Joniel, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 21 Jun 2019 08:37:21 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Joniel, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Reducing Risk: Why Employees Must Be Educated About Cybersecurity Wed, 24 Apr 2019 05:57:06 +0000 A great percentage of the cyber attacks that businesses face are as a result of employee errors or behavior. Employees contribute to data breaches in the company due to a lack of understanding of cyber crimes and the role they can play...

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A great percentage of the cyber attacks that businesses face are as a result of employee errors or behavior. Employees contribute to data breaches in the company due to a lack of understanding of cyber crimes and the role they can play in preventing them. This is an issue that can be easily addressed by training employees on cybersecurity, yet it is an area many companies have ignored. One of the reasons cyber attacks are on the rise is because many business owners invest in quality hardware and software but never take time to thoroughly train the people who will use them. Cybersecurity training for employees has the following benefits

Reduce the Risk of Cyber Attacks

The key benefit of training is that it reduces the risk of cyber attacks. Cyber attacks have numerous negative effects on a company including loss of vital information, disruption of normal business activities, lawsuits, and reputational damage. Companies spend millions of dollars recovering lost information, dealing with lawsuits, and restoring their reputation. Though cyber training, employees will be well equipped to keep the company’s data, systems, and hardware safe.

Boosts Employee Retention

Providing your employees with different forms of training will boost retention. Training boosts retention in two key ways. One, the employees will feel appreciated and valued by a company that invests time and money to grow their skills. Two, as employees grow their skills, they will come to love their job more and thus will be more likely to stay with the company for longer. For the company, retention reduces hiring and training costs for new employees. Many companies fail to invest in training for their staff to avoid the costs. While this can save you a few dollars in the short-term, it may end up costing you more money in the long-term when employees leave or, worse still, when you become a victim of a cyber attack.

Cybersecurity testing

Increased Productivity

Training employees will make them feel appreciated. When employees feel appreciated, they are likely to give back to their employer by working harder to attain the company goals. Training is a great way to enhance the employer and employee relationship. By spending time and money to grow their skills, you will give them the motivation to use their skills and knowledge to serve you better. Therefore, training on cybersecurity and other fields plays a big role in the productivity and profitability of a company.

More in-house skills

Finally, security training will bring more skills and knowledge to your company. This means that your company will be better equipped to identify and prevent attacks and mitigate losses. Also, more in house expertise will also lessen your expenditure on hiring outside help.

Training employees on cybersecurity is a preventive measure every company should invest in. A good training program will cover an overview of all threats which can affect your company’s software and hardware, how to identify and avoid threats, staying safe when online, how to choose passwords and keep them safe, and security for company devices among others.

Also, note that training should not be a one-time affair but a continuous activity. Hiring an expert to train your employees from time to time is essential because cyber criminals keep on advancing their strategies. Regular training by cybersecurity experts will keep you up-to-date with new threats and also the solutions you need to keep your company safe, such as tracking software for Mac laptops. Internally, you could have some email reminders, refresher courses, flyers, and regular evaluations of the security measures in place. You could even make it more fun by having one of the employees train the rest or having a quick test as a company.

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5 Tips for Improving Your Sales on Amazon Wed, 17 Apr 2019 10:42:13 +0000 The Amazon Marketplace is a great way to sell products online. From just about anywhere in the world, someone can create an online store that reaches millions of people and sell their products to global consumers. However, some sellers hit a wall...

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The Amazon Marketplace is a great way to sell products online. From just about anywhere in the world, someone can create an online store that reaches millions of people and sell their products to global consumers. However, some sellers hit a wall when trading on Amazon, and after an initial surge in sales, the demand can plateau and leave you wondering why. In a market as competitive as Amazon, you have to stay one step ahead of the trends to keep your revenues up and your product range at the top of product searches.

Here we are going to look at the top five ways an Amazon Seller can improve their sales and start to corner their online market.

Competitive Pricing

Amazon users are always hunting for the best deals and comparing products against each other. The Amazon website does this itself on selling pages to try and assist their customers who are looking for the best value product. This is why it is especially important when selling on Amazon to make sure your prices are as competitive as possible. Try searching the site yourself to find out what products are competing with yours and how you can beat them on price.

Automate Tasks

Selling products on Amazon often requires lots of customer interaction and you will be expected to answer queries about products or sales quickly and clearly. Amazon has features built into their selling platform to help the people using their marketplace to communicate quickly with customers, and also maintain accurate product information and stock levels. Not enough of the sellers using the software know about these types of shortcuts to efficiency and customer satisfaction, so check for guides on their site to implementing these features.

Sales on Amazon

Get Some Professional Help

For very little extra expenditure, your Amazon Store can receive the same level of professional help that some of the biggest corporations enjoy. There are companies online that specialize in helping Amazon sellers achieve their full potential through marketing and sound business advice. Anyone can afford to hire an Amazon PPC management firm to help them get more visitors to their storefront and increase their revenues from each click of the mouse.

Try Using Amazon Fulfillment

For a small fee, you can use Amazon Fulfillment to store inventory and ship products to customers. By using this service, you can offer your customers a better user experience and save yourself time fulfilling deliveries, and money on space to store inventory. You can also use their fulfillment service if you sell products on other sites, or even from your own website directly, reducing costs from other revenue streams and increasing customer satisfaction across all of your online stores.

Use Product Promotions

Using discounts and cross-product offers has long been a tool business has used to increase sales and make sure that a business’s product is chosen over the competitions. If you have products that are a part of a branded range, you may want to offer a reduction in the total cost of a sale when a customer orders two or more items included in the selection. You can also offer a percentage reduction for bulk buying if you sell small consumable products.

Using Amazon to sell products online is a great revenue stream for any small business hoping to make some money from e-commerce. The tools that Amazon puts at your disposal, and the experts that have grown around its eco-system, mean that even an independent retailer can have the same support and reach of a global multi-national corporation and build a successful business for themselves.

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Let’s Talk Bitlumens: An Energy Revelation Powered by Blockchain and IoT Wed, 10 Apr 2019 12:26:56 +0000 It may be difficult to believe but many people in the world today do not have access to electricity, and many more have only sporadic energy service or are under energy rationing. Bitlumens have a concept to help some of the most...

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It may be difficult to believe but many people in the world today do not have access to electricity, and many more have only sporadic energy service or are under energy rationing. Bitlumens have a concept to help some of the most destitute people in the world generate, use, and sell electricity.

Who are Bitlumens?

Bitlumens is a Swiss company that has developed an interesting idea to help generate clean renewable energy, while also tackling poverty. Their technology uses elements of Internet of Things (IoT) technology, and the Blockchain Technology that is the powerful code behind cryptocurrency. By using their small solar energy generating system, anyone anywhere in the world with access to direct sunlight can begin to generate electricity they can then use.

How Can This Help People?

By supplying people in some of the most remote and energy deprived parts of the world with clean, cheap energy, they give them the opportunity to enrich their own lives with extra productivity. Some of our simplest domestic machines that use electricity are actually our greatest liberators, saving us time and reducing our chores so that we can concentrate on being productive. By bringing the poorest parts of the world energy, they can enjoy those same freedoms, and with them comes prosperity.

How Does this System Work? Bitlumens’ business model relies on leasing their Solar Home System to people in the most destitute and rural areas. The systems come in different sizes but all have the same basic features, energy generating solar panels, a Lithium Ferro-phosphate battery for power storage, and connections for appliances, such as USB and regular power outlets as well as specific connectors for irrigation systems.

How is it Paid For?

Bitlumens will lease the equipment to the consumers and will receive payment in BLS tokens, similar to a cryptocurrency like bitcoin. These are bought with cash from local Bitlumen agents, who monitor power production and the leased equipment. Very quickly these units can pay for themselves, often in less than 12 months in many parts of the world. The extra time the electricity gives a farmer away from domestic tasks can increase their productivity and profits, helping the system to pay for even more. In time, users may want to purchase or lease additional units to begin expanding their business, or even selling generated electricity to close neighbors.

What Else Does a System Like This Offer?

As well as the conveniences of electricity and the growth potential that comes with it, a system like this can bring banking to remote areas. Having blockchain technology as a part of the Bitlumen token system (BLS) creates a record of the user and their revenue stream. This can be used to create a credit score that gives a Bitlumen client access to micro-loans and more conventional leases for other amenities. Bitlumen’s tokens will also be traded on cryptocurrency exchanges and the demand for tokens from users will keep the price of BLS stable, and desirable. The Bitlumen users will also be able to trade these and view cryptocurrency prices in real time at their Bitlumen agent’s office or on a small computer or smartphone powered by Bitlumen generated electricity.

New technology brings with it amazing opportunities, and it is refreshing to see a company take such an innovative and impressive approach to helping the poorest people in the world, while also being able to profit. Bitlumens have combined some of the world’s cutting-edge technology and theory to make a company that generates both clean energy and clean money.

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