also being relevant and topical.

The content also needs to be original, meaning it has not been duplicated from other sources on the web. This is a tricky area as some parts of your content will likely appear on other sites as well; how else could you source material for your articles? The key here is making sure your written work does not go too far in mimicking another author’s style or verbiage. You can use free plagiarism detectors such as Copyscape or Plagium.

2. Optimize your links

The days of a single blog post with a handful of links are gone. 

Don’t copy & paste. Instead, use your own words and unique phrases as links. Even better would be if you could provide value by creating original content that people want to read—this will give them an incentive to share your page with their friends or share it on their social networks.

Be consistent. You don’t have to worry about link farms or keyword stuffing; any time someone shares one of your pages with their friends, it’ll show up in their search results as well—as long as the sites linking back are high-quality sites in their field of interest. 

The more quality links you have to point back at your website from high-authority sites (those with lots of backlinks), the better off you’ll be when it comes time for Google and other search engines to crawl through all those pages in order to determine which pages they think should appear on the first page.

3. Improve Your Page Loading Speed

If you want to improve your SEO rankings in 2022, you should invest in improving the loading speed of your website. The faster your site loads, the better your SEO rankings will be. If you have a slow site, you aren’t giving users a good experience and Google won’t give your pages high rankings because of this. Luckily for all of us out there, there are many ways to test and improve the loading speed of our sites on various devices.

The first thing that should be done is to check what the current page speed is. A great tool to get started with is Google PageSpeed Insights. This tool will let you know how fast or slow your page is on both desktop and mobile devices, along with some tips on how to fix it if it isn’t up to snuff.

When checking page speed, several things can affect it that may not be related directly to WordPress but still, need to be fixed before moving forward with any optimization efforts. These include:

  • Using exorbitant code/scripts/plugins (keep things clean)
  • Having large images (compress them)
  • Low-quality web hosting (get better hosting)

4. Optimize your page titles and meta descriptions

It’s important to optimize your page titles and meta descriptions. In fact, you should do this for every single web page on your website.

The HTML title tag is the title of your web page, which also appears in search results when your website shows up. The meta description is what will appear as the short paragraph that explains what your website is about below the title tag in search results.

5. Add Videos To Your Site

  • Video will help you to delight your readers and keep them entertained.
  • Videos can be educational, funny, or both!

Videos will also increase the time visitors spend on your site. Upload videos that are related to the content of your page but not necessarily hosted on your own site. Include links back to the original source in case viewers want more information from other sources. Be sure to include a transcript for videos used as well so that search engines can read the text and index it for search purposes.

6. Add Internal Links

Did you know that internal linking is also a great way to keep users on your website? It’s true!

Internal links help search engines discover and index additional pages from your site. This can improve SEO ranking. You can use anchor text (the words or phrases that make up the link) to link to other pages on your site. You should use your keywords in the anchor text, but don’t go overboard—you want people to click through and read the content of the page you’re linking to as well.

7. Run an Ongoing SEO Campaign (It Never Stops)

SEO is a never-ending process, and it can be difficult to keep up with.

If you want to drive traffic to your website, you need to make sure your website is visible in search engines. An ongoing SEO campaign will ensure that your website stays at the top of search engine results, meaning that when potential customers look for your product or service online, they will see your website first.

SEO isn’t something that you do once and then forget about; it’s a long-term strategy. It requires constant attention and upkeep. When it comes to campaigns, if you are not sure how they work, it is best to contact an SEO agency. Otherwise, you will lose a lot of money, and you will not achieve the desired results.

8. Get Inbound Links (From Other Sites)

There’s no need to have your own blog or page for SEO purposes. Your link profile is more important than any content you can put on your website.

Link building isn’t just about submitting links to search engines. It’s a process that includes the people who perceive you as an authority in the niche you want to target, and those who are interested in linking back to your site without being compensated for it. It’s also important to thank these websites when they link out to yours and make them feel comfortable about doing so (don’t be too pushy).

Social media is another way of getting links from other sites (and vice versa), because a lot of people use their social media platforms as a free marketing tool, and will share links with their followers (and vice versa). Be sure to check the “Share” settings on those pages you’re linking out from; it’s important they’re not set up so that only people with the same social media profiles get shared links from them (this means that if a person shares a post from TechCrunch on Facebook, it won’t appear on my Facebook newsfeed).

9. Create Local Listings on Google & Bing

First, it’s important to understand that SEO is an ever-changing field, and search engines are constantly improving their algorithms. That’s why you can’t just create a listing on Google My Business and forget about it.

You need to stay on top of your online presence and make sure everything is as up-to-date as possible. In other words, don’t upload a photo from 2015 when you look like a completely different person (we’ve all been there). If your business information changes (address or contact info), make sure that gets updated in your GMB listing. The more accurate your GMB profile is, the more likely customers will find you when they search for something relevant to what you offer.

10. Mobile-first indexing

Mobile-first indexing means that Google will rank your site based on its mobile version rather than its desktop version. That’s why it’s crucial for your website to be optimized for mobile devices. In fact, having a responsive design or AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages) content is no longer a mere demand but a necessity for any website that wants to rank well.

Also, experts predict that by 2022, 50 per cent of all searches will be done through voice commands. This means you need to optimize your content for voice search. For example, people searching with their voices tend to ask questions: “Hey Siri, how do I clean up my Mac?” – to point out in search results, you would like to optimize your website using question keywords like “how” and “why.”

Now is the time to get to work!

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Tips to Tackle Your 2021 Holiday eCommerce Digital Marketing Strategy Thu, 25 Nov 2021 06:33:35 +0000 Digital marketing is important all year long. It helps your business improve through various creative strategies. However, things tend to change during the holiday season. With this time of the year approaching, you should think about spicing things up in your digital...

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Digital marketing is important all year long. It helps your business improve through various creative strategies. However, things tend to change during the holiday season. With this time of the year approaching, you should think about spicing things up in your digital marketing department. It’s time you thought of some specific techniques for the time around the beginning of the New Year. Increased sales are expected for the following period and here is how you could improve them even more. 

Personalized customer experience 

The first thing that will affect your business this holiday season is the personalized customer experience. This is where the page journey track comes in to create the perfect shopping experience. You can now track the user’s cursor all the way through checkout. Thanks to this, you can identify the weakness and strengths of your site.

You’ll soon know what works flawlessly for you on the site and what needs a bit of improvement. You could notice when customers leave the page and try to add some call to action at that step of the journey. Due to the valuable data, you’ll be able to quickly optimize your site to suit your customers’ needs.

Organic and paid strategies 

Defining goals is the thing you need to do before you put any plan into works. If your goal for this holiday season is to increase sales, you might think about raising brand awareness and boosting website traffic as well. These will bring more people to your business and they will affect your reputation in an amazing way.

That is why aligning organic and paid strategies isn’t a bad idea. Together, SEO and content marketing activity can bring expected results rather quickly. On their own, taking can be a bit time-consuming. If you wish to see results as quickly as possible, make sure to add pay-per-click to improve SEO rankings and increase sales, as a result. 

Social media marketing

Today, there is no digital marketing without social media. People are online most of the time, which means that your business should be online as well. Facebook and Instagram are the two most important platforms to advertise your business.

People are relaxed and more open on these platforms. The best thing about this is that you can advertise the business to the right audience. Finding out who your target audience is on social media will open the doors to many sales this holiday season and the rest of the year as well!

Email marketing 

Email Marketing

Even though social media is number one in reaching your audience, you shouldn’t forget about email either. Due to its long history of effective e-commerce marketing, you could consider it a classic. It is so good because it’s simple, accessible, and can work for businesses of any size. 

With insurance software, you can stay secure and work your way through increased sales with no issues or headaches whatsoever. As long as you plan your strategies carefully and target them properly, you could enjoy the benefits of email marketing!

Checkout process

Another thing that will make your business stand out this holiday season is paying attention to every step of the process. Creating a good experience for your customers is crucial. That is why you should forget about optimizing the checkout process as well. 

To be successful, you should create a smooth and quick checkout. You could also consider added value. For instance, during holidays, it’s perfectly reasonable to offer gift wrapping for a small fee. As long as the checkout isn’t long, doesn’t contain too much data, and is useful, you’ll be good.

Holiday gift guides 

The next trick is to make it all about the holidays. When shopping for gifts, people are usually a bit lost. For that reason, you could add a branded gift guide to the newsletter. This is the perfect way to grab shoppers’ attention – useful, and interesting. Since the subscribers already know your brand, they’ll quickly check out what you have to offer. 

You’ll save the shoppers the time they would otherwise spend scrolling through the pages looking for something while not knowing what it is they’re searching for. If you want to go a step further, you can always create holiday-specific content. This could be an e-book, for instance. 

Review sections 

The point of your whole business is to provide people with the product and services they need. That means that the customers should be in the centre of your creative process, both when you create products and when you advertise them. 

Is there a better way to listen to your customers than paying special attention to the reviews they write? Other people will also listen to these experiences more than what you have to say about your own business. Make sure to leave the customers satisfied and use these reviews to your advantage. 

Video ads and ad extensions 

Finally, make sure to use video ads and ad extensions to draw more traffic to your website. YouTube, for example, is one of the platforms where people could learn about your product and its benefits. Instagram Reels are also perfect for this. 

When you publish ads, you can easily add context to them through the ad extensions. When a user comes across your company ad, allow him or her to click on holiday gifts, sales products, bonuses, and other similar options. 


Digital marketing is the number one tool in reaching customers and raising awareness of your brand. With these simple tips, you could break your personal record of holiday sales while investing the minimum of time and energy and receiving the maximum of satisfied customers and successful sales!

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How to Make Sure Your Online Data Is Secure Thu, 14 Oct 2021 07:29:28 +0000 Your online data can be easily tracked and accessed if you don’t secure it well enough. That is why you need to know all of the ways to successfully protect your online data on all of your devices and prevent any unwanted...

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Your online data can be easily tracked and accessed if you don’t secure it well enough. That is why you need to know all of the ways to successfully protect your online data on all of your devices and prevent any unwanted third parties from entering your online private space. 

Hold Your Information Close to Your Chest

Let’s start with the most obvious and most important tip – Don’t give your personal information such as social security number, address, birth date, bank account information, your mother’s maiden name and other similar pieces of information to people. This especially applies to people you don’t know. In case you need to provide your social security number for your job, ask your employer if you can give them some other type of identification. Also, whenever you are asked for any of these above-mentioned pieces of personal information, don’t forget to ask them why this information is needed, how is it going to be used, how will it be protected, and what happens if you choose not to share this information with them. 

Spot Phishing Scams

With the technology we have today, phishing scams have drastically improved. It is no longer just receiving sketchy emails from Nigerian princes. Nowadays, scammers use the real emails sent out by banks, social networks, and credit card companies. So, how can you know if you’re really receiving an email from your bank or if you’re getting scammed? The easiest way to recognise a scam is to look for some typical tell-tale signs. Some of the most common ones are a generic greeting, poor spelling, an unofficial sender email address, strange links to strange URLs, and so on. 

Strengthen Your Password

Another important thing you should do to protect your online data is to strengthen your passwords. First of all, make sure you are using different passwords for every site and social media account you use. If you have trouble remembering so many different passwords, you can at least try to come up with different passwords for your emails. Make sure these passwords are long and full of lowercase letters and capital letters as well as special symbols and numbers. Most tech security experts claim that using personal passphrases is the best way to ensure your password is secure enough. 

Use Your Face as Your Password

Speaking of passwords, another great way to ensure your online data security is to use face recognition features when logging in to your online accounts. This is a great option for those who simply can’t remember their login info and their passwords. This way, you know that your online data is secured because no one other than you can unlock them. The fingerprint scanning feature is also great for this. 

Beware of Public Wi-Fi Networks

We all like to work at local coffee shops sometimes. The Wi-Fi connection is great, we drink our favourite coffee, and the atmosphere is amazing for work. However, you probably shouldn’t be doing any online shopping while you’re connected to your local coffee shop Wi-Fi. These public hotspots are almost never secure. Unless the website you’re using is encrypted (check to see if the link has HTTPS where “s” stands for secure) you need to avoid giving away personal information, especially information like your credit card number. 

Keep Your Operating System Up to Date

To keep your online data secure, you need to update your operating system every once in a while. While updating your system, you are repairing the security holes that hackers can use to access your online data. If you’re not sure how to update your entire operating system on your own, you can reach out to professionals and ask for IT support services. They can help you get the gist of it so that you can do these updates on your own. 

Arm Your Computer

However, you should never rely just on your operating system to protect your data. You also need to use anti-malware software and a firewall on all of your devices. This way, you are making sure that spyware and viruses can’t sneak their way into your computer and corrupt your data. You can use firewalls that come with your operating system for a solid level of defence. If you want the highest level of security, you can use a hardware-based firewall. In addition to that, make sure you are backing your files up on an external hard drive.

Lock Your Mobile Devices

As much as you put effort to protect your data on your laptop or computer, you should also take care of your mobile devices. You can either use a password to log in to your phone or an even better option which is a fingerprint scan. A lot of the new phones have additional defence mechanisms. For instance, your phone can be blocked after a certain amount of login attempts.

Use Cloud Services Sparingly

Lastly, cloud systems are great for when you want to send larger files to your co-workers and friends. However, it’s very easy for third parties to track those files and access them. So, whenever you are sending confidential data avoid the cloud systems and use an encrypted USB stick instead. 


In conclusion, there are many different ways to protect your data on all of your devices. Some of them include making stronger passwords, locking your mobile devices, using a private Wi-Fi connection when shopping, updating your operating system, and many more. 

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3 Key Cybersecurity Trends That Will Mark 2021 Mon, 16 Aug 2021 13:07:46 +0000 Cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field. The landscape of this industry changes on a regular basis in order to match new hacking methods, tricks and technology applications. So, when discussing cybersecurity trends, it is important to constantly update the list in order...

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Cybersecurity is a constantly evolving field. The landscape of this industry changes on a regular basis in order to match new hacking methods, tricks and technology applications. So, when discussing cybersecurity trends, it is important to constantly update the list in order to keep up. We’re living in a changing world that depends more and more on technology with each passing day. Also, the bulk of the workforce has shifted to remote work, which creates a whole new layer of security problems and potential breaches. With that in mind and without further ado, here are three key cybersecurity trends that are expected to mark 2021.

1. BYOD policy

The first thing you need to understand is that due to COVID-19 more people had to work from home than ever before. This created a series of potential problems for companies in terms of cybersecurity. First of all, employees started relying more on their personal devices and working from unsecured networks. This made potential breaches easier to imagine. 

For this very reason, a mandatory BYOD policy is the most important thing for any enterprise employing a remote workforce.

Passwords need to be compulsory on all devices used for work, regardless if you just use your phone/laptop to check emails. There also needs to be a much stricter data restriction based on the access level but also track record or responsible online behaviour amongst your staff. Backing up data becomes an even greater priority. Lastly, you need to set aside more time and effort to educate your staff on these matters.

The key thing here is motivation. If your staff doesn’t understand why this is so important, you need to take time and explain it to them. Tell them a couple of interesting hacking statistics. Give them examples of how they could become targets of such breach. Explain potential personal consequences for them should such a thing happen.

You also need to spend more time monitoring your staff. Through the help of managed IT services, this will become easier and more systemic.

2. Greater reliance on digital money

The bigger and bigger portion of the business world is coming to realize that digital money is the future of the business. Fees are lower, transfers are instant and the convenience is simply unparalleled. This form of transfer is advertised as safe, secure and quick, however, in order to make it so, you need to learn how to use it properly and in agreement with the highest cybersecurity norms.

First, you need to find a reliable platform for cryptocurrency conversion. This will help you make this entire payment system more versatile. It will also allow your enterprise to reduce its paper trail. A hybrid approach to digital wallet security is always a good choice and it adds that extra protective layer between you and a potentially malicious third party. Having two strong passwords also doesn’t hurt your cybersecurity efforts.

One of the biggest concerns of anyone using digital money is definitely phishing. You need to learn how to protect yourself from the use of phishing in the digital environment and such a thing is only possible through:

  • Alertness
  • Education

As long as you’re paying attention and expecting to be phished, it will be near-impossible to scam you. Once you start feeling safe, you’re in danger.

3. Cyber insurance

A hacking threat can happen even if you are extremely careful, this is why considering cyber-liability insurance (also known as cyber insurance) can be such a great thing. This is insurance meant to protect you from the fallout of a cyberattack. Sure, there’s nothing that can prevent the loss of a brand image due to such an attack, however, you can mitigate the legal and financial consequences of such an event. On its own, this makes a huge difference.

Now, this concept exists for a while now but more and more enterprises are slowly coming to recognize its relevance. In terms of its potential user base, really any organization that benefits from the use of technology (which is virtually anyone nowadays), can benefit from cyber insurance. The threat that cyber insurance is specifically designed to protect you from is ransomware. Sure, the additional cost of cyber insurance might put a strain on your already strained IT budget but the end result is probably worth it.

In conclusion

In the end, it’s important that you understand just how big this actually is. Cybersecurity trends and threats are a huge deal and they cost billions of dollars to companies worldwide. The biggest money- and data loss comes from the fact that the bulk of these companies don’t even make an effort to adapt to this situation or ever a problem. Fortunately, there is a lot you can do in order to avoid this problem. The above-listed three cybersecurity trends are a great example of a preferable course of action.

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How Designers and Programmers Can Improve SEO Together? Wed, 20 Jan 2021 16:57:40 +0000 SEO is a field that talks to two types of audience. First, you have a human audience – your regular readers. Second, you have robots – the algorithm or Google bots. In order to grow your business on search engines, you need...

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SEO is a field that talks to two types of audience. First, you have a human audience – your regular readers. Second, you have robots – the algorithm or Google bots. In order to grow your business on search engines, you need to find a way to satisfy both of these groups. On the one hand, your website needs to be rich with content and it needs to be so appealing that it attracts the right kind of positive attention. Second, you need to pass all the criteria set by the algorithm and get a satisfactory mark. Achieving both of these things is definitely not easy. For it to work, you need both programmers and designers.


While larger screens (tablets, laptops and desktops) have better conversion percentages, mobile users are still a majority of your online traffic. This is why it’s so important that you develop a solution for your mobile users. You can go for a responsive website, which will be a perfect compromise for users across all devices. You could also invest in an adaptive website, which is more complex, more expensive, involves more people but ultimately provides optimal results. Lastly, going mobile-first is also an option that you shouldn’t be too quick to dismiss.

Suitable speed

Creating a fast website is of the utmost priority, seeing as how your bottom line is greatly affected by your loading speed. According to some surveys, about 25% of your entire audience will leave if the website fails to load within 4 seconds. Ideally, your website is expected to load within the first 2 seconds. This is what it takes for you to make a great first impression. Speed is also a testament to your efficiency and expediency. It gives your audience a clue on what they can expect from your business.

web developer

Effective navigation and architecture

Two types of audiences that you receive have their own preferences when it comes to the way in which they explore your website. First, you have the human audience and second, you have the search engine algorithm (and its bots). Designers are there to ensure that your website is visually captivating, which is supposed to lower the bounce rate and increase the average duration of the visit. Website architecture, on the other hand, is there to provide support to bots exploring the platform. Needless to say, you need both.

Better readability

In order to improve the readability of your website, you need to learn how to properly manage whitespace. An uninterrupted column of text is quite unaesthetic and may drive some people away from exploring your content. So, you need a designer to determine an ideal ratio. On the other hand, you also need to appeal to the algorithm, which is why every page should have a suitable text-to-HTML ratio. Ideally, you should aim between 25% and 70%.

Creating a great first impression

On average, you have about 9 seconds to persuade your audience to stay. Of course, if your website is too slow, your audience might start leaving in 2-4 seconds. So, how do you get them to stay? It’s simple, you have to offer them several things. First, you need to visually captivate them. Consulting a graphic design agency about this would be a good idea. Second, you need to make sure that they know exactly where to go next. We’ve already discussed the matter of architecture and navigation but learning a thing or two about the CTA is not a bad idea either. A proper designer should be able to use their knowledge to come up with a perfect position for it.

Future technologies

There are so many things worth keeping in mind when developing your website. One of them is the future development of your business. For instance, machine learning is just one of the concepts that are changing the face of the digital world forever. Seeing as how the algorithm heavily depends on the development in the field of AI, every improvement to the concept of machine learning and deep learning will go to improve these crawlers. It means that algorithm changes will be more frequent and even teams behind them won’t always be able to keep up with them.

Website security

The security of information on your website might determine your position in the digital world. It will definitely determine how much your audience trusts you right off the bat. People accessing your website are supposed to agree to your privacy policy but this is just a first step in your data harvesting efforts. In this privacy policy, you’re probably promising the safety of their information and fairness in its use. However, it’s up to you to keep your promise and ensure that this information really is safe. This is not a simple task but with the right kind of help on your side, it can be achieved.

In conclusion

With SEO becoming bigger and bigger as a trend, it becomes more than clear that it takes a team of specialists to conduct a successful SEO campaign. On your side, you need programmers, designers, content writers, project managers, analysts, strategists and others. This is also one of the reasons why SEO agencies are so quick to diversify their tasks and why more and more experts opt for white label structure. Overall, it is a field that will definitely evolve in the future and keeping up with it might take quite a bit of work.

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The Quick Guide to Marketing for Small Businesses Tue, 17 Nov 2020 16:33:33 +0000 Marketing is a management concept based on the planning and implementation of activities aimed at helping a business to best meet market needs while maximising its value. The fundamental goal of marketing is to make a profit by meeting the needs of...

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Marketing is a management concept based on the planning and implementation of activities aimed at helping a business to best meet market needs while maximising its value.

The fundamental goal of marketing is to make a profit by meeting the needs of customers. To achieve this goal, marketing sets itself a number of global and specific tasks.

Global objectives of marketing are to:

Ensure awareness, selectivity and efficiency of buyers in their consumption of certain goods and services;

Coordinate company resources;

Exert a targeted influence on the views of people and their way of life;

Contribute to improving the quality of life of people, etc.

Peculiarities of marketing in the sphere of small business

Small business is very common in the modern world. It is rightfully considered not only the initial form of entrepreneurship development but also one of the basic directions of the country’s economic recovery. Marketing is a central function of small business management. Its main goal is to identify the needs of buyers and mobilise the resources of a small company to meet them. With the fierceness of market competition in the context of increasing globalisation processes, the importance of conceptualising marketing is only growing. Within the framework of a small business, marketing can be considered as an integrated system of research, management and regulatory activities, taking into account industry characteristics and aimed at meeting the needs of society in accordance with the spiritual and material needs of its members.

The main directions of marketing activities carried out by economic entities in the field of small business are:

Marketing research;

Development of goods and setting prices according to market conditions;

Building distribution systems for the company’s products;

Providing market promotion of goods and services produced by the enterprise.

These areas of marketing act as key components of all stages of the reproduction process, from the release of material goods and their distribution, and ending with circulation to the stage of final consumption. The marketing organisation itself has a certain specificity in the field of small business. In particular, there are three ways to organise it

– an independent organisation, full outsourcing and a hybrid method.

In the first case, the small business undertakes all marketing functions and personally performs them. This usually requires hiring a staff of specialists.

In the second case, the performance of marketing functions is outsourced to specialised marketing agencies.

In the third case, only a part of marketing functions are transferred to outsourcing, other functions are performed by the enterprise independently.

Marketing planning performs several tasks and goals at the same time, which are divided into 4 groups:

Market targets. In this category of goals, such moments as capturing the desired market share, increasing the number of customers, and increasing the level of sales in volume and price terms are affected.

Production goals. This is a group of internal tasks, the implementation of which is aimed at increasing the company’s ability to meet market objectives. This includes increasing production volumes.

Organisational goals. This includes optimisation of the small business structure, work with personnel and management tasks. The same group applies to plans for increasing salaries, issuing bonuses, etc.

Financial goals. This group describes all the previous goals in terms of value. Parameters such as profitability, gross and net profit, sales and costs are applied.

6 valuable recommendations for strategy formation

Since developing a marketing plan for small businesses is a difficult and responsible task, any help in this matter will come in handy. So below are five planning tips:

1. It is recommended to rely on the uniqueness of the product. In pursuit of market leadership, many companies make a gross mistake – partially or completely copying competitors. This is not the most effective strategy. It is better to be, if not the first, but an irreplaceable participant in the market.

2. Investments should be taken as seriously as possible. Invested (“working”) money is an important component for any small business with limited resources and a small budget.

Business development must be thought about after making the right investments.

3. Sooner or later, it will be necessary to set a “limit” for the company and it is better to do it right away. It is impossible to create a business that satisfies all consumers equally well. Therefore, it is necessary to decide on which needs and which customers are not worth spending available resources.

4. We must not forget about any of the stages of the company’s work, focusing on improving the quality of goods. Many companies devote so much attention and resources to products that they forget about the level of service, delivery, organisation, etc.

5. Don’t forget about your employees, They are a crucial part of your small business. Motivate them and make sure that they know how important they are for the team. Parties, team buildings and corporate headshots on your web site are just a few ways of doing it.

6. A competent marketing strategy should be stable and long-term. At the same time, you need to be prepared for the fact that at one point you will have to completely revise the current plan due to changes in the market. We must do it in cold blood, even if it takes time.


A marketing strategy is what every small business should have right from the start. Without this strategy, there is no way to define the target audience, understand its problems and propose a solution. By sticking to these easy-to-understand guidelines, you are far more likely to develop a sound marketing strategy than uninformed competitors. Take advantage of this.

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How to Plan a Year of Great Content on a Small Budget Fri, 18 Sep 2020 16:00:55 +0000 Producing great content is the simplest and the most direct way to establish a relationship with your audience. Quality content testifies about your knowledge, dedication and seriousness as a brand and an individual, however, producing great content once is not enough. In...

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Producing great content is the simplest and the most direct way to establish a relationship with your audience. Quality content testifies about your knowledge, dedication and seriousness as a brand and an individual, however, producing great content once is not enough. In order to build trust with your audience, you need to show consistency. You need to buy them time to get to know you and time for them to get to trust you. Here are several tips on how you can plan an entire year of great content on a small budget.

Plan different formats

In order to break the monotony, you need to start working on different content formats. This, however, is a great thing, seeing as how you can recycle the same piece of content several times over without being accused of plagiarism or even being sanctioned by search engines. Think about it, a great blog post can easily turn into a great infographic, a slideshow or even an educational/informative video. This way, you’re not just efficiently recycling some of your best, most successful, ideas but also giving your audience some much-needed variety.

Research your competitors

When working on a huge budget, you could afford to launch a ton of content, see how well it performs and then make the necessary adjustments. However, you can take the other approach to this situation, as well. Why not take a look at some of your most successful competitors? You can analyze their content and see what they do well and what you could do better. This way, you get to capitalize on their activity and strategic thinking. No, this is not industrial espionage, it’s research and it’s what everyone does.

Research the statistics

The next thing you need to get into a bit is blogging statistics. You see, only 19 percent of bloggers actually include videos in their posts, yet, there is an estimate that a piece of content with a video is 50 times more likely to drive organic search. Still, the type of video and the quality of video makes all the difference here. So, you need to start by either researching the topic of by finding a partner with enough experience with corporate video production and editing. Quality is everything and quality requires experience.

Guest posting

The biggest problem with content is definitely the issue of time it takes to write a certain post. The reason why this is so big is due to the fact that, on average, in 2019 it took 3 hours and 57 minutes to write a blog post. However, the number of bloggers that work more than 6 hours on a single post is growing as well. In other words, the biggest challenge is finding time to satisfy the need of your audience for frequent blog posts. One of the ways to satisfy this is to look for guest posters. For this to work, you need to set standards and write comprehensive guidelines. Then, you need to improve your blog so that you get the right type of attention.

Prioritize platforms

Different platforms require different forms and formats. For instance, Facebook and YouTube fans prefer long videos. In fact, Facebook users consume 100 million hours of video content every day. On Instagram, on the other hand, images and short videos (especially stories) are huge. Blog posts are universally popular for a while now. In order to figure out where you should focus most of your attention, you need to get to know your demographics and the best way to do so is through surveys and extensive analytics projects.

Expand your talent pool

The privilege of being able to hire remote workers is something that a lot of businesses downplay. No, it’s not just something that you do amidst the pandemic. It’s a way for you to hire the most qualified person available, regardless if they’re living half-way across the world. Unlike with customer support, content creators have deadlines instead of work hours. This means that they’re not even inconvenienced by the time zone difference. Also, due to the purchasing power parity of their home region compared to your own country, you might be able to hire their services at a considerable discount.

In conclusion

The very last thing worth taking into consideration is the fact that while having a tight budget doesn’t mean that you are not going to invest any money in your content. The latter is a recipe for disaster but the first scenario doesn’t necessarily restrict you much. Even on a budget, you can express creativity in so many different ways. Doing the best you can with limited resources is what separates the rest from the best. Resourcefulness is the single best trait that a person in a competitive field can possess.

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Here’s Why Online Retailers Are Starting to Handle Their Own Shipping Mon, 24 Feb 2020 08:08:12 +0000 One of the more complicated industries around is the shipping industry. It’s pretty complex, and yet, retailers seem to handle their own shipping, they are cutting out the middle man, and working hard on doing this part on their own. Take a...

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One of the more complicated industries around is the shipping industry. It’s pretty complex, and yet, retailers seem to handle their own shipping, they are cutting out the middle man, and working hard on doing this part on their own. Take a look at this short article and see what we actually mean.

Not meeting demand 

First of all, carriers are not really meeting demand. There is simply not enough of them, and they don’t seem to be doing as quality a job as they usually do. Consumers are doing their online more and more, which means more and more packages are being shipped. This, in turn, leads to a serious and unexpected boost and need for shipping companies (i.e. shipping activities), which is not being handled completely. Companies are struggling to meet demand, making them also struggle to deliver quality work. 

Just to give you an example, FedEx had 15% more packages to deliver in 2015, then in 2014. A similar increase was seen by UPS, with another 10% increase. In fact, in 2015 shipping volumes were so severe that UPS barely delivered 91% of its packages on time before Christmas day. FedEx fared a bit better, but still, missed the mark, being at 95%.

Supply Chain with Big Data, Machine Learning and AI

The Blame Game

All of these issues than getting switched over to the retailers. Even though the shipping companies are the ones that are in fact failing to meet demand and send out packages and goods on a regular, appropriate basis, it’s the retailers that get all the ire consumers send on social media and elsewhere. 

This same goes for poor customer service and slow delivery. Consumers are willing to spend more money on companies that give good customer service. Many customers actually won’t even complete a purchase if they feel they received subpar customer service

Growth and benefits

The parcel industry is growing solidly thanks to this eCommerce boom. It’s a segment of the shipping industry, but it still works on its own. Furthermore, some companies in this sector are getting their act together. Hiring a good company like General Carrying that can take on the workload is a great choice. Small companies, companies that aren’t the size of FedEx for example, are also getting their time in the limelight.

Next, transportation and logistics are fantastic industries that are full of opportunity. The global shipping market itself can be worth trillions of dollars. There is a lot at stake when it comes to shipping companies. Namely, there are twenty companies that are working with amazon for its shipping. Of course, FedEx, USPS, and UPS carry the vast majority of this work, but these smaller companies are taking some shares of that pie.

How retailers handle their shipping

Now, there are specific ways retailers approach and handle shipping. As a retailer you need to know how to assemble the right team for your shipping needs, you need to set the appropriate goals, and to actively think about what you are going to ship.

A strong team

You want to identify the right people who can help you make the first step when it comes to new shipping work. So, one of the first things you need to do is talk to stakeholders and see what they have to say. You have to meet them prepared, you have to have a setup strategy, with clear systems, tasks, and goals in place if you want to convince them.

Next, the actual team. Somebody has to be in charge of this entire section. Get an employee you trust, or get a call going. Be very specific with your needs and wants. Try to get somebody with some experience in logistics, or shipping.

Your shipping goals

You also need to identify and to define the core points of your company. Get the right team players, see what they have to say, establish your strategy, define what you want to do. Are you interested in conversions, decreasing costs, expanding your market, or just keeping your company as efficient as possible? 

You want to offer the right shipping options and rates to get you some extra clients, and to seal any deals you don’t seem to get completely. You can also expand the market, get some more customers on board. Decreasing costs should also be a core goal, which you can do by simply finding more efficient and cheaper options than those a shipping company might resort to.

Get the right strategy

Look at the team and the goals for your business. So, what are you shipping? How heavy, big, large, small, light, frail is it? Are you going domestic or are do you want to branch out overseas? What is the shipping option that you need? Will you branch out immediately onto another continent, or are you sticking to a couple of countries? Do you prefer overtaking one market, or do you want to infiltrate several markets at first…?


And there you have it folks, an intro to why online retailers actually prefer taking shipping into their own hands, as well as some steps on how they actually do it. Shipping companies simply can’t handle the workload that has been handed to them, they are providing you with low quality work, and poor service. Smaller companies, and retailers doing it themselves, seems to be working gloriously. So, why not jump on this trend, and see where it takes you? 

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7 Things To Avoid And Make Your Virtual Event A Success Fri, 17 Jan 2020 08:16:59 +0000 We live in the digital age and we’re trying to use the internet for our good as much as we can. So naturally, we’re doing business, banking, shopping, etc, online. But what we usually overlook is the advantage of virtual events. They...

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We live in the digital age and we’re trying to use the internet for our good as much as we can. So naturally, we’re doing business, banking, shopping, etc, online. But what we usually overlook is the advantage of virtual events. They provide us with access to information, experience, and wider network, which is all made possible because of the advanced technology known as new media. 

With the rise in popularity, there is no reason you shouldn’t give virtual events a chance. Besides providing access to a wider network, you can meet people in the shared virtual environment without leaving the comfort of your home or workplace. As you’ve decided to give the digital event a chance, there’s a couple of things you should avoid to make it successful.  

Overpriced tickets

You’ve decided to move your event online instead of booking a venue for guests, which is great and saves you money. But if you want to make a profit from this virtual event you should charge your guests access to it. However, make sure you’re not selling overpriced tickets.

If you want to have an audience, ensure your tickets are affordable. Rarely anyone has a large amount of money to spend on an event. Besides that, online events don’t provide “nice-to-haves” such as catering and photographs, therefore you need to find a way to evoke the feeling of being a part of the event. 

Complicating logistic

In the online world, less is usually more. This means that simpler logistics equal more audience. If you want to make your virtual event accessible, the location you stream on most be convenient and well thought out. To ensure easier dial-up, choose local suppliers.

As far as the actual event is concerned, plan your details before, during, and after the event carefully. Use digital tools to help you. Plan the way you’re going to communicate with attendees during the event. Leave them an e-mail to contact you, or even a twitter account. Think of the way you’re going to make them do exactly what you want during the event. Is there a prise envolved? Let them know! It’s important to focus on the big idea of the virtual event, and not so much on the logistics.

Long Agendas

A virtual event should be much shorter than the live one. Who would want to sit in front of their screen and watch something they’re mildly interested in for hours? The truth is, not many people. So, if you want to keep your audience interested, keep it short and simple. 

The ideal length of an online event is around 30 minutes. They can be longer, but there better be a good reason for making your guests sit through that. In addition to that, make sure you’ve streamed your agenda beforehand, so your viewers will know when to log off. It’s important to avoid abruptly ending your stream, as that is highly unprofessional.

Bad audience engagement

Many digital- event hosts forget about the wider audience and their engagement. Don’t be one of them. You must admit that it is kind of boring sitting for 20 to 30 minutes listening to one voice without any interaction. Your audience can easily log off or simply walk away at any point. So, you must give them a strong reason to stay connected. 

To avoid boredom, make your attendees feel part of the event. There are different methods of engagement that depends on your target audience. For example, Q and A is appropriate for almost every type of event. In addition to that, try adding snap polls or rates to your programme.

Limited Data Tracking

Virtual events are a great opportunity to expand your online community, which you can’t really do if you limit data tracking.  If you don’t know how to grow a vibrant online community, streaming an event virtually is a way to go. 

Having a large database of people who are keen on listening to what you have to say is an essential part of streaming a digital event. And if you want to grow that database, encourage social media engagement. That way, your guests and attendees can have early access to your events and communicate with you in real-time.

Lack of Available Content

In case you haven’t noticed, organising a virtual event is different than organising “real life” one. When attending an online event, you can’t just pick up a leaflet and leave. You must think of a different way to share your content with your audience.

If you want to organise successful virtual events, make sure your content is available for download during the event and ready to be adapted for a different purpose. Prepare your content beforehand and ensure you have a good content plan.

Ambiguous Marketing

Ambiguous marketing can be really confusing for your audience. If you’re not planning on streaming a virtual event, don’t call it virtual. It can put your guests on the wrong tracks, ruin your reputation, and chances of succeeding in your business. It’s quite easy to get carried away by the latest innovations, but if you don’t know what you’re doing, you’re more likely to confuse your potential guests and attendees.

Learn how to promote an event. To have a successful promotion, you must be consistent. Make your ad eye-grabbing and fun. Don’t forget to mention the prize!


As you can see, organising a virtual event can be beneficial for you if it’s done correctly. It’s important to know how to organise everything and how to attract your audience. If you’re unsure you’re doing it right, maybe it’s the best to contact professionals who can help you carry it out. Always keep in mind your main goal and strive towards it.

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7 Benefits of User-Generated Content for Ecommerce Marketing Wed, 23 Oct 2019 16:22:21 +0000 As the world of business moves online, so are the marketing tactics shifting towards online strategies. One of these strategies is user-generated content. Strangers help create the content you need for your website, and they do it all on their own. It...

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As the world of business moves online, so are the marketing tactics shifting towards online strategies. One of these strategies is user-generated content. Strangers help create the content you need for your website, and they do it all on their own. It seems simple and useful enough on the surface, but user-generated content has a bunch of additional benefits that come with its usage. 

It brings real conversions

If someone tells you about the high-quality branded pants they bought, you probably won’t think much of the exchange. Even if a couple of different people start talking about these pants and complimenting the material you’re pretty unlikely to give them a second glance. However, once the numbers get higher, it might just pique your curiosity. 

It’s hard to argue against solid numbers, especially when it comes down to consumer experiences with products and services. A business praising itself won’t convince most consumers to try out their product, but the opinion of others mighty sway their thoughts. When you see for yourself how a product is positively influencing someone else’s life, you’re a lot more likely to consider it for yourself. 

Organic content adds to your credibility

Everyone trusts people that are similar to them. Organic user content will better resonate with consumers than something that a marketing expert created. No matter how good you are at creating personalized content, it’s never going to match the authentic feel of passionate users.

People are a lot more likely to trust user-generated content. These users are people just like them and they have the same wants and needs. When they explain why products are useful and worth buying, potential buyers will listen attentively.

Businesses should be quick to allow users to post their own experiences on their websites. Travel agencies are starting to let users attach their own photographs of the places they’ve stayed at. Even the most mediocre review or photograph will do more to attract consumers than a brightly-lit professional photoshoot. The user content is considered a lot more credible. 

It helps drastically reduce the content crunch

Creating original content is simple enough in theory, but there’s only so much creativity you can work with. The internet is filled to the brim with both user and expert generated content, which means just about every topic has been covered at least a thousand times. Something truly original needs to come from personal experiences and different perspectives. That’s not something you can easily replicate organically.

Continuously creating this type of content is pretty difficult for businesses. However, it’s made a lot easier when users can add to the pool of interesting and unique experiences. This touch of originality helps lighten the load for a business that requires tons of content. You’re more easily able to manage a smaller pool of necessary content when users can just fill in the blanks.

It’s more relatable

Users will have the perfect perspective on any product or service that they use. No matter how their content or review rates the service, they’re going to share a very relatable experience. Consumers reading this content will easily see themselves in the same position and this might push them towards purchasing a product or service. 

When you present a product as a solution to common problems, it’s often done in a very generalized way. People want to hear concrete examples of real-world situations, and those are hard to come by. You need some first-hand experience to be able to retell a story like that and make it seem authentic and relatable. This is something users can provide you if you allow them to create content for your website. They’ll indirectly inform consumers about the possibilities and limitations of the products they’re interested in.

It bolsters your own content

When you continuously create original content for your business, a pattern tends to emerge. In some cases, it’s a writing style or a tone that the content sets that become too eerily familiar. It’s subtle enough that you might not be able to tell, but consumers will eventually catch on to it.

It’s the result of trying too hard to be original when creating content. When users create their content, they’re not worried about sounding original because it’s their real experience. Having a lot of user-generated content will create the ideal backdrop for your own content, which will feel a lot more original when surrounded by other content.

It adds positive online publicity

Everyone knows that all publicity is good publicity, but E-commerce businesses should always strive to get positive reactions first and foremost. A lot of businesses are fearful of adding user-generated content options such as reviews to their websites because they don’t want negative publicity. It’s not an unfounded fear, either. People can leave fake negative reviews on any website and try to bring down the reputation of a fair business.

While the risk is there, the numbers show that these situations are outliers and don’t negatively affect E-commerce businesses. Allowing user content boosts your website’s positive publicity and creates more traffic. This is why Search Engine Optimisation services often recommend allowing user-generated content on websites, as it positively affects search rankings.  Even negative reviews bring attention to your products, although many consumers will be critical of them. This will only lead to them reading positive reviews and possibly trying out your product.

It might just be the future

Creating content is a difficult skill that requires constant improvement and new research. You want to optimize your ability to attract new consumers without creating an unauthentic vibe for your business. This is something user-generated content doesn’t have to deal with. 

The content is undoubtedly original and unique, which makes it instantly usable and effective. Businesses are slowly shifting towards using more user-generated content because it helps them get conversions. It might just be the future of content marketing,


User-generated content is proving to be a pretty useful resource for online businesses. The authenticity and originality that come with it are just the beginning. It turns out that user-generated content might just be the thing businesses have been looking for to improve their conversions.

The post 7 Benefits of User-Generated Content for Ecommerce Marketing appeared first on Tech Web Space.
