Stevan Mcgrath, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 14 Dec 2018 10:07:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stevan Mcgrath, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 5 Reasons Why Gaming Companies Are Looking at Blockchain Technology Fri, 14 Dec 2018 10:07:10 +0000 For many, the word ‘blockchain’ is still synonymous with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. But in fact, blockchain technology is perhaps one of the biggest disruptors in the last few years. In a short time, it has redefined many industries – healthcare, music and...

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For many, the word ‘blockchain’ is still synonymous with Bitcoin and cryptocurrency. But in fact, blockchain technology is perhaps one of the biggest disruptors in the last few years. In a short time, it has redefined many industries – healthcare, music and media, government institutions, just to name a few. And now gaming also looks like another industry ready to be revolutionized.

While many love the gaming industry, it also has many wounds that need patching up. This is especially important as the industry continues to grow, reaching $137.9 this year.

1. In-game items

It has been echoed numerous times in the gaming industry that gamers do not solely own the items they purchase. Sometimes in-game purchases are even required to progress in a game. People can also spend hours making or finding these items in the game as well. There are even some who make a career out of doing this. However, despite paying for the game, any items players might accumulate while playing it might not be their property.

In-game purchases have also been noted to bring in a large amount of revenue, especially for mobile gaming. But, what happens when gamers no longer need the item? They are usually not able to sell it back to the developers and they’re maybe restrictions on trading the item. Developers usually do not allow complete ownership because they want to protect their software from manipulation by hackers.

Blockchain technology can solve the unfairness in this area. By adopting blockchain technology, gamers can securely own their gaming items, whether they are created, found or purchased. They will also be safe from hackers from manipulation as hacking a blockchain is practically impossible. Such a solution will please both parties – gamers and developers.

The transfer of such items from one owner to another will also be safer. People will be less likely to get conned. Indeed, for every legitimate item sold, 7.5 are lost to fraud. This can be ensured by using smart contracts, where ownership of items are transferred once a payment has been made.

2. An IMDB of gamers and developers

There has been plenty of talk of creating a database of those in the gaming industry. This could solve the issue of developers being credited for their work and not the studio or console. Each developer would have their own portfolio listing the games they have been involved in. By doing this, gamers will be more likely to follow developers than big name brands.

When it comes to gamers, this will make profiling a lot easier as well. No longer will gamers need to set up a different account for every game or console. Furthermore, this will also make it easier for gamers to connect with each other on different platforms.

3. Tokenized gaming

A big problem with the current gaming industry is that there are just too many options. Major brands such as PlayStation, Xbox and Nintendo, each have their own console. Then, with each console, there is a different online purchasing store. And that’s a lot of options before we’ve even mentioned PC gaming and mobile gaming. What makes this more complicated is that each one has its own payment method.

With a dedicated token for the gaming industry, payments to different platforms can be easier. Tokens gained via console gaming could then be used to make purchases on your mobile, for example. 80% of gamers have stated that they would be interested in using cryptocurrencies for transactions. Additionally, it has also been reported that 55% of millennial gamers also hold cryptocurrency.

Adopting tokens will also mean making payments will be easier and cheaper, no matter how big or small. This is because they will no need to involve any banks. It’s also worth noting that gamers may be even able to live off these funds. Plus, they may also be able to trade them in crypto exchanges. In this case, BitMex signals will be highly beneficial.

4. Reward gamers for their achievements

Gamers can spend hours progressing in games and in the end, they are usually rewarded with little or nothing. With blockchain integration, gamers could be rewarded for their efforts with tokens, as mentioned in the previous point.

This would be hugely beneficial for career gamers. Furthermore, there are plenty of gamers who make money via YouTube videos. Strategic Coin states that many of these gamers are not accurately paid for their work. They state that most of the revenue from such videos goes to advertising and not to gamers or developers. Blockchain technology is an ideal way to overcome this.

Such a framework could be beneficial for both online gaming and non-online gaming, competitive gaming and non-competitive gaming. It could also ensure that gamers continue to play games and prevent them from getting bored and playing something else.

5. eSports

eSports is one of the fastest growing niches in the gaming industry. According to Statista, eSports revenue will reach $1.65 billion by 2020. As its very new, it is ideal for start-ups to get involved and explore how blockchain technology can be integrated.

One such company that is already utilizing blockchain for eSports is BoliesTV. On BoliesTV, gamers can go head-to-head with other contestants and win the staked price with no controversies. As a video gaming platform, it gives gamers a chance to showcase their skills in fantasy sports.

Last Words

Blockchain technology benefits a variety of areas within the gaming industry and is set to be a major disruptor. Key changes surround ownership of games and items, monetized rewards, the recognition of developers, and a greater market for gamers.

As blockchain has so many useful applications, we probably haven’t seen all the practical ways it can be implemented. As the gaming industry changes so rapidly, it is likely that over time other uses will become apparent.

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Will Blockchain Technology Lessen the Effect of Information Breach? Fri, 19 Oct 2018 06:23:31 +0000 Around the globe, we are increasingly trusting our information with companies and institutions for them to provide us with services. This information can range from medical records to the information on your Facebook account. Unfortunately, this information is usually not kept safe...

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Around the globe, we are increasingly trusting our information with companies and institutions for them to provide us with services. This information can range from medical records to the information on your Facebook account. Unfortunately, this information is usually not kept safe enough and is vulnerable to attack, especially in hospitals. In such cases, it’s not just private information at stake, but people’s lives as well. Blockchain technology is the solution.

All kinds of valuable data can be stolen. Ranging from addresses, medical records, bank details, just to name a few. In the wrong hands, they can be used to commit fraud or even blackmail. According to Entrepreneur, there are 4,000 cyber-attacks a day, and the number is increasing, especially since 2016. And according to PCMag, more data was leaked in the first half of 2016 than the whole of 2017.

It’s also supposedly a bigger issue than most people realize. Data leaks have been occurring for a long time, and not all companies are required by law to declare them. However, in recent years, after incidents like WannaCry and Cambridge Analytica, the public is starting to take an interest. With pressure growing, companies and institutions need to make a change

So, can blockchain technology stop this?

The short and easy answer to that question is yes. The blockchain is the safest form of information keeping and is almost impossible to hack.

Decentralization is the key to security

A blockchain is a network of information, in a sense, like the Internet. The major difference is that unlike most networks which have a center point, like a server but, blockchains is decentralized exchange platform. In fact, they have been designed specifically without a center point to increase security.

If a network has a center, hackers can attack this point, and they have everything. All information is at their disposal. As there is no center point to a blockchain, this issue doesn’t exist.

51% or majority attack

To hack a blockchain you would need to have at least 51% control of it. This is almost impossible to do.  A hacker would need an extremely powerful computer or convince everyone else on the blockchain to join them. Further to the point, blockchains use cryptography to keep information secure, which adds an additional layer of difficulty to hackers.

Information shared safer

With blockchain technology, only people who operate within the blockchain can access information. For example, in healthcare, your information could be freely shared between your GP and hospital. People outside the blockchain cannot access any information. This is because with blockchain technology all transfers are direct, with no third-party involvement.

Additionally, it should be noted that blockchains can be either public or private. While many companies will seek to create a private blockchain, public blockchains can still boost security. With a public blockchain, access can be restricted for specific users for certain things. This may work better for some companies and institutions who interact with clients.

From smart contracts to secret contracts

Smart contracts are one of the most innovative uses of blockchain technology. They allow participants to set up an arrangement between themselves. Once the conditions of the agreement are met a transaction can take place. This ensures that people can only get hold of information if they have a right to it.

Secret contracts are something we may see in the future, currently in development by the MIT. They propose the creation of a digital contract similar to the smart contract where the participants can compute data without ever seeing it. This could potentially add an additional layer of security to blockchain technology.

A standardized way to tackle hackers

As it currently stands, many different companies and institutions are using different methods to support their databases. This means that when a hacker leaks information, it can be done in a variety of ways. By adopting blockchain technology, blockchain specialists can be deployed to investigate what happened.

Additionally, all transactions of information can be traced back to where they came from. All movements of information are kept within a distributed ledger, and so everyone will be aware of who stole information. This shortens the time required to find who leaked the information and stopped it.

Companies already using blockchain to protect customer data

There are already some companies that are utilizing blockchain technology to prevent leaks.

  • Healthureum– This company plans to revolutionize the healthcare industry by creating a token people can use to pay for medical purposes. They claim users will own their data, have real-time access, and it can be shared with a doctor or physician.
  • Oasis Labs– This company is working on building a privacy-first cloud computing platform on the blockchain. Once built, they will be able to support applications on top of their platform with a focus on privacy.
  • Acronis– This company is using blockchain technology to act as a storage backup for businesses of all sizes. It utilizes blockchain technology specifically for the authentication process.

It is still early days for these companies, which makes their tokens ripe for crypto leverage trading. An ideal way to do that would be by taking advantage of BitMex Signals. Those that are interested in this field of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency should watch out for new ICOs.


Blockchain technology benefits some industries and is likely to result in the demise of other forms of database. Numerous attacks on our information have led companies and organizations realize that they need to invest in better security measures.

So, here’s the long answer to the question above: yes, blockchain technology can lessen the effect of information leaks, and in some cases, halt them all together. Blockchain technology, it appears, is the glue that can seal up any leakages of information from companies.

Without proper security measures put in place, databases can become a major threat to companies. By implementing different blockchains in different organizations, information will be safer. Organizations with sensitive information should invest time in researching how blockchain technology can offer them safety.

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What Are The Implications Of Voice Search On Paid Search? Wed, 11 Jul 2018 05:41:41 +0000 Existing companies that have implemented the right SEO strategies to improve search rank are able to take its advantage by improving traffic and conversions. Startup companies, however, does not have this particular “luxury” that they can utilize when it comes to boosting their...

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Existing companies that have implemented the right SEO strategies to improve search rank are able to take its advantage by improving traffic and conversions. Startup companies, however, does not have this particular “luxury” that they can utilize when it comes to boosting their sales.

Thus Paid advertising, such as through Google AdWords, have become a popular option for these companies. Since such a platform allows a business to attract buyer traffic (with the right strategies and keywords in place) without having to wait several months for their SEO campaign to take effect. Even long-standing businesses are still continuing to utilize paid search campaigns to help them drive more traffic to their online properties and to boost their income.

Paid search advertising campaigns have numerous advantages that companies can benefit from. On average, businesses find that they can usually double the amount of money they spent on AdWords campaigns. Paid search ads also get around 65% of all high intent searches. In addition, there is a 50% better chance that a searcher who clicks on a paid search ad will continue to buy something from the website they land on when compared to an organic click.

As the world-wide-web grows, new technologies are continuously being introduced to the world. Some present a successful trend for the future, and others dying out soon after its wave of popularity.

Voice search is a particular trend that provided the entire world with a more convenient way to find answers to their questions. But the rising popularity of this feature is holding many challenges for marketers and business owners. In 2016, 20% of all internet searches were conducted by voice. By the year 2020, it is expected that at least half of all internet searches will be done through voice search. With this trend in mind, marketers now need to adjust their paid search campaigns accordingly. If not, they risk missing out on a lot of opportunities!

The Rise Of Voice Search

Two decades ago, the idea of voice search and virtual assistants were a mere dream. Something which you would see in sci-fi movies!

Today, however, voice search has become one of the most popular ways to conduct a search on search engines. All of the latest devices come shipped with built-in virtual assistants that do not only allow the user to make phone calls or look up a location on the map but also provides an easy and convenient way to search for answers.

Just say “Hey, Siri” to your Apple iPhone or “Ok, Google” to your Android smartphone, and the virtual assistant will start up and await your query. After asking a question, the virtual assistant will search the web to give you the most appropriate answers to the question you asked. There are many other devices that now also provides voice search features and a virtual assistant without even needing a screen. Think of the Amazon Echo device, for example. You ask the device to switch your lights on, and it provides you with the request feature. You ask the device where you can dine out tonight, and it will search the web and provide you appropriate answers.

Preparing Your Paid Search Campaign For Voice Search

As of January 2018, more than a billion web searches are conducted by voice every month. Cortana alone has more than 133 million users. And at least 40% of all adults are now using voice search to seek out an answer to a question they have at least one time every day.

Voice search is, however, still a new trend for some people. Approximately 41% of all individuals using voice search at the moment have only discovered the convenience offered by this feature within the past six months. Only around 11% of voice searchers have started using this feature three or more years ago.

The fact that voice search is still a rising trend means businesses and marketers still have time to appropriately adjust their SEO and paid search campaigns to meet the needs of voice searches.

The sooner you start to make the necessary adjustments in your campaigns, the more you would be able to benefit from voice search. Preparing your campaigns to be ready for voice search does not have to be a pain or even cause you to go through an extensive amount of effort.

By simply doing some research to better understand how voice search impacts your business, and to understand how your target audience is using voice search, you will be able to take advantage of this feature without spending too much money or losing too much time.

First, it is important to realize that people are using voice search in a different way to how they use standard search.

Instead of inputting text through a keyboard, people are now rather speaking to their smartphones to obtain details. Details may be like, about a location, times for a movie or live show, or perhaps to look up a recipe. This means that you should avoid only targeting those standard keywords like “weight loss”, and start looking at targeting question-keywords and keywords with a specific user-intent. Instead of optimizing your paid search campaign only for “weight loss”, you will include search phrases like “how to lose weight in a week” or perhaps “how to lose weight without starving yourself”.

When it comes to getting your paid search ads to show up for voice search, only focusing on keyword optimization is no longer the most effective strategy.

Search engine technology and artificial intelligence are becoming smarter and more efficient in matching search terms to appropriate online properties. You need to discover what your audience is searching for, then optimize your website to provide appropriate answers to these questions. Your website’s content needs to be compiled in such a way that it has a conversational tone. It’s as if the content on your website is talking directly to the visitor and answering their question directly.

You need to do extensive research in order to achieve a better understanding of your target audience. Learn what they want, what they are looking for, what questions they are asking, and how they are asking these questions.

If you already have a steady amount of traffic coming into your website through SEO, then you would be able to gain a better understanding of what you need to do to better optimize your paid search campaign to be prepared for voice search.

Pull reports from your Google Analytics account!

And if you already have an AdWords campaign running, draw reports from your AdWords account as well.

Take a look at the search terms your ads are showing up for, as well as the search terms for your organic rankings.

No matter what keywords you are targeting for your SEO campaign. There will always be additional keywords you rank for and that your ads show up for. This is beneficial, as you would be able to discover appropriate search terms that your target audience is searching for. And once you identify these search keywords, you can better optimize your campaigns to target the right audience and to answer the right questions.

Mistakes To Avoid

Implementing the right strategies to make your website ready for voice search is important. While implementing these strategies, there are some common mistakes that businesses make.

As explained previously, updating your paid search for voice search is not only about keyword optimization anymore. This, however, does not mean you should not focus on your standard keywords anymore! While voice search is continuing to become more popular, there are still millions of people who are not using voice search.

Your website should cater to every single person who is looking for your products or services, not only to a select few. If you favor text search over voice search, you will lose out. If you favor voice search over text search, you will lose out. Find that perfect balance! Focus on every single individual who might conduct a search. Focus on keywords that will show up in text searches, and include keywords that will show up for voice search. This way, you gain the full benefits of both the searches.


Voice search is rising in popularity and is a technology that is definitely here to stay.

Marketers and business owners are advised not to overlook the importance it plays in their paid search advertising campaigns as more than half of all searches will be conducted through a voice search within the next few years. Preparing a paid search campaign for voice is essential to take advantage of the benefits offered by this new trend, but many marketers still fail to implement the correct strategies to ensure they can take full advantage. In this article, we discussed how voice search might implicate your paid search campaigns, and provided some essential tips on how you can better prepare for this trend.

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7 Impact Areas of CryptoCurrencies on Economy, Banking & Finance Tue, 29 May 2018 06:34:52 +0000 Cryptocurrencies have dominated global news headlines in the last eight months as the market swung between highs and lows. Despite emerging from the periphery of the digital age a few years ago, cryptocurrencies now occupy the centre stage of global discourse. On...

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Cryptocurrencies have dominated global news headlines in the last eight months as the market swung between highs and lows. Despite emerging from the periphery of the digital age a few years ago, cryptocurrencies now occupy the centre stage of global discourse. On the Internet, in workspaces, schools, and other areas of human activity, interest in the wonder coins has stunningly rocketed.

Along with the fame of cryptocurrencies have emerged tangible outcomes, impact, and effects on related fields of human endeavour. Whether it is the resurgence in money making tips or launch of initial coin offerings, a pattern can be deciphered. There are applications previously unknown, and protocols that have sprung to life because of cryptos.

The overwhelming effect of cryptocurrencies on the global economy, as well as the banking and finance sectors, is unravelling.  What will be the next cryptocurrency of choice? Will Bitcoin exchange rate to the dollar soar as it did in 2017? These are some of the contemplations many people around the globe are faced with today.

Let us look at some of the impact and touchstones of cryptocurrency in our world:

Boost in Business

The global business scene has recorded an influx of cryptocurrency-related businesses. Exchanges, app developers, documentation specialists, software engineers, graphic designers and website developers have all got a piece of the pie.

The cumulative effect of cryptocurrencies on the specialists mentioned above is a business boost that has led to more inflows. This is remarkable for the hitherto unknown Bitcoin to give rise to a multi-billion dollars industry.  The search for cryptocurrencies and related themes has become prominent in search engines with the mounting global scramble for crypto profit-taking.

Almost all countries on earth have been impacted in form or the other by the rage of Bitcoin, and the altcoins.  The exception will be countries like China, South Korea, and India, where there has been a restriction on Bitcoin trade

In terms of regulatory agencies, increased activities have also arisen with tax agencies scrambling to get abreast of the income possibilities.  Technical competence in terms of training for operators of the financial sector should also be identified as an impacted field. This is as development and dissemination of the body of knowledge in cryptocurrency is still evolving.

Increase in Banking Activities

Banking activities capture all the processes of receipts and payments on the global scale. Many transactions are executed daily in the course of business. With cryptocurrency transactions joining the existing trail of transactions, banking activities certainly spiked.

Cryptocurrency exchanges accept different payment options and the funds get funnelled through the banks in most cases. With transactions in cryptos hitting a daily height of $18 billion globally, the surge in banking transactions is immense. The highest peak of transactions was recorded in December 2017, and it was $28 billion.

The growth in the number of crypto exchange operators means that more people are able to trade in cryptocurrencies.  As people buy and sell their tokens and coins, the net effect is a boost in banking activities.

Here is a snapshot of the leading cryptocurrencies by daily trade volumes from the coin market cap database. Bitcoin value is at a commanding height:

bitcoin value

Reduction in Savings Accounts

Trading in cryptocurrencies can yield returns from 10% to 20,000% as seen in Bitcoin price volatility in 2017. Bitcoin produced a stunning return rate when it peaked at $18,737 on December 18, 2017, from $930 a year earlier. Bitcoin price projections might have fallen short of the remarkable heights of 2017, but it still shows some promise.

bitcoin value

[Coinmarketcap Image]

The returns on Bitcoin for buyers of the wonder coin have shown a remarkable capacity for value-addition. The performance indices for most of the altcoins rival the sterling display of Bitcoin in the past year. On this basis, many savings account holders would rather buy Bitcoin and wait for a price surge than keep it in bank vaults.

Bitcoin has consistently outperformed the returns on a savings account, and there is no doubt that it is a better option. While risk-averse investors might leave their funds in bank savings, the daring ones would dare the risk. In the marketplace of investment opportunities, greater risk yields higher returns.

While the impact of cryptocurrency trading on savings accounts is not yet documented, it is worth reviewing. When funds are channelled into coins and tokens, there might be a reduction in the volume of savings accounts. However, since fiat money is used to buy cryptocurrencies, it ends up in the current or investment accounts.

Purchasing Power Boost

The purchasing power of anyone would rise when there is an increase in earnings. Purchasing power is, therefore, a function of income and the related expenses or commitments against it. As a global rule, an increase in earnings or income will give a boost to the purchasing power of the individual.

Since cryptos give rise to better earnings for investors, there is no doubt that they make a difference. This is a remarkable feature that a candid observer of the trade in coins and tokens will readily recognize. Many people who were able to put some money away for crypto trade saw leaps in their disposable income for 2017.

As far as the personal economy is concerned, a rise in cash at hand would make anyone spend more. It could translate to more investment, new acquisitions, a change of wardrobe or a new endeavour, etc.

Boost to Global Wealth

Individuals make up a community; communities make up a province, city, state or region. When communities are aggregated, a nation emerges.  In simple terms, when personal wealth increases in a country, the country gets wealthier. As nations prosper, the global wealth indices also rise.

In many countries across the globe, trading cryptocurrencies was a phenomenal avenue to make money in 2017. What this produced was a palpable leap in income for crypto investors as well as a rise in disposable income.  For residents of most nations, earnings made from crypto trade are taxable as capital gains tax or earnings tax.

As a nation gets more revenue from tax paid by her citizens, there is an increase in the National Income, and by extension, expenditure funding. When funding is directed at productive sectors, there is value-addition and wealth creation.  This is the tangible fallout of the rise of cryptocurrencies.

Transactional Efficiency

Transactional efficiency across payment fronts has emerged with some revolutionary tools becoming widespread. Crypto technologies have produced a remarkable reduction in the cost of money transfer transactions. Ripple provides huge savings for banks when used for money transfers.

The efficiency of cryptocurrency money transfers on the Ripple platform gave rise to instantaneous global money transfers. On the Dogecoin platform, small payments are enabled as people offer tips online and across social media channels. Before the introduction of cryptocurrencies, these transaction layers were burdensome to contemplate.

To consider the difference made by cryptocurrencies in the terms of small and micropayments is a tacit admission of their utility. What’s more? Cryptocurrencies enable the concept of a global village that runs on the structure of the Internet. Spaces, borders, distance and time makes no difference when cryptos are transferred between parties.

While older algorithms used for some cryptocurrencies led to transaction delays, enhanced modules like the Blockchain 3.0 and 4.0 are different. Speed is assured in transaction processing, safety is improved, and the cost is minimized.  These are the metrics that gave rise to Bitcoin Cash, and the likes of Lightning Network are taking it further.

Borderless Economies

There are several Blockchain applications that are built on a business model that assumes a borderless world. Such perception is what is seen in the likes of Populous, which discounts invoices on the Blockchain. Other examples include WePower, which leverages on the Blockchain to provide green energy.

Many facets of Blockchain payment systems thrive on tokens and coins, which are the underlying value drivers. As at last count, more than 1,000 tokens and coins are available in the crypto marketplace. Many cryptocurrencies are issued for online gaming, and others for tangible applications like data storage, Banking, Real Estate, etc.

Many Blockchain innovations are founded on the belief that the underlying tokens are of global reckoning. Business thinking of this sort means that there is no exclusion as to how the tokens and coins can be used.  As long as anyone who holds cryptocurrencies can find a merchant who supports Blockchain payments, no worries will arise.

Boost to Entrepreneurial Drive

That there is a massive boost to entrepreneurial drive with the emergence of cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain is indisputable. The likes of EOS, BitShares, IOTA, and a host of others provide a backbone for other business to thrive on. Access to the Blockchain is guaranteed when apps are built on these aforementioned platforms.

Unlike in the years gone by when setting up a business could mean starting from the scratch, today’s world functions differently. Business ideas can translate to real apps when they fulfil a need. As long as the Blockchain enables an app that is token or coin-driven, cryptocurrencies will still be useful.

The far-reaching effects of cryptocurrencies have opened a new vista of opportunities for wealth creation across the globe.  As process improvements are made to the Blockchain, cryptocurrencies will find more use cases with a lasting and tangible impact.

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8 Tips For Identifying The Best Keywords For Your SEO Campaign Wed, 18 Apr 2018 02:31:54 +0000 Today, paid search campaigns can cost a significant amount of money! Since thousands of businesses are competing to get hungry buyers to click on their advertisements. For a new business, it is often impossible to implement paid advertising campaigns with high enough...

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Today, paid search campaigns can cost a significant amount of money! Since thousands of businesses are competing to get hungry buyers to click on their advertisements.

For a new business, it is often impossible to implement paid advertising campaigns with high enough bids to get the right people to click. This may lead to a low conversion rate. Thus causing the business to lose money instead of making money through the campaign.

While paid advertising is considered a useful option for startup companies to get more exposure for their brand, it is important not to forget that there are other options that can also be utilized to improve a brand’s exposure, obtain high-quality “hungry” traffic, and boost a company’s sales – often at a much lower cost than paid advertising.

To improve Google rank is one of the most effective methods for driving quality traffic back to a company’s website – traffic that is searching for terms related to the specific products and services offered by the brand. With the right type of SEO strategy in place, and the right techniques being executed, a brand can successfully dominate appropriate keywords in their niche, achieve first-page rankings on Google, and reap the benefits and awards that search engine optimization has to offer.

Unfortunately, many brands spend a lot of money on SEO campaigns without achieving any significant results. This can be quite disappointing when the brand learns that they have lost the money spent on SEO, which could have gone to a more appropriate type of advertising strategy. One of the most common problems faced by companies today is that they are not targeting the best keywords in their SEO campaigns. Even when following the best SEO tips there are to find, when the right keywords are not targeted, an SEO campaign is not likely to be successful.

8 Tips To Help You Choose The Right Keywords For your SEO campaign

Targeting the right keyword in your SEO campaign is almost more important than the actual strategies you implement in your campaign. With the right keywords targeted in your campaign, you have an opportunity to drive traffic back to your website that is ready to click the “sign up” or “buy now” button. Inappropriate or unworthy keywords, however, leads to generic traffic being driven back to your website, which you may not even be able to convert to contacts or subscribers.

Below, you will find eight of the most effective tips we have compiled into one single list to help you understand how you can choose the right keywords to target, providing you a higher chance of hitting that number one spot and allowing you to make the most out of the rankings you do achieve.

1. Know Who You Are Targeting

The first step to identifying and choosing the right keywords for your SEO campaign lies within understanding your target audience. To truly understand your audience, you first need to identify who your ideal customer (or website visitor) is. Without this basic knowledge, you won’t be able to implement the right keyword research strategies to help you find those perfect keywords to target.

There are numerous ways you can research your target audience. If you already have some customers on your database, then look at their data – consider the age range, gender, occupations, hobbies, interests, and any other data you can collect. You should also consider doing some research on the target audience of your competition.

Take a look at the products and services you offer, then ask yourself who the ideal customer is. If you are selling weight loss pills, for example, your ideal customer would be overweight individuals – those people who are already at a healthy weight would not be interested in your product.

2. Learn What Your Target Audience Is Asking

Once you have identified who your ideal target audience is, the next step is to determine the questions they are asking in relation to the products or services you have to offer them. With voice search becoming more popular, especially with devices such as the Amazon Echo and, of course, the Siri virtual assistance built into Apple devices, businesses are becoming more aware of the fact that they need to take voice search into account.

Targeting keywords related to questions should be an essential part of your keyword research campaign. Try to target question keywords that start with “how to”, “learn to”, “what are” and “how much”. You will, of course, have to answer these questions on the pages you are using to target them.

3. Identify What Keywords Your Competitors Are Targeting

Competitor research needs to be at the top of your internet marketing strategy, regardless of the techniques you are planning to execute. When you are only starting out, there will obviously be more successful brands in your industry – by looking at what they are doing to be so successful, you can learn quite a lot.

Competitor research becomes important even with a keyword research campaign – by using certain online tools, you can see which keywords your competitors are targeting. This will help you obtain more keywords to analyze, giving you an opportunity to discover particular keywords you can target.

4. Avoid Becoming Part Of The Cliché

While it is a good idea to look at what keywords your competitors are targeting to help you discover new ideas for keywords you can target in your SEO strategy, it is important that you avoid becoming part of a “cliché”. What we mean by this is – avoid targeting that specific set of keywords every single company in your industry is targeting.

If you are selling weight loss pills, for example, everyone in search of your products will enter “weight loss” or “losing weight” into Google at some point – but there are already companies paying thousands of dollars to rank on the first page for these keywords.

Rather target keywords that are more specific, has a lower level of competition, and a better chance of giving you an opportunity to present your brand’s website on the first page of Google.

5. Don’t Overlook The Potential Of Long-Tail Keywords

Long-tail keywords have become a particularly popular trend in modern-day SEO campaigns, with many internet marketers discovering the potential that these keywords have to offer their website. Long-tail keywords are usually easy to find, and they are more niche-relevant and specific to the particular products or services you offer, than generic keywords.

There are many benefits to using long-tail keywords. You can rank easier for such a keyword as compared to a generic keyword, and since they are more specific to your brand’s offerings, they also usually yield better conversion rates. A person searching for “best weight loss pills for men” are more likely to buy your product developed specifically to help men lose weight and build muscle, than a person searching for “lose weight”.

6. Avoid Being Too Confident In Untargeted Keywords

Every now and then, you will come across a keyword with an extremely low competition rating, and you will notice that almost none of your competitors are targeting that particular keyword. The first thought on your mind would be that you have discovered a goldmine – an opportunity to outrank your competition.

While some of these untargeted keywords can give you an excellent opportunity to rank for an undiscovered keyword, you should ensure you do not become too confident in every single untargeted keyword you discover.

Think about the fact that your competitors might have discovered the keyword – and decided not to target it for a reason. Do your research well before you decide to spend too much time and effort on such a keyword.

7. Avoid Relying On Scrapers

Keyword scrapers are becoming less popular in modern times, yet many businesses and internet marketers are still relying on them to help them find keywords and build backlinks. Keyword scrapers work by taking a particular keyword you provide, and then the keyword scraper would conduct multiple searches and collect thousands of potential keywords you can target.

While some of the keyword provided by the keyword scraper may provide you with an excellent opportunity, the fact that thousands of keywords are returned and only a few would be useful can cause a lot of time to be wasted – time that could be spent on a more effective keyword research strategy.

8. Use The Right Keyword Research And SEO Tools

Finally, we would like to stress just how important it is to ensure you use the right tools to conduct your keyword research. Since keywords play such a significant role in the success rate of your SEO campaigns and to improve Google rank, you should look at certain premium SEO and keyword research tools as an investment, rather than as an expense. SEMRush is one of the most popular choices on the internet at the moment. The Moz collection of Keyword Research tools are also noteworthy. Another useful tool would be the keyword tool from WordStream.


SEO is a complex process that involves choosing the right keywords and implementing the best SEO tips to help your website move up the ranks (and pages) in Google. A higher ranking in the search giant obviously means you get more targeted, organic traffic, and your website will have more potential of bringing more customers to your brand, boosting your brand’s exposure, and helping you reach a turnover that allows you to call your business successful. In this post, we shared some of the most important tips to take into account when it comes to choosing the right keywords to target in your SEO campaign.

The post 8 Tips For Identifying The Best Keywords For Your SEO Campaign appeared first on Tech Web Space.
