Kavya Gajjar, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 10 Dec 2018 11:20:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.2.5 https://www.techwebspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/unnamed-150x144.png Kavya Gajjar, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 The Pros and Cons of Swift Programming Language https://www.techwebspace.com/the-pros-and-cons-of-swift-programming-language/ Tue, 20 Nov 2018 05:59:26 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=16205 Swift programming language is an amazing dynamic language developed by Apple for various iOS platforms. It is a multi-paradigm language which supports both object-oriented and functional programming. Swift is a protocol-oriented and functional language designed to work with a multitude of Apple’s...

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Swift programming language is an amazing dynamic language developed by Apple for various iOS platforms. It is a multi-paradigm language which supports both object-oriented and functional programming. Swift is a protocol-oriented and functional language designed to work with a multitude of Apple’s frameworks and contains a massive body of written codes.

This powerful language is actively deployed in iOS development when building desktop applications for OSX. In March 2018, this intuitive language is labeled as the 12th most popular language dominating Go, Scala and R. Use of Swift on Apple platforms is one of the Top 5 Reasons For Developing Ios Applications.

Pros of using Swift Programming Language

Swift programming language has many driving factors which has led to its 40K stars on GitHub and 187K Stack Overflow questions. Given below are its pros which have made it a dominant language in technological industry.

#1 Brief and easily scalable

Swift is a concise language with lesser coding requirements. This results in cheaper maintenance of the language and fewer resources are expended. Its Automatic Reference Counting does all the tracking work and manages the app’s memory usage giving developers time to focus on other core areas.

In addition to this, you also get a future-proof product which can be extended with new and improved features as and when required. As Apple is more likely to support Swift rather than Objective-C, hence it’s also great for long-term prospects.

#2 Compatibility with Objective-C

In the words of Jordan Morgan, Swift is a new toy for the future. But in today’s industry, Objective-C and Swift must learn to coexist peacefully. Swift is perfectly interoperable with Objective-C and hence can exist with its predecessor in one file, application or code line.

#3 Security and Improved performance

This powerful programming language put emphasis on speed and performance which came out to be 40 percent more than Objective-C. This has been proved by rigorous tests performed by developers over the years.

It’s another advantage is its security. Errors and bugs are timely fixed because of its error handling mechanism. Swift encompasses smart nil-pointer safety measures that avert errors in compiling caused by null references.

#4 Have full-stack potential and cross-device support

Swift language is compatible with all Apple devices whether it be iPhones, iPads, or Mac. It is built in such a way that it supports a multitude of Apple’s platforms. When developers and coders use Swift on their applications, it results in extensive code sharing and its reusability. This results in reduced development efforts and increased speed.

#5 Helps to manage memory automatically

Swift uses Automatic Reference Counting which prevents memory leaks and optimizes the app. Many coding vulnerabilities and crashes are taken care of. This feature eliminates the need to manually adjust memory settings while making required changes. Coders and developers guided by Swift’s conventional tools and can spend time exploring areas of improvement.

Swift Programming Language

Cons of using Swift Programming Language

This language is still young and not entirely perfect. Underneath are several reasons mentioned for that-

#1 New and young language

As Swift is in its initial stage, the language needs time to mature and work upon its shortcomings. It has a limited number of native libraries, tools, and few developers are acquainted with it.

#2 Lack of backward compatibility with older iOS versions

As newer versions come up, Swift’s older versions start facing issues and become unstable. Coders and developers often complain that even Xcode’s assistance in updating Swift code to newer versions does not fix all issues, which makes shifting the project in newer version time consuming and costly.

#3 The talent pool is limited

Swift community is still small as compared to any other open source language. Lack of people having experience in the language and its ever-increasing demand might result in a talent gap. Moreover, as per studies conducted by Stack Overflow Developer Survey, only 8.1 percent of 78000 respondents use Swift language which is a very small ratio. The limited talent pool and not much awareness about Swift is a major drawback for this programming language.

#4 Issues with speed

The difference of speed between Objective-C and Swift is hard to notice. When undergone through speed test parameters, both the Objective-C and Swift programming language fetch almost exact results. But as the language has evolved over time, results have started to improve.

Swift has undoubtedly given many valuable advantages to the iOS development and therefore has emerged as one of the top 5 reasons to develop an iOS application. This functional language is concise which makes mobile applications light-weight. Its full interoperability with Objective-C enables convenient maintenance of the language giving scope to further developments of previous projects. Despite its drawbacks, it is emerging as a popular new language and paving way for future success stories.

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4 Things You Must Know About Ecommerce Development Services https://www.techwebspace.com/4-things-you-must-know-about-ecommerce-development-services/ Mon, 29 Oct 2018 06:11:29 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=15412 Web development is complicated day by day. For the project, there are a large number of viewpoints to consider, from client experience to perform. Development of any endeavour website is an extensive scale, complex process, yet an eCommerce webpage displays its own...

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Web development is complicated day by day. For the project, there are a large number of viewpoints to consider, from client experience to perform. Development of any endeavour website is an extensive scale, complex process, yet an eCommerce webpage displays its own specific difficulties. Since users will come to the site to find out about and purchase products, developers will need to do all that they can to make this process simple and instinctive.

In any case, near the contemplations of convenience, Here are a couple of different parts of an eCommerce site that designers will need to make sure to consider amid the development process:


Nowadays using mobile is mostly used by users to open any website. And mobile also becomes the main resource of getting traffic to any website and eCommerce deals are an expansive part of this activity. According to 2017 stats, more than one-fourth of eCommerce deals will be made by means of mobile. This implies it is fantastically vital to ensure your eCommerce website is optimized for mobile and also having the e-commerce mobile app development to provide the best involvement for users regardless of what gadget they are utilizing to get to your webpage.

Actualizing Responsive Design to make a website available and usable on each gadget is vital for the achievement of an eCommerce webpage. The Episerver CMS is a particularly powerful tool for E-commerce locales, and Episerver eCommerce is designed to consequently actualize responsive design.

Different CMS platforms can use responsive design, however, they require additional arrangement. Be that as it may, whatever stage you utilize, you’ll make sure you remember mobile users for each part of the site, from fundamental route to check out and payment, since this consistently developing gathering of users can’t be overlooked.


Organizations with eCommerce locales will regularly need to expect users to make a record keeping in mind the end goal to make a purchase, since this takes into consideration follow-up communication that supports future deals, and in addition following customers’ demographic information to break down deals. In any case, it’s essential to recall that not every person needs to experience the process of making a record keeping in mind the end goal to purchase an item.

Rehash customers will need to enrol and get the advantages of having a record, for example, sparing their information for future purchases and accepting warnings about up and coming deals, yet it’s as yet a smart thought to give a choice to individuals who simply need to make a one-time arrange.

Expert tip: Since despite everything you’ll need to endeavour to urge users to make a record, you may attempt to design the purchase process to enable users to finish a visitor checkout, and upon fulfilment, enable them to make a record utilizing the information that they just entered.


Measurements demonstrate that 30% of guests to eCommerce locales utilize the search to discover the products they are searching for, so it’s essential to ensure the search usefulness is accessible and simple to utilize. Furthermore, it’s a smart thought to use features like autocomplete to enable users to discover mainstream products or things identified with their searches.

Faceted search is another vital method to enable users to discover products. This usefulness enables them to limit their search in an assortment of routes, including my office, estimate, value run, producer, and so on. Providing this usefulness gives users more capacity to discover what they require, giving them a chance to restrict their searches to precisely what they are searching for.

Genius tip: keeping in mind the end goal to ensure searches restore the best outcomes, ensure item information is completely characterized and efficient, which will take into consideration faceted search and better search results when all is said in done.


All eCommerce destinations should bolster SSL to scramble information that necessities to stay secure. This is particularly valid for charge card and payment information, yet additionally any client information like location, telephone number, email, and so on.

Customers have a desire that their own information will stay secure when they make a purchase on the web, so guaranteeing that SSL is actualized isn’t only a smart thought, yet something that is significant for guaranteeing that your customers assume that their information will stay secure. Also, security is required to meet PCI consistency for any business which acknowledges charge card payments.

Master tip: Don’t store Visa numbers in your site’s database. While it may appear to be a smart thought to keep card information on file to make purchases simpler for customers, keeping this information put away on your servers is a colossal security chance, and if your database is endangered, you will be obligated for that misfortune.


In the event that your site is moderate, you’re probably going to lose customers. Measurements demonstrate that 40% of users will relinquish a website that takes over 3 seconds to stack. This is particularly valid for mobile users, who are regularly performing various tasks as they get to websites and will probably proceed onward to something unique if a webpage is too moderate.

So as to keep from losing customers because of moderate load times Visit Here, you’ll need to ensure your site is optimized to keep running as fast as could be expected under the circumstances.

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6 Stats That Will Make You Want to Invest in Content Marketing https://www.techwebspace.com/6-stats-that-will-make-you-want-to-invest-in-content-marketing/ Thu, 11 Oct 2018 06:09:03 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=14877 The Digital Marketing World is filled with opportunities and options for you to utilize. There is no dearth of good investment available on the web. And one of the most solid investments which are showing a rather promising review is that of...

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The Digital Marketing World is filled with opportunities and options for you to utilize. There is no dearth of good investment available on the web. And one of the most solid investments which are showing a rather promising review is that of content marketing. It is a very good rising field which will definitely be promising enough for you to be able to earn good money.

After all, most marketing and advertisements are done by proper content presence all over the internet, giving the customers a chance to be attracted to the respective products and services.

However, if you feel unconvinced and confused, here are a few facts and stats which will convince you of the potential of good investment in the content marketing sector.

The following 6 stats will help you know the financial viability of the field:-

The large content based blog entries create 9x a greater number of leads than short-frame blog entries.

Short content can often time be ignored by people. But large content is often instructive and a lot of rules and technical details related to a particular project. This makes longer blog entries a more viable option and quite frequently has implied that giving more regard for top-notch content is important for converting into inevitable deals.

Just 55% of bloggers refresh old posts. The individuals who do are 74% more inclined to get better results.

Repeating the same content is not very good for your reputation or for your content. Repetitive posts get shot down and discarded faster than a tissue paper. The content needs to be new and refreshing in order to move up to the top posts, create few fields with new data, and ensure your substance is evergreen.

On the off chance that your mainstream content begins descending the positions, straightforward updating could expand your content in terms of content management.

According to Google, more up to date content will probably be significant than a post from years back, so once in a while refreshing a post can be on a par with composing another one.

76% of B2B advertisers blog and 73% distribute contextual analyses – Content Marketing Institute

Blogging is one good sure shot way of getting attention for your product and service. The various methods of advertising techniques are demonstrated via a blog.  Blogging helps to build connections (and specialization). It helps to give you a stage advance for your item/benefit and gives a vehicle to reach prospects.

Contextual analysis enables the organizations to utilize relatable business stories to move the client prospects towards the finish of the purchaser venture.

On the off chance that a purchaser is going back and forth, seeing the accomplishment of a comparable business in a similar industry can help you make the best decision.

Content Marketing Cycle

The best three content management promoting strategies are blogging (65%); online profile maintenance (64%), and other contextual investigations (64%) –

Blogging and online profiling are purportedly the two best showcasing strategies, as demonstrated in Regalix’s State of B2B Digital Marketing 2016, and for all intents and purposes it is shown in each investigation you’ll discover.

The two strategies address the diverse phases of the purchase process, and this kind of content-based blogging is incredible for the recent age, since the clients can find good content through their keywords, and the internet-based profile is the best method to construct an association with leads. This helps them in guiding the customers back to your website again and again.

45% of the major advertisers and company spokespersons say that blogging is their number one most essential substance system.

Blogging enables the advertisers to make ian nstructive and refreshing material, to gather any random survey data by means of various selections, and to help in enhancement of SEO efforts which will make the blog more effective and fruitful for the customers. It will also play a major role in helping the content get a higher priority on various search engines.

The normal blog entry is presently 1,142 words in an average and catches the most attention.

In the beginning of blogging, 500 word content materials were sufficient on the ranks for a catchphrase. Those days are a distant memory. The primary page of Google is now fiercely aggressive. With such a great amount of content material to compose, Google takes a gander at word considering as a marker of profundity and quality.

While the run of the mill post length has relentlessly ticked up throughout the years, the length of a #1 positioning post is considerably higher. An examination by SerpIQ found out that the best-rated content is normally a little more than 2,400 words. This could be indicative of the way that more extended blog entries get more backlinks and hence more clicks on the post.

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Top 5 Things You Must Know About Digital Marketing https://www.techwebspace.com/top-5-things-you-must-know-about-digital-marketing/ Sun, 07 Oct 2018 13:23:37 +0000 https://www.techwebspace.com/?p=14680 The digital marketing services are huge, and it very well may be hard to explore for newcomers or those hoping to discover their specialty. Things being what they are, how would you separate yourself from the opposition and quick track your way...

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The digital marketing services are huge, and it very well may be hard to explore for newcomers or those hoping to discover their specialty. Things being what they are, how would you separate yourself from the opposition and quick track your way up the company pecking order?

Look at these 5 essential Digital Marketing Services skills to keep you applicable in the regularly changing digital industry.

#1 Video

The video is surprising the web and this isn’t going to stop. As indicated by MarTech, videos can possibly hold client’s consideration on retail locales for two minutes longer than normal (which is extremely similar to a lifetime in the digital world) and an all-around streamlined video can support your odds of being in a best Google positioning position by no less than 50. What’s more, over 80% of clients will probably buy a product subsequent to seeing it itemized in a video.

Remember that these are simply free statistics will shift contingent upon who you ask, yet the fact of the matter is that most statistics point to substantially higher conversion, commitment and higher SEO rankings with regards to video.

What makes it so captivating? Since it’s close to home. At the point when individuals can see your face (or the substance of the individual advancing the brand), they will probably confide in the whole endeavor. It’s likewise a superbly versatile content to use on various platforms.

Digital marketing experts don’t need to know everything about video production, obviously, yet knowing how to make a fast introduction video from your workstation is a decent place to begin. Furthermore, in the event that you make them prepare here and you cherish it, your skills and abilities won’t be squandered as the video will keep on being sought after.

#2 Search engine optimization and SEM

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is vital to all levels of digital marketing and accordingly, anybody going into the field must have no less than an essential handle on it. You can positively leave the exceptionally specialized, back-end stuff to the more actually arranged individuals on the group, having a strong comprehension of best practices and how to upgrade all types of content is essential for running a fruitful digital marketing campaign.

Both SEO and Search Engine Marketing (SEM) illuminate your whole digital methodology on both an information and content level, and you should have the capacity to convey to different partners about this, so you just won’t get far in the event that you don’t try taking in the essentials.

#3 Content Marketing

Content is the center of digital marketing and content marketing will keep on being an urgent piece of the diversion regardless of what happens. Be that as it may, content marketing is a tremendous activity in itself. You must have the capacity to see how to not just make amazing, SEO-accommodating content of different sorts, you likewise need to see how to adequately inspire groups of onlookers to lock in.

What’s more, to make things somewhat more difficult, take note of that content can take numerous structures, from video to social, messages, web content, web journals, ebooks, videos, whitepapers… the rundown goes on. You likewise must have a firm handle via web-based networking media marketing as this will attach to most content marketing sort of work. You’ll have the capacity to strategize in light of a given customer’s overall business objectives, build up a campaign that includes a successful methodology, and screen analytics also

#4 Information/Analytics

Regardless of what feature of digital marketing you are going into, Google Analytics will most likely be key to your procedure. Monitoring and detailing through such tools is quite clear, however, the precarious part is the means by which to accumulate and utilize that data to enable you to take in more about customer conduct and apply it to new arrangements that lift traffic and conversions.

Most organizations (even little ones) have tremendous measures of information to track, and incredible digital advertisers need to see how to assemble and utilize this further bolstering their good fortune. Most organizations will dependably be searching for individuals who to just know how to “peruse” this information, however, to know precisely which information to use towards enhancing business procedure later on. In the event that you can demonstrate that you can do this in creative ways and that the manner in which you do it closes with critical outcomes, you will be an important resource in the industry.

#5 Comprehend Design-Based Thinking and Planning

Configuration Thinking is a term that fundamentally alludes to a method for moving toward issues from a client-focused point of view. The approach essentially urges us to think in a human-focused manner when taking care of huge scale complex issues.

As per The Interaction Design Foundation, there are 5 key stages to this procedure: sympathize, ideate, model, and test. The motivation behind why this works so well in the digital marketing circle is that such an extensive amount it is (or ought to be) focused on the client encounter. Another fascinating thing about this approach is that it tends to be utilized in a non-straight manner – so that in a few occurrences you may get to the testing stage and after that return to the center stage, for example, to re-think about thoughts.

Fashioners and designers are probably going to utilize an approach this way, so regardless of whether you’re not one, it’s a smart thought to at any rate have a strong comprehension of it and apply it when doable.

Be Tech Savvy

Since the industry is truly innovation-driven, you must have an average grasp on innovation and additionally have the capacity to learn it rapidly. In case you’re millennial-age or more youthful, this is presumably going to be second-nature, however, more established ages might need to put a touch of elbow oil into showing themselves particular advances as well as simply getting comfortable with the most ordinarily utilized programming and tools in their center territory.

For the most part, on the off chance that you comprehend the rudiments of web coding, and having an unmistakable thought of how to utilize the essential Content Management (CMS) frameworks like WordPress, you’re likely well on your approach to finding that fantasy work.

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