Hermit Chawla, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Tue, 05 Oct 2021 08:35:46 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.5 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Hermit Chawla, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 How Effective Branding Can Benefit Your Business? https://www.techwebspace.com/how-effective-branding-can-benefit-your-business/ Tue, 05 Oct 2021 08:35:43 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=53176 We live in a world that is extremely brand conscious. According to some research, India is perhaps one of the most brand-conscious countries in the world. A logo or a name ain’t a brand. The brand is something much more than this....

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We live in a world that is extremely brand conscious. According to some research, India is perhaps one of the most brand-conscious countries in the world. A logo or a name ain’t a brand. The brand is something much more than this.

Branding is a process that helps in creating a specific individuality of its own by a specific name, logo or a prestigious image of a specific product. Anything and everything is done to attract consumers through advertising with a unique theme. This helps in promoting the sales of the product. Watching the advertisement, the consumer gets attracted to it and takes a particular step in buying the product.

Giving a name or meaning to a particular organisation, firm, company or product by creating a brand in the consumer’s mind is what we probably call branding.

The marketing activity of creatively shaping a consumer’s mind with strategy and a well-crafted model of grabbing any consumer’s attention for selling products is the prime aim of branding.

A unique selling practice and communication skill that sets the product or service different from others is one method of top branding services. Various techniques are involved in it like – logos, jingles, taglines, mascots.

The steps of branding include a marketing team that helps in building the company’s brand. To determine the target consumer, there are various strategies involved in branding, such as

  1. Choose a catchy slogan, a logo or a jargon
  2. Try to determine your targeted consumer
  3. Try to figure out your product by positioning your business
  4. Be an excellent communicator so that you can convince your targeted consumer in buying the product
  5. Be confident and fluent in your approach

The various branding includes:

  1. Retail branding
  2. Online/offline branding
  3. Business/Product branding
  4. Service branding
  5. Personal branding
  6. Geographic and cultural branding
  7. Corporate branding
  8. Product branding

Branding comprises various features such as


A targeted audience helps in planning branding. Business managers must recognise the type of consumers who are ready to buy their products and services. However, research should be performed based on gender, age, income, preferences of the customers, their lifestyle is also included.


The number of consumers who are already aware of a particular brand. This is known as brand awareness. The companies that are highly reputed and prestigious have their own set of consumers as the company is well-established and has the advantage of the high status of brand awareness.

There are various mediums through which brand awareness can take place like – TV, radio, social media which includes Twitter, Facebook, WhatsApp. Other mediators are newspaper and marketing, which play a pivotal role in the promotion and publicity of the product. The former one is more efficient and less time-consuming.


The highest achievement or apex of any company is its loyalty. A consumer who extensively buys his products from a particular company with no grievances or misconduct is what we call brand loyalty. According to the preference of each consumer, the brand works because he/she has faith in their services.

For instance, products such as Amul, Colgate or LUX have a separate group of customers as they use these brands and they immensely derive benefit and satisfaction from these products. Certainly, many brands ask for reviews or feedback from their customers which helps them in improving their products and hence, makes them more efficient.


A brand demands consistency. To keep flourishing, a brand needs consistency and focus. Small businesses who make many promises in advertisements and commercials about the goodwill of their brands should live up to their promises and enhance their product by making them effective.

Branding is one of the significant parts of a successful business. It’s the way you present yourself and the impression you present in front of your customer which counts. However, one should keep in mind that his/her brand defines the tastes and opinions of the seller and it’s a direct reflection of what a consumer should expect from you.

There are various benefits of branding. Some of them are given below :

  • In a saturated market, it is branding which helps a small business or creative entrepreneurs.
  • A good brand has a very clear cut purpose which helps one to stand above the crowd in the competition
  • The first impression is and always will be the ice-breaker.
  • If you appear as a professional or an expert in the field. There are more chances of success in what one is trying to convey.
  • Branding means consistency. One should be consistent, and one has to decide quickly to show to customers his experiences.
  • Branding can boost your morale and confidence level. If people see you are confident in your disposition, then people will trust you and your job.
  • Towards moving ahead in life, branding gives a clear cut strategy. With a sound strategy, one can determine whether their services are in line with the brand’s mission and goals.

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9 Mobile Web Design Strategy Which Should Be Always Remembered https://www.techwebspace.com/9-mobile-web-design-strategy-which-should-be-always-remembered/ Wed, 01 Apr 2020 07:21:34 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=33575 Call them portable mini-computers or smartphones, these devices have revolutionized the digital space. Smartphones have become one of the most extensively used electronic devices around the world. No matter what we have to do, take a photo, call someone, surf the internet,...

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Call them portable mini-computers or smartphones, these devices have revolutionized the digital space. Smartphones have become one of the most extensively used electronic devices around the world. No matter what we have to do, take a photo, call someone, surf the internet, etc, everything is done through our smartphone. 

However, this increase in mobile using the audience has filled the top website designing companies across the globe with requests to develop websites keeping in mind that it can be accessed from a mobile.  The mobile and the desktop website are no more the same things. You have to pay attention to the area that’s driving the bulk of traffic. If you are one of those web designers or developers then you know what I am talking about. Taking that discussion a bit deeper here we list the 9 mobile web design strategies which should be always remembered by someone who calls himself/herself a web designer/developer. Read them out

Define Your Needs

In any business, every decision is made based on solid stats, and each of these decisions has a purposeful meaning behind it. So if you are deciding to make a mobile website for your business, then you need to have a specific reason and purpose for it. And Clearly defining your needs is the first step towards a well-planned web design strategy. Well for most of the businesses the requirement for a web design comes due to some common reason including – 

  • A new website in need of cross-platform development, hence requiring a mobile website design. 
  • Redesigning an existing website, meanwhile including a new mobile compatible design. 
  • It’s just an update for a desktop website without any major changes. 

Each one of these reasons has different needs and requirements. But identifying your business requirement in such a way will help you formulate an effective web design strategy saving you a lot of time and effort in the future. 

Plan Your Design First

Well before you get started with your website development it always recommended getting your website design ready first. In case you are planning on doing both tasks spontaneously then it can go horribly wrong as you have no idea where you are going. So try to keep it professional and follow the standard development process, by creating a wireframe first and then a design for the website before you actually start coding it. This will just make things easier for you and help you create exactly what you want. 

However, creating the web design is not that easy and even for a simple design, you would at least have to create 4 to 5 prototypes for it. Also, you will have to test these web designs for various devices screen size to make sure that your design is responsive towards different devices. 

Look At the Statistics 

Numbers can really create magic by assigning each behavior with points and help you understand what is actually happening with your business. Well if you already have a desktop website it will be really useful to check out the stats that provide you with information related to your user’s activity on your website. This will help you in creating your website design and also in deciding, how to give priority to different pages including on your website. Keep in mind that the mobile screen is a lot smaller than the desktop screen, and so all the elements and components of the website may not work in your mobile version of the website. So it is important that you utilize these stats to determine the best course of action. 

Keep It Simple 

It has become a golden rule among the development community to always keep a mobile website design as simple as possible. This helps them keep the website clean and a lot more effective especially when converting desktop websites.  It is not on a whim as there are many reasons for this such as a simple website tends to be faster than a more complex website as it helps in keeping the file size to the minimum. Also, this makes your website loading time a lot faster, and it is really important that your website loads faster than most of the relevant websites on the web. This can directly impact your website’s search engine optimization in a positive way. 

Apart from this, a complex website is not easy to use on a smartphone, so an effective usability design is the one with a more simplified approach towards layout, navigation, and design. You have a small space with a mobile screen and hence you need to choose your component placement carefully. However, simple web design does not mean coming with an unattractive website. You can still create a beautiful website design with amazing features and functionality of smartphones. 

Single Column Layout 

When it comes to the layout you have more options than you have for chocolates probably. For instance, some of the best-known layouts for mobile web design are – 

  • Single column,
  • A grid of cards.
  • Magazine. 
  • Split-screen.
  • Fixed sidebar. 
  • Featured image.
  • Asymmetrical layout.
  • Boxes, etc. 

However, it is always recommended to go with the single-column layout especially when you are working on a professional website for a business. Not only does this provide your website with an amazing layout, but it also helps you out with space management. Apart from this single-column layout is a lot simpler to customize when it comes to scaling device resolution and changing between landscape and portrait mode. This layout makes this task a lot simpler than it would be with other layouts. 

Also if you are using a multi-column layout for your desktop website then you can easily convert it to a single column layout.  


The navigation needs to be extremely simple and intuitive and you need to carefully plan your navigation system when planning your website design. Make sure to choose a standards navigation system, so that your users can easily follow along. 

Website Buttons

Sometimes it gets difficult to click website buttons on the smaller screen. However, this issue can be resolved with automatic zoom in and out feature. 


You need to save time as developing a website from scratch is really difficult and can take months. However, if you utilize a web framework, then the same work can be done in a few days. So make sure to introduce a framework to your workflow. There are many frameworks available and you choose the one you are comfortable with, for instance, Django, Bootstrap, etc. 


Feedback forms are really important to know about your website from your user’s perspective. This can really help you improve your website as your users can point out different issues with your website. 

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The 9 Most Impressive Trends in Website Design for 2020 https://www.techwebspace.com/the-9-most-impressive-trends-in-website-design-for-2020/ Fri, 31 Jan 2020 12:44:56 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=32008 Design trends posts are like art directors– almost leading your hands on the mouse. This year, we’re doing patterns differently, by concentrating on what really matters. From access to the fact, no-code to function, these are the website design patterns to focus...

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Design trends posts are like art directors– almost leading your hands on the mouse. This year, we’re doing patterns differently, by concentrating on what really matters. From access to the fact, no-code to function, these are the website design patterns to focus on if your interpretation of beauty consists of capability, access, and mental safety and security.

Product creators follow design trends for a factor– including more recent design trends into a product’s design can make the product look fresh and desirable to the target audience, as well as this develops a considerable competitive advantage of top website design services.

However the trouble with layout trends is that they reoccur, and also it can be difficult to understand which fad to comply with.

Impressive website design trends for 2020

Abstract illustrations

Authentic illustrations belong to an item or brand name DNA. Competitors can replicate your color design or typography, however not your image style. While illustrations have been pervasive on sites for a long time, there’s a developing trend of having uniquely, detailed, and professional delineations elegance sites recently, and I’m certain this is a trend that is simply beginning. Sites, for example, DottedSign and Fixate are incredible instances of this developing trend. The two sites are utilized very well-considered and detailed illustrations, not just in the st segment of their web page yet all through the whole site to integrate everything. Here simply a few honorable mentions:

  • Shopify
  • Mailchimp
  • Google

But lately, it has become apparent that illustrations don’t have the exact same eye-catching power that they did in the past. With a lot of picture designs around, it ends up being hard for the users to match a specific style to a certain firm.

Geometric shapes

Geometric shapes are fundamental yet ground-breaking ownership that licenses architects to grow additionally engaging tasteful structures. For the most part, geometric shapes are utilized to deliver stylish divider boards between sections. However, in 2019, designers began to locate more interesting methods to use geometric things. Several item teams utilize geometric forms to share details feel. If you’re taking into consideration adding geometric forms in your style and trying to find inspiration, you can locate excellent forms in nature.

Emotional design

Design is interaction. When we consider interaction, we normally think about providing and also obtaining information. However today, the emphasis has changed in the direction of great use as well as the ideal emotional influence. Companies are promptly moving from neutral design in the direction of a design that has an emotional influence. Designers have a lot of tools in their tool kit that enables them to create more psychological interactions.

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Bold fonts

If you see the sites of industry pioneers, you could see that the heading, not pictures, is the principal thing that stands out enough to be noticed. Hero headings aren’t a new pattern in any way. However, the fascinating thing is the method those headings are made.

Have you discovered that a number of those headings are designed with large strong fonts? Substantial textual fonts put much increasingly stylish load to the message and guide the watchers to where they should look at first. From an aesthetic point of view, vibrant typefaces likewise provide layouts a modern-day and modern feel.

With the arrival of Apple iPhone 13, in number headings become a significant piece of iOS applications. If we inspect this format choice as far as to use, it will be certain that overwhelming typefaces are astounding for making correlation just as the stylish force structure of segments. That’s why bold font styles are so prominent among mobile designers.

Data visualization

People are visual animals. For many individuals, it’s simpler to understand the details when it’s supplied visually, rather than in text. Information visualization is rapidly coming to be an essential tool for producing visually appealing tales. The stories can dumbfound your crowd and cause them to mean to get familiar with your brand.

Faux-3D and 3D design

With the surge of device handling power, we have 3D things emerging on normal internet sites both on desktop as well as mobile variations. By introducing 3D things and also pseudo-3D items in internet experience, you add a realistic look to communications.

Overwhelming grids meet cards

Most sites are planned on an undetectable network framework that helps keep things on the page sorted out and in-line. In 2020, be that as it may, I envision seeing these networks getting all the more outwardly prevailing and utilized as the essential structure tasteful, unmistakably roused by the well known “card” plan pattern.

Edges for Future’s site is an extraordinary case of utilizing the framework as a plan tasteful instead of only a structure device. Their site’s substance is sorted out in huge square shapes adjusted in network design. The greater part of Evergib’s site (beneath) is likewise spread out in a network, with various measured “cells” to give it measurement, visual intrigue, and to switch up the rhythm.

Vintage-inspired typography and colors

In my article from a year ago, I addressed bringing back sentimentality in the plan as a return to past timeframes. This is frequently affected by other media types of the time, for example, TV and magazines, particularly if a return to a pre-web period. In 2020, I envision this pattern to take on an alternate structure. Rather than betting everything on a retro or return the look, I see sites taking nostalgic odds and ends, and remixing them with the current style.

One of the most widely recognized bits of structure motivation that is being utilized in sites today is utilizing vintage hues and additionally typography as an approach to pass on this sentiment of sentimentality. Chrissy Teigen’s new site is an incredible case of utilizing a vintage-impacted text style with a vintage-motivated shading plan (hearty, however splendid).

Massive font sizes

Truly, another typography-based pattern, however how might you disregard the ever-expanding text dimensions on the web? A pattern going into 2020 is overwhelming typography that can be perused from over the room. Redscout and The New York Times Food Festival (both included prior right now) incredible instances of this pattern. Banana takes the text dimension of their name to huge statures, taking up about a portion of the viewport of their landing page. HalloBasis includes enormous typography that fills the viewport as a style of the route to assist guests with going to various pieces of their site.


A portion of the trends you read right now be well-known to you, and some may be totally new. In any case, don’t hurry to execute every one of those patterns in your products. Regardless of how noteworthy the patterns appear to be, it’s essential to recollect that the crucial the originator ought to consistently remain the equivalent: assist clients with accomplishing their objectives by making increasingly usable items. That is the reason fashion ought to never best convenience. It’s crucial to assess each trend and actualize just solutions that make a superior client experience for your clients.

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How to Present Your Graphic Design Portfolio? https://www.techwebspace.com/how-to-present-your-graphic-design-portfolio/ Fri, 03 Jan 2020 06:40:25 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=31050 Regardless of whether you’re a full-time graphic designer or essentially somebody who’s keen on dabbling with design as a side project in her free time, it’s basic you make a smooth graphic design portfolio to exhibit your work to potential customers. A...

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Regardless of whether you’re a full-time graphic designer or essentially somebody who’s keen on dabbling with design as a side project in her free time, it’s basic you make a smooth graphic design portfolio to exhibit your work to potential customers. A graphic design portfolio is the main component a customer needs to see while picking a graphic designer which implies a portfolio is crucial for demonstrating your skill as a best Singapore graphic designer. Furthermore, a graphic case studies contextual analyses you want to incorporate from past employers.

What is a portfolio?

A versatile confirmation of your design education and a record of your work. A presentation of activities, talent, thinking and solutions for visual communication issues. The physical type of portfolio is totally up to you. It should not be excessively valuable or complicated. Nor should it require delivery by cargo lift. It is not a self-centered reflection of your personality instead of a communication tool.

A winning graphic design portfolio site features your work, tells your story, rouses certainty and opportunities for collaborations and interactions. Given its effect, making your online graphic design portfolio site is the most significant design practice you will embrace in your graphic design profession.

Tips to present your graphic design portfolio

Have a Clear Purpose

Start with settling on the purpose behind your portfolio. If you are searching for a job, center around the work you need to accomplish a greater amount of and feature comparative projects forthright. Clean your resume and unmistakably layout your ranges of skills and solid points with the goal that businesses can pass judgment on whether you are a solid match for their requirements.

If you are a consultant looking for customers, showcase your efficient case studies and accentuate how you have helped customers make progress. Counting a couple of customer testimonials is likewise valuable.

If your online graphic design portfolio is essential to create your brand, you have much more opportunity to feature experiments and individual work that you have done alongside business work.

Feature your flexibility

While picking your most grounded projects, you additionally need to ensure that you are displaying the full breadth of your work. This can be a tight-rope walk and if it comes to picking a project dependent on quality versus a range of work, pick quality. Remember that you are on a par with the most minimal quality work you put out, so ensures that your curate just your best works.

Pick the correct platform for your online graphic design portfolio

There are a lot of web designers now which make it sufficiently straightforward to make and deal with your very own graphic design portfolio site. WordPress is the most conspicuous of these, however, if you don’t have programming skills or would prefer not put your time/money in making a custom-built site, it bodes well to pick one of the hosted web designers.

Indeed, even inside the facilitated web designers, there are platforms that empower creating any business to make any sort of site and not-simply designers. Picking a platform that spotlights on building online portfolio sites would give you significantly more alternatives as far as displaying pictures, gallery layout themes, videos and so forth that are appropriate for online portfolios.

Keep it straightforward

The best visual designer portfolios are tied in with displaying work in a simple and instinctive interface. Pursue best practices and pick a perfect, insignificant design that features your graphic design works as the focal point of the review understanding. One of the serious mistakes that numerous originators make is to “over-do” the design of their portfolio.

Your portfolio web design ought not to overshadow or remove the consideration from your graphic design portfolio. Or maybe, it should fill in as scenery that features your work and makes it simple for visitors to investigate your online portfolio.

Curate your work

At its center, making an extraordinary graphic design portfolio is tied in with showing your best work and keeping it straightforward. Put your best designs forthright. Ensure that your portfolio doesn’t surpass 20 activities (even better, a super-sharp choice of 10 projects). When your last determination is prepared, audit it to ensure that it is strong and represents you well.

Organize your work

Grouping your work such that tells a story and builds a solid case for you. Your portfolio site should preferably display all your works outwardly in a sequence designed to have an effect. In any case, it is additionally critical to organize your work by classification, sort of media, industry or sequentially. Use labels to filter projects and make it simple for customers to locate the significant work models that they are searching for.

There are numerous approaches to move toward this – for instance, you could utilize Clients as your base and set up together all the work that you have accomplished for a customer as one anticipates that features it as a full case study. The manner in which you pick, ensure that the final product is receptive and essential and not confounding.

Create your brand 

As a best Singapore graphic designer, you would be dealing with making, improving and developing the brand value of your customers through different innovative mediums and projects. What preferable approach to demonstrate it over to make your very own brand to exhibit your graphic design portfolio.

Making your own logo is the initial step to setting up your own brand. Finish this a reliable visual language for your portfolio site, continue and even your business card.

Show results and case studies

Customers and employers are in every case increasingly keen on real-world outcomes. Exhibit how your plans converted into this present reality by including activity photos of your design in action the brand plan rollout on different insurances, a printed pamphlet, a fix of the retail storefront. Ensure you photo your finished work being utilized in reality – that is the best sort of design portfolio you can make.

Infuse it with your personality

A page entitled “About Me” page should be added in order to tell your story. This is the place you talk about yourself, your motivations and interests and how you began in your field. Your “About Me” page should give a thought of the sort of individual you are to work with. Given the decision to pick between two individuals with similar skills and experience, customers normally contract the individual that they “like” better. Settle on sure that you win that decision.

Include a downloadable resume

Make an appropriate resume page that details your education, projects, experience, and customers you have worked with. Make it sequential with the most recent occasions going ahead top. Your resume is about your work and qualifications – be honest however pick the correct details, don’t pack it with unimportant or avoidable data. Add a connect to your downloadable resume too if you are looking for a new position.

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How to create Incredible Graphic Design Pieces That Results In Success https://www.techwebspace.com/how-to-create-incredible-graphic-design-pieces-that-results-in-success/ Mon, 21 Oct 2019 04:36:35 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=28717 Nowadays designers can easily offer their work on the web with just some clicks. While, back before the internet, designers needed to assemble printed, physical portfolios and get an interview so somebody would take a look at their work. Presently, everybody associated...

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Nowadays designers can easily offer their work on the web with just some clicks. While, back before the internet, designers needed to assemble printed, physical portfolios and get an interview so somebody would take a look at their work. Presently, everybody associated with a device can see your work. The capacity to come up with a unique, important, valuable, worthy thought be it an advertisement, an application, a video, an experience or a digital platform that takes care of an issue.”

Indeed, even with all the astounding free tools accessible for graphic designers in Mumbai nowadays, novices, for the most part, don’t have the essential expertise important to make reliably polished-looking designs. To enable you to out, we’ve assembled a list of essential graphic design components. It is anything but a graphic design degree using, by all means, however having a fundamental comprehension of these essential components can help your content creation aptitudes and improve your capability to impart your design preferences if you ever choose to hire a top graphic designer.

Ways to create incredible graphic design pieces

Incorporate the good stuff

When thinking about what to incorporate into your graphic design portfolio, there’s a simple answer: just your best work. At the point when you’re creating a portfolio you have to guarantee that every model shines and serves to market a wide assortment of abilities and skills. This implies in case you’re right off the bat in your profession your portfolio may be straightforward, a single page of extremely strong projects that do right by you. Try not to make a visitor flip through many designs to discover the great stuff.

Skip the questionable work

As far as what you should forget about: any projects where you were discontent with the last product. Each graphic designer will lose an infrequent fight with a customer so as to keep them upbeat and fit their vision. This is nothing to lose rest over. While with regards to your portfolio there’s space for your best work. You may be enticed to connect a narrative explaining that you didn’t love the shade of hot pink the customer mentioned or the text style you couldn’t work them out of—don’t do this. Give the work a chance to remain alone. Clarifying ceaselessly customer requests will just make you look unpleasant and pretty and might turn off a customer.

Think of your format

Put some examination into the site you plan to use to have your portfolio. Maybe your best decision will be a platform that enables you to make a profile and transfer your samples. Whatever alternative you pick, be certain the page can suit a profoundly visual site as well as that it displays your work in a manner that is stylishly satisfying. A display style page with numerous small entries could function admirably for logo designs, however in case you’re a photographer your photographs should be the full screen to be effective. Numerous portfolio sites offer extensions and templates with lightbox galleries made particularly for photographers. If you work in a scope of formats or styles, break it into edible mini portfolios that are anything but difficult to browse and navigate.

Try to tell a story

Think about your portfolio as recounting a story. It should give a story arc segment a start, center, and end, with your strongest work filling in as bookends toward the beginning and conclusion. If you front-load the great stuff a customer may be left with a poor impression if the work decreases or debilitates as they navigate. Then again, save your best work for last could mean busy to hire the manager or Art Director doesn’t discover the examples you truly need them to see. Explanations and captions should be short and to the point. Give your work a chance to justify itself with real evidence—customers can contact you to ask the questions if they have them. Any composition on your portfolio should be both confident and sincere.

Go socially

It’s imperative to recollect your portfolio is just a single piece of your online presence as a graphic designer. Make sure to incorporate your social media handles. Social media can be an extraordinary method to create your brand and bring the essential human component that may persuade a customer to hire you. Develop social media streams that associate and collaborate with your portfolio—possibly retweet a web poster you intended for an occasion or utilize your Instagram feed to show works-in-progress, destroyed drafts and even errors. Applications like Hyperlapse or other time-slip by programs demonstrate your work process on an enormous project in a consolidated and engaging organization. Connection to your portfolio to demonstrate the last product.

Be thoughtful about the thing you incorporate

Try not to include all that you’ve at any point made. Put aside time to experience the majority of your pieces, prohibit anything you’re not glad for or don’t believe it is your best work. Think about your portfolio as your most prominent hits – something that reflects the work you’ve done, yet the stuff you’d like to do later on. Likewise, demonstrate the best of what you have, you don’t have to indicate everything. Individuals have limited capacity to focus, particularly on the web, so demonstrate your best first – don’t make them burrow through huge amounts of projects to discover it.

Just remember it is alive

A portfolio is certifiably not a stale thing. In fact, it resembles a living element that advances as you do. Perhaps the best feeling in the world is fixing your portfolio, evacuating the waste and filler and including increasingly important, updated content. Update it frequently as your skills improve and your center changes.

As you acquire experience, update your portfolio to reflect the sort of work you need to accomplish a greater amount of. If you really love designing landing pages and would appreciate designing them consistently, make those the foundation of your portfolio, charging yourself as the master an art director or employing manager can’t leave behind for their next job.

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7 Best And Effective Strategies To Build Your Brand For Long Term Success https://www.techwebspace.com/7-best-and-effective-strategies-to-build-your-brand-for-long-term-success/ Mon, 16 Sep 2019 03:25:29 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=27410 Your brand is maybe your professional services association’s most significant resource. If this is true, at that point, building up a more grounded brand is your most important task. Are you not persuaded? Think about what a professional services brand is. Your...

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Your brand is maybe your professional services association’s most significant resource. If this is true, at that point, building up a more grounded brand is your most important task. Are you not persuaded? Think about what a professional services brand is.

Your Brand Defined

A professional services brand is best comprehended as your association’s notoriety, and it’s permeability in the marketplace. The quality of your brand can be estimated as Reputation AND Visibility.

There is another essential element of your brand too: that it is so applicable to your target customer audience.

Brand Development Defined

Brand development is the way toward making and strengthening your professional services brand. As we help firms build up their brands, we partition the procedure into three stages.

The main stage was getting your brand strategy right and lined up with your business goals.

Second is building up every one of the tools you should communicate the brand, for example, your logo, slogan, and website.

At long last, there is a period of strengthening your recently created or refreshed brand.

Your brand development strategy is how you approach accomplishing these tasks. As a best branding agency to make the task simpler, we’ve broken the brand development strategy into seven stages.

1. Competitiveness

For a brand to succeed, it should be as aggressive as could be allowed. This incorporates having a whole team working behind a brand, from the most basic administrative partners to those in a higher power position. There is no utilization in kicking back and seeking after the best; a successful brand goes well beyond consumer desires to stay on the cutting edge of its industry.

2. Distinctiveness

To have a paramount brand character, you should be unmistakable. A portion of the world’s most mainstream brands, for example, Apple, Starbucks, and Domino’s Pizza have accomplished this. For example, Apple is generally known for its minimalist approach to plan and innovation just as its innovative products. Starbucks is known for its superb products and ventures that are reliable over each store worldwide. Giving your clients a specific motivation to utilize your services will without uncertainty, keep them coming back to your brand, on numerous occasions.

3. Passion

Even though it’s conceivable to manufacture a brand on a momentary premise without passion, keeping up the achievement of that brand over the long term is unbelievably difficult without love. A portion of the world’s most successful individuals, for example, Steve Jobs, Roger Federer, and Oprah Winfrey did not or have not succeeded without passion.

Passion is the power that drives us even through the most challenging of minutes, pushing us to work more earnestly than every other person to ceaselessly convey significance. If you have a real passion for your brand, that passion will rub off on your clients who will feel similarly as eager and excited about your products or services as you seem to be.

4. Consistency

With the majority of the above being stated, it is as yet essential to be predictable in all that you do as a brand. Consistency is the blood that goes through your brand, differentiating it from the challenge and enabling it to stay in the recollections of your consumers for longer. It likewise carries recognition to your brand, which consequently prompts faithfulness. Given you reliably convey top-notch merchandise and enterprises, you can anticipate that your clients should return to your business in the future.

5. Administration

The world’s most prominent brands are bolstered by compelling pioneers who persistently try for enormity. Regardless of whether that includes a sports team, a vast partnership, or an independent venture, the most successful of these will have an influential pioneer backing them. When you consider Apple, you quickly consider Steve Jobs, who was an exceptional pioneer who shown every one of us numerous significant exercises quality and authority.

As a business proprietor, you have to live and inhale your brand to rouse both your workforce and your customers to have a similar eagerness and passion for your brand. This thus will lead everybody associated with your brand to feel profoundly subsidiary with it as your love for what you do genuinely radiates through.

6. Exposure

Another significant normal for a successful brand is exposure. Surely understood sports brand, Puma, consolidates numerous marketing channels to connect with its target audience, including video, internet-based life, and experiential marketing, to inundate its clients into the brand.

Even though you might not have a budget as immense as Puma’s, on account of the web, it has never been simpler to expand the exposure of your business. By building up a nearness via web-based networking media locales, for example, Instagram, Facebook and Twitter and connecting with clients through multiple channels, you have a superior possibility than any time in recent memory to arrive at consumers and set up your brand on a global scale.

7. Audience knowledge

To wrap things up, you can’t accomplish any of the above without having a careful knowledge of your target audience. Without having a stretch do this by performing a top to bottom research about the socioeconomics of your target audience.

This improves the nature of your substance as well as causes you to communicate with your audience in a manner that straightforwardly requests to them, which thusly urges you to make a solid, human association between your business and your target audience.


“Roam was not built in a day” you must have heard this phrase and same goes with the brand creation having a great strategy will give you best branding for a long time. Above point which I discussed are the basis strategy that you never forgot while making strategies for your brand for long term success.

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10 Tips To Increase Your Brand Value https://www.techwebspace.com/10-tips-to-increase-your-brand-value/ Mon, 12 Aug 2019 05:07:52 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=25969 Everybody needs to make a buzz in the market with the launch of their products or services. Individuals spend loads of cash in making their brand image.At the time when a brand gets famous, brand value get higher. However, people who want...

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Everybody needs to make a buzz in the market with the launch of their products or services. Individuals spend loads of cash in making their brand image.At the time when a brand gets famous, brand value get higher. However, people who want to increase the value of their then they must go for best brand strategy consulting. This is because higher the brand esteem, the higher will be the overall revenue.

In a few organizations become so fruitful in launching their products or services, that the objective customers get keen on evaluating the products or services having a surge feeling. The business graph appears to be especially impressive. But with time, because of some obscure reasons, the business graph begins to fall. Sometimes, the outcome turns out to be appalling to such an extent that at one point, it is by all accounts almost outlandish for the organization to make a return.

Making a buzz with a brand and increasing the value of a brand is very different. If you need to expand an incentive to your brand, sit peacefully and explore about the economic situations and winning procedures.

Here are a few tips that will assist you with increasing your brand image esteem:

1. Comprehend Your Customers:- 

Ponder the idea of your product, your target customers, their preferring and hating and furthermore their enthusiastic qualities or shortcomings. Add a bonus to your product that might be missed by others.

For instance, you make antiperspirants for men. Presently you can include a masculine aroma. The extra thing you can add is a flavor to the scent that can induce ladies’ olfactory sensation. This will make your marketing projection impressive.

2. Design a Smart Logo:- 

Look for a savvy logo:

Your logo must be talked about your brand and simple to recognize. Your logo must have something particular and infectious that force the people to remember it.

Your logo should be designed so that individuals can comprehend the capacity of your organization at a single glance. It’s prudent to utilize an adaptable design for your logo. The logo will be used from multiple points of view, on a wide range of stages. Accordingly, it is crucial that the logo you pick can be scaled all over, screen-printed, weaved on items.

3. Utilize the Power of Video Marketing:- 

Video advertising has its own value, conveying expanded product deals and Brand Favorability.

At this time, you can’t look out the capability of video advertising. It can give you the genuinely necessary edge in marking.

You have to search for the accompanying characteristics in the video you intend to complete for your image:

Ensure the content of the video has good idea and goes impeccable with your image. An incredible looking video can be utilized getting it done just when the content is connecting with and essential.

Show it to the group of spectators in a way they want to see instead of pushing promotional lines just through the video.

Keeping it short and direct, as the group of spectators will watch only if it is 1-2 minutes video.

Attempt to utilize the video on any stage you may consider. Widespread the video will ensure your image is achieving the most significant quantities of eyes.

4. Get a Website:- 

This is a cutting edge of technology, you need a site where you can give all the fundamental information about your products and services.

The intrigued customers will look through you on the web. If they can’t discover your brand, it’ll unavoidably make an off-base impression.

While building your site, you should be exceptionally cautious about the accompanying focuses:

Ensure that it is optimized and can be opened on any device.

Make the design of your page, especially alluring with the goal that it can make a visual intrigue.

You likewise need to give fantastic content that can hold the consideration of the page watchers.

 There must be the use of a brand video on your landing page of the site.

Keep up a blog segment where you can post content concerning the most recent patterns or the predominant economic situations.

The subjects you choose to post in your blog section must be alluring to generate good traffic for your website.

5. Go for Promotional Offers:- 

Give some promotional offers to your customers. Given them a chance to have a sample of your products and services with the goal that you can get an opportunity to get the customers for the long run.

You can give some free examples of your products or convey some free interview services to customers. Along these lines, individuals offer regard for your image. If they get intrigued by the free examples or services, they will choose to proceed with you.

6. Keep up Quality and Build up Trust:- 

Quality is a definitive thing to get by in the market for the long run. Today, individuals don’t waver to burn through cash for getting a quality product. Along these lines, quality is consistently a significant ordeal.

Give precisely what you have guaranteed to give in your ads. There should be no variety among words and practice. Keep in mind, if your notoriety gets a break, it will be tough to retouch it.

7. Keep Suitable Pricing:- 

Estimating additionally helps increment the brand esteem. If the estimating alongside the nature of your product or services according to the group of the section you are targeting will help you to get a significant climb. The estimating of your product exclusively relies upon the kind of your product, the nature of your target customers, and your business style.

8. Estimating can be picked dependent on two fundamental approaches: 

You can keep up exceptionally high caliber and furthermore charge high cost. Some of the time, it is a kind of individuals’ idea to go with expensive products because general recognition says, “high value implies high caliber.” For this situation, no trade-off with the product’s quality should be engaged.

You can serve a standard quality product, as accessible in the market, with some other included characteristics with a genuinely sensible and aggressive cost to take into account the requirements of the spending customers.

9. Tune in to the Customers:- 

If your customers make you think about any of your issues, you need not be stressed by any means. This is a decent sign that they need to proceed with your brand if you alter your mistakes. And also you have to offer significance to your customers’ requests and grumblings. You have to make a degree with the goal that your customers can send their criticism to you.

You have to do the accompanying things:

Give an email account where the customers can send their query.

You can give a space to compose surveys on your site.

You can set up customer care to discuss query of your customers.

10. Get a Suitable Local Partner:- 

Engage in some social exercises with a local partner. Your philanthropy to social exercises will give your image an additional preferred position in the focused market. You can put your brand name on treats, pens, note pads, journals, and so on and distribute them to people in general.

People, in the majority of the cases, like to purchase the products and services of an organization which is associated with social exercises. They know it great if they are buying the products and services of the organization they are in a roundabout way contributing to group exercises.

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Top 4 Website Design Mistakes and How to Tackle Them https://www.techwebspace.com/top-4-website-design-mistakes-and-how-to-tackle-them/ Wed, 02 Jan 2019 06:26:32 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=17730 The technology-driven world has bought almost everything online. From the purchase of goods to a request for services, the digitization wave has captured each and every sphere of our day to day life. The commercial and economic domain is seen transformed by...

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The technology-driven world has bought almost everything online. From the purchase of goods to a request for services, the digitization wave has captured each and every sphere of our day to day life.
The commercial and economic domain is seen transformed by the e-commerce phenomenon whereas the connectivity arena has seen the advent of social media platforms.

All and all we can say that online domain has become the new sphere of action related to our day to day activities. What makes such transactions online easy, smooth and effective? If you are still guessing then just hold on for a second and see where you are reading this, of course on our Website design services.

Websites and apps have been the go-to platforms when it comes to driving the actions online. Whether you are offering goods, extending services or shouting out loud for your promotion you need to have a website (and app later on).

Website design services are one of the most demanded services in the online domains and the reasons are quite obvious.  A website reflects not only what you want to convey through it but many more things.

Yes, the content, style, design, uploading speed and other related aspects of your websites are all that create an impression about your services in the mind of the users. Getting quality website design services is not (as a number of firms are offering website design services these days) and easy job.

You need to make sure that those common website design mistakes are kept out of the frame when you hire a website developer for extending you need based website design services.

Wondering what are those common website design mistakes. Don’t worry we would let you know those four common website design mistakes and that’s not all we would also provide you with solutions in regards to tackling those mistakes effectively.

So, make yourself relaxed and continue reading to get a note of those common website design mistakes.

Let’s get started:

#1 Use colors properly

Proper choice of colors for various elements and the overall theme of your website is crucial. It sounds like an easy or ‘to be taken lightly’ thing but actually its note. The use of colors has to be in sync with the purpose of your website.

Say for example a women’s clothing related website would look better if it has a pinkish color theme or elements, in pink color. This would not only attract the target audience but would bring the elements of feminism and youthfulness that are required to drive the user towards your products.

So, to tackle this website design related common mistake understand the color-effect relation properly and choose the color as per the content & intent (and of course the target audience) of your website.

#2 Loading speed

Gone are the days when users could wait a minute or two for websites to upload. Generally, users don’t like to browse a website that takes more than ten seconds to upload. Yes, not more than 10 seconds. So, you have just got 10 seconds to make or break your impression in the mind of users. Well, in this era of high-speed connectivity we can’t expect the users to wait for too long.

To tackle this website design mistake incorporate below-mentioned inputs in the

design and development phase:

  • Compress the images (without affecting quality)
    •    Use HTML 5 for media support
    •    Effectively optimize the website code
    •    Avoid unnecessary extensions
    •    HTTP requests should be minimum

These small things would be quite effective in terms of quick uploading of your website across various devices.

#3 Too much focus on design

Focusing on designing or we can say the arrangement of various elements on the webpage’s of your website is necessary. However, too much attention on design and less on usability and affectivity part is a common mistake that creeps in at the time of website design and development.

To get hold of this common error try and focus more on the navigability and the user experience part and arrange the elements on the website accordingly. It’s quite obvious that users love smoothly navigable and scalable websites rather than beautifully arranged and poor on usage front websites. So, the mantra is clear to pay more heed to the usability side.

#4 The positioning of the Call to action button

Call to action buttons (CTA’s) are those elements of your website that drive the desired actions from the user. CTA buttons on your website can be any of those signups, add to wishlist, buy now etc that derive the actions for which you were targeting the user.

A quite common mistake in website design is seen in face of poor response to these CTA’s as a result of poor positioning or covering of these CTA’s by an excess of content around them. All these lead to poor response at the revenue generation front.

To tackle these mistakes make sure that there is no excess of content near or CTA’s and the CTA is the sole attention grabber. Also, make sure that your CTA’s are place appropriately on your website so, that visitors get a sight of them in seconds of visiting your webpage.

So, we hope that now since you have got hold of these common website design mistakes and their hacks you would apply them in action.

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7 Star Logos That Proudly Boast Excellent Use Of Symbols https://www.techwebspace.com/7-star-logos-that-proudly-boast-excellent-use-of-symbols/ Mon, 05 Nov 2018 06:07:50 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=15628 Companies nowadays can adopt any measure to grab the attention of the consumers and to increase their profitability and sales. As a result, they have started focusing to create newer, more memorable and fascinating logos. No company can spend a large amount...

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Companies nowadays can adopt any measure to grab the attention of the consumers and to increase their profitability and sales. As a result, they have started focusing to create newer, more memorable and fascinating logos. No company can spend a large amount of time to convince potential customers that their products are great.

A logo, on the other hand, can very easily grab the attention of the viewers and can easily communicate the core values of the company in a unique way. Nowadays, consumers are judging businesses on the basis of their appearance more than concerning what they actually do.

According to the Logo design company in Bangalore, all size of businesses must spend more time and resources creating original and creative ideas. Major businesses will spend a large amount of money on Logo designer to get the logo of their own choice. The symbol logo of your company should be an impressive visual representation of what your company is into. However, consumers should know and get a sense of what you are trying to communicate. The symbol should be able to attract consumers and bring the brand properly into the eyes of your customer.

The main characteristic of symbolic logos is that they do not require anything in writing to communicate a brand message to the consumers. The symbol itself is more than enough to convey the message about what your company deals with.

Choosing the right symbol for the Logo

1)Choose the Symbols that are precise and interesting

Any business surely has a story of its own that should be kept in front of the consumers. But the question arises that can companies tell this story with the help of the symbol of their logo? If so, then keep in mind that not all symbols are going to convey your story. You have to do a lot of research about symbols that are having conventional value. And choose the one which can properly represent the story of your business. Go for a symbol that not only stands out but speaks to the consumers precisely.

2) Choosing the right perspective is important

A care to take when utilizing symbol for logo designs about their points of view. They have various points of view. A logo for various customers may have diverse implications. Your business may have customers from all over the world; therefore, your logo symbol should imply one common meaning for everyone.

3) Prevent using multiple symbols

Companies should avoid using multiple symbols in their logo design. Many symbols in a single logo can be confusing for the target audience. These kinds of the logo may also convey conflicting ideas as well.

7 Star Logos showing the excellent use of symbols


The Target logo was created in the year 1902. Target Corporation is one of the world’s largest discount retailers. The company logo design has the symbol of bulls-eye.  The symbol used clearly means right on the path, precise and glory.

2) Nike

Nike is amongst the top most popular sportswear brands. In order to encourage a culture of innovation, the company uses a swoosh symbol as its logo. This swoosh symbol precisely explains the company’s vision and motive to make every athlete feel motivated and inspired.

3) McDonald’s

McDonald’s Corporation, the world’s largest chain of fast food restaurants, has around 33,000 outlets and caters to around 70 million customers on a daily basis. The golden arches in the logo of McDonald’s symbolically give a welcoming path to the customer’s good luck. While creating a symbol based logo, companies should also make sure that the symbol they are going to use has the right colors as well. Like in the case of McDonalds’s symbol yellow color clearly defines happiness, positivity, and optimism

4) Apollo

Apollo is among the largest manufacturer of rubber tires across the world. The company exports its products to more than 100 countries on different continents including Asia, Europe, and Africa. To emanate their world class service in the field of transportation, their logo has the symbol of four wheels.

5) Windows

Everyone easily recognizes the Microsoft Windows logo as their logo truly reminds of their business nature. The symbol used in the Windows logo is that of a window, which is for transparency, openness, and connectivity. The star logo is in the shape of a flag which is a symbol of glory, beacon, happiness, and loyalty.

6) Batman

Batman is the fictional superhero character which is mostly everyone’s favorite. That is the reason why the logo has the bats features. This logo symbol features suspense, dark night, sensory and darkness, and portrays the superhero.

7) E TV

This is another great symbol based logo design. Everything Entertainment Company gives you everything related to entertainment shows, news, music, sports etc. The logo uses an exclamation mark as a symbol of excitement, suspense, and astonishment.

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Logo Design Tips from Branding Experts https://www.techwebspace.com/logo-design-tips-from-branding-experts/ Mon, 08 Oct 2018 05:33:39 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=14732 Logo design is not as easy as it is perceived often. First of all, the idea needs to be unique; additionally, there remains the challenge of attaining perfection regarding colour, font, dimension, etc. It is the concerned brand that has to decide...

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Logo design is not as easy as it is perceived often. First of all, the idea needs to be unique; additionally, there remains the challenge of attaining perfection regarding colour, font, dimension, etc. It is the concerned brand that has to decide a lot about the factors mentioned above, rather than the logo designer. To help them in this regard, given below are some of the handy tips recommended by the experts in the branding arena.

Prioritize simplicity over all else

It is a misconception that that looks the most dazzling is the most attention dragging. It is not attention dragging; it would be rather better to claim this as disturbing. Though it drags the attention, ultimately creates the impression of disturbance. Moreover, a brand logo needs to be gettable by the viewer.

One should get the clear message about what it tries to portray through this logo. And, the same can be achieved by keeping things simple; rather than exaggerating things. Not just the letters, but the images should also be pretty clear. One may take the examples of all tops brands like twitter, apple, etc. into account.

It should not be a stupid beauty

Anything can be made catchy with the smart colour combination. It can be termed as the case of an art piece on such occasion; rather than a smart business logo. A business logo should be professional; signifying or glorifying the brand’s name and symbol and with the help of any logo design company Chennai one can have a business logo. This is important as ultimately things need to be relatable and memorable. A design that doesn’t have anything to do with the business you carry or the product you make absolutely makes no sense.

Design it keeping the target audience in mind

This is perhaps the most important aspect that one should have in mind. Be it about the product, brand, or logo; everything is ultimately dedicated to the audience. If the audience doesn’t relate things or doesn’t find something as of his/her own, then all efforts go worthless.

Hence the best recommendation would be to have a design that the concerned audience base would relate well to. For example, if you are a creative house or a writing service provider, something like a pen or nib can be a good idea of the logo image. It creates the vital impression among the audience.

Have a vision

Any effort without a vision is worthless. Similar is the case about logo designing as well. Just like branding, any business would wish its logo to remain unaffected. To create things enduring appeal with the logo design company Chennai, it is important to be creatively designed having a vision in mind. The simplest recommendation in this context would be to think a design that would reflect where you would wish to see your brand after a certain period.

Don’t sit back and relax by delivering the task

Satisfaction is impossible to be achieved upon putting the task on the head of a professional designer. If you have realised that the logo matters for the business, then you should take this with equal prominence as of the business. After all, it is going to reflect your brand value. Many people think their job is done by simply finding professional logo design services.

No matter how good is a logo designing company, perfection or complete accomplishment is impossible to be achieved if the purpose is not defined well to them. Each component of the design should thoroughly reflect this purpose. And, the concerned person should remain present at that point to ensure the designs being produced is actually up to the mark.

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