Mohammad Ali, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Wed, 02 Jun 2021 05:05:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Mohammad Ali, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 SEO.! Is It Really That Important to Survive Online? Thu, 25 Oct 2018 05:52:43 +0000 In today’s competitive environment for a business to survive, it is important that it has a strong marketing campaign. Imagine you have a great idea for a business model and work on it for months. Ultimately you have developed a website, bought...

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In today’s competitive environment for a business to survive, it is important that it has a strong marketing campaign. Imagine you have a great idea for a business model and work on it for months. Ultimately you have developed a website, bought a domain and it is up and running. But months after initiation, you realize that you have not made more than a couple of sales. You start questioning the business model and even yourself.

However, what you fail to realize is that there are thousands of websites and businesses from the same niche and obviously you’ll get lost in the crowd.

What you require is not a better business model but a better marketing campaign which would make your business stand out from your competitors. Search Engine Optimization is one such tool that can help you achieve success.

What is SEO and how does it work?

Search Engine Optimization, commonly known as SEO, is a protocol followed to increase the rank of a website on a search engine research page such as that of Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc.

SEO is a great digital marketing strategy because it helps a site rank higher on a search engine consequently attracting more people and higher sales and revenue. Moreover, it is a great method to increase the quality of your website by making it faster, user-friendly and easier to use.

When someone makes a search on a search engine, the results provided are based on an intricate set of algorithms. These complex algorithms decide, among thousands of websites, which one to put at number one, at number two, and so on. The decision is made on several factors concerning the website.

Stages of SEO

Search engine optimization is a set protocol which can be divided into three main stages as follows:

#1 Technical SEO

web crawler

Technical SEO is concerned with making it easier for a search engine to index your website. It does not deal with the appearance or content of the website but the back-end settings of the blog or website.

You need to configure the settings so that the job of search engine crawlers can be made easier. When done right, technical SEO makes it easier for the search engine crawlers to index your website, thus, increasing the chances of getting a higher rank.

#2 On-page SEO

A search engine does not read a website/blog as a human does. In fact, it looks for certain signs and symbols that let it decide its relevance with the search keyword.

Therefore, basically, on-page SEO deals with making the interface and content of the website comply with search engine standards; to give the search engine crawlers enough signals that they can easily understand the meaning of the context on your website.

On-page SEO is concerned with improving the structure of the website. Adding relevant keywords (in the right amount and places), optimizing titles, adding proper headings, adding internal links, etc. are some of the things done to give the right signals to the search engine crawlers.

SEO types

#3 Off-page SEO

There are many factors based on which a search engine ranks a website one of which is back-linking. Backlinks are important as they send a signal of trust and credibility.

Off-page SEO is concerned with the methods used to promote your website to rank higher in the search engine results. It can be done by back-linking and other such methods.

Importance of SEO

Search Engine Optimization is a tool of digital marketing that serves to increase the visibility of your website. However, it should be noted that if you are looking for an overnight success SEO is not for you. SEO is basically a set of protocols that need to be followed and modified occasionally based on the changes made in the search engines algorithms.

It takes time to increase your ranking, however, once your website ranks on top, the number of sales and visitors more than pay for the budget and hard work that went into the SEO process.

seo importance

Following are some of the benefits of Search Engine Optimization:

#1 Credibility

It is estimated that 98% of all the people that search for something choose the website that is ranked in the first page of the search engine results. People think that websites that rank on the top are the best; about which they are not entirely wrong.

Most people don’t even bother going to the second page of Google search results. Therefore, it is crucial that your websites rank higher in order to build trust and credibility.

#2 ROI

SEO is among the best digital marketing methods mainly because it has the best return on investment (ROI). Search Engine Journal, release a statistics that showed that search engine optimized leads had a 14.6% close rate, whereas, leads through direct mailing or print marketing had a 1.7% close rate.

#3 Insights

One of the indirect benefits of SEO is the information gathered from analytics. Apart from the demographics, locale, device information, etc. one can get into the head of the customer and get to know his/her thought process by studying the keywords used that lead to the traffic.

#4 Cost-Effective

The best thing about SEO is that any business can use it. Small businesses have been known to greatly benefit from SEO because other digital marketing tactics are quite costly and require big marketing budgets. However, SEO does not require huge sums for better performance.

#5 Competition

The importance of SEO can be highlighted by the fact that all of your competing websites are doing it. For you to surpass them or compete with them, it is crucial that you also use SEO to its fullest and garner the benefits.

#6 Better User Experience

SEO not only helps your website rank higher but in doing so establishes a user-friendly interface for your website. Following the protocols set by SEO experts, you end up having a website that is designed to make the incoming traffic become potential clients and to make potential clients become faithful customers.

The post SEO.! Is It Really That Important to Survive Online? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

5 Sure-Fire Tips to Manage Colors Efficiently On Your Website Fri, 16 Mar 2018 05:56:46 +0000 What is the first thing you look when you land on a website? It is how it looks, right. That is why it is important to make a great first impression on your target audience. Among the multitude of challenges faced by...

The post 5 Sure-Fire Tips to Manage Colors Efficiently On Your Website appeared first on Tech Web Space.

What is the first thing you look when you land on a website? It is how it looks, right. That is why it is important to make a great first impression on your target audience. Among the multitude of challenges faced by web developers, one of them is to manage colours and strike the right balance so that the website does not look unprofessional. Web design agency New York knows that and handles this very well.

Here are five effective tips to manage colour in a better way on your website:

#1 Create a Single File for Colors

The easiest way to prevent mess with colours when creating a website is to create a single file to manage colours. Put all the colours and their hues in a single file to make colour management easier. When you have a single, finding colour variables will not be a hassle as it would be if you have multiple files for colours. You can easily see how many colours are being used on your website with everything in a single file.

#2 Name your Color Variables Intelligently

Finding colour variables if they are not named correctly can be a daunting challenge especially if the colour file is filled with codes of different colours, which in most cases usually is. Make sure the name of the colour corresponds to the colour variable name too. If you are using a library of colours that have variable names, you can name the custom variable as the library variable.

#3 Style Guide with All the Colors

Create a basic design style guide and put all the colours you need in it. You can also choose a colour palette that has all the colours you will use. This not only helps you keep track of the colours but also allows you to add new colours when you want to.

To make your website look professional, you should use 2-4 colours on your website and avoid going overboard with using multiple colours. Ensure the colour you choose aligns with your brand personality because colours have the power to affect perception and behaviour.

#4 Use Sass and Sass Maps

The way you write the CSS has an impact on how your website looks when it comes out. By using Sass and Sass maps, you can easily assign class names and properties to different colours. If you are using atomic CSS, this can come in very handy. In addition to this, you can control opacity, darkness and lightness of different colours with Sass.

Use built-in Sass functions and you can easily do away with the need of assigning the string of HEX values for each colour. The ability to mix colours and adjust hue and saturation with Sass is a great addition for web developers who play around with multiple colour variations.

#5 Use Pigments for Atoms

For those using Atom CSS, Pigments can be a great package as it allows you to see a color string, HEX and other details of the actual colour. This might not seem such a big deal but it is highly effective when used in conjunction with Sass.

This simple plugin also tells you the Sass colour variable for each colour when you place it on a line of code, even when you perform this action on different files. Moreover, it automatically changes colours instantly looking at the opacity or other Sass functions used on it.

Hire a web design agency like Ramotion or another if you haven’t enough time to make all of this. How do you manage multiple colors on your website? Feel free to share it with us in the comments section below.

The post 5 Sure-Fire Tips to Manage Colors Efficiently On Your Website appeared first on Tech Web Space.
