Smridhi Malhotra, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Sat, 26 Jun 2021 09:11:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Smridhi Malhotra, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 How Improved Email Deliverability and SMS Notifications Can Improve the Customer Experience Thu, 02 Aug 2018 11:55:12 +0000 Quantity is an important factor every marketer has to pay attention to. It’s a thin line that must be observed, to forge a worthwhile marketing plan tailor-made for every customer. Due to an overwhelming amount of online activity every individual has, Adobe...

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Quantity is an important factor every marketer has to pay attention to. It’s a thin line that must be observed, to forge a worthwhile marketing plan tailor-made for every customer. Due to an overwhelming amount of online activity every individual has, Adobe Campaign has been made to monitor the way your customer body behaves online closely.

Efficient collection of data is a paramount column in maintaining a stable relationship with every customer. You know the habits and wishes of your customer body will not only make them feel “nurtured” and special but will also allow for better targeting when it comes to your products. Using Adobe Campaign, you can revive all the useful properties of SMS notifications and email as a centralized means of maintaining your mobile marketing activities. Let’s look at how the mechanism works.

Why is email deliverability important?

First, it’s significant to mention that email is still renowned in the world of marketing because of its neutrality. While it has a communicational purpose, it is devoid of social properties that are possessed by many social media sites. That’s why automated email lists are still an essential segment of marketing campaigns. Most importantly, they depend on email deliverability.

Many ISPs tend to filter the emails you send to your customers and send them to various spam folders. This can have severe consequences for your businesses, as it tarnishes your reputation in so many ways. To bypass the event of your content being categorized as spam, you must boost your email deliverability using two methods – analysis and execution.

Fusing data and targeting options

While using Adobe Campaign, all your marketing channels are centralized. This means that your entire customer body can be observed using a single channel. Nissan applied that same modus operandi when establishing a relationship with Adobe. Their goal was to improve email deliverability and promote their news, promotions, and competitions better.

How did they fare? Using the data, they’ve collected, Nissan managed to put personalization on the top of their priority list. They slowly gathered different batches of data – which customers explored fuel options, which customers were interested in a color change and much more. Using that collected information, they created multiple patterns for one single campaign. Using the benefits of Adobe Campaign, they avoided one of the most common mistakes in marketing – rolling out various campaigns at once due to inefficient data tracking. What were the results?

Their new, personalized emails allowed them the following:

  • Open rates increased by 1.3 times
  • Click rates were 2.6 times more abundant
  • Open and click-through rates both increased by 200%

Using SMS notifications as a part of the process

Since mobile devices are omnipresent, it’s important to utilize them as vessels of getting your message across. Virgin Holidays have being used Adobe Campaigns to take over a more personal image for the entire company. For instance – when their customers were already booking their holidays, Virgin Holidays used an array of simple SMS notifications to boost their campaigns.

A month before their departure date, they either got an SMS notification or a personalized email. If someone was going to, let’s say, Greece – the email contained some interesting facts or a special discount code for a trip to nearby countries such as Turkey or Cyprus. An important thing to mention is that these emails had to be – smartphone-responsive and straightforward.

Because of this bold move, Virgin Holidays transformed their business model in a short time and saw a 33% increase in revenue. Using this case study, it’s evident that email deliverability and SMS notifications are tools that can boost every company, regardless of its age or size.

What does the customer want?

Clutter has become public enemy number 1 in every form of marketing. By using Adobe Campaign, you can easily break barriers that were once considered an impassable obstacle on the road to business growth. Features like deliverability monitoring are seemingly priceless and can allow you to notice where did you do wrong in your previous campaigns.

SMS notifications are an underutilized means of getting through to your customer. A reason for this is because they’re seen as a sensitive and risky invasion of personal privacy. They can be incredibly successful or recognized as a means of alienation.

Nissan, for example, has used SMS notifications in the following cases:

  • Whenever a new color option is available
  • When a local distributor had any promotions or if some new parts had arrived
  • Also, upon ordering a vehicle, regardless of age or price, the customer got live updates about the time it will take for him to receive the actual vehicle he ordered

These SMS notifications were scarce but effective in showing the customer that Nissan cared about them. Email deliverability as a result of personalization and SMS notifications are an excellent way of improving customer service – the most important facet of marketing. And it’s made possible by Adobe Campaign.

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Impact of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on the Advertising and Marketing World Mon, 05 Mar 2018 06:36:31 +0000 Digital marketing didn’t go through large-scale changes for some time now. Why is this case? Well, the most recent significant changes have revolved around mobile optimization and some minor SEO tweaking. The strategies are all pretty much the same, with only minor...

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Digital marketing didn’t go through large-scale changes for some time now. Why is this case? Well, the most recent significant changes have revolved around mobile optimization and some minor SEO tweaking. The strategies are all pretty much the same, with only minor trends surfacing on a yearly basis. However, the undertow of these calm waters is a much more significant change looming over the digital marketing landscape.

We’re talking about the way AI and ML impact the world through automation software and RPA. Don’t be confused by these terms, as they will be explained in the lines the will succeed. They are all merely a spawn on the digitalization movement, and we’re eager to analyze them. Let’s take a look at the magnitude of the cybernetic revolution and the many ways it impacts the way we create uses and interpret ads around us.

What are ML and AI Anyway?

We’ve heard the acronym AI thrown around a couple of billion times in the last decade, with no signs of it ever stopping. It stands merely for Artificial Intelligence. How do we define this term? According to most experts, artificial intelligence is the power of a machine to learn, reason and understand, with the added ability to use that information when it senses that the moment is right.

ML has also been “abused” by the media, but many still can’t comprehend the vast realm of opportunities Machine Learning gives us. Theoretically, machine learning can be much more powerful than human learning. This is because machines aren’t capable of “forgetting” pieces of information. Your iPhone, for example, can’t simply “forget” the path to that photo you took in Paris last summer.

However, there are slight disagreements that stem from a slightly dystopian outlook by many renowned psychologists and theoretical sociologists. They claim that an AI takeover of the work market will not only cause dismay due to a lesser need for human workers but that ML is also less efficient than the human mind. Why? Well, mostly because machines can’t improvise, they can’t create new paths yet. The word, however, is just what impacts the marketing world the most.

The Future is Already Here

Intelligent automation via AI is something that sounds incredibly futuristic but is a method that is used in many forms of advertising. Having AI perform automated decisions is just one way in which the future has already arrived. Automation software is an indispensable part of many websites and their crucial functions. Have you ever wondered which part of a website’s feature is run by an AI? Let’s take a look.

  1. Ad blockers are the real deal nowadays. People find YouTube ads annoying; they see Google Search ads repulsive, as well as website banners repugnant. They, use software that is designed to block incoming ads from disturbing their search conquest.

However, many sites have caught onto the trend and have decided to fight back to preserve funds. In this battle between people and companies lie several examples of AI used in advertising.

  1. The AI uses the available information to target an ad and send it towards you. When an advertiser sets up the targeting, the AI directs the advertisement towards you.
  2. When a website, intelligent automation steps register the Adblocker onto the scene. Boom! The AI registered your ad blocker and decided to prevent you from continuing further unless you turn it off.
  3. An AI also collects data for the advertisers. In this received data, they can see which ads caused the most people to abandon their sites and which ones weren’t so repulsive to others.

How can you use Artificial Intelligence in your Marketing campaign?

There are several ways with which you can use artificial intelligence in order to establish a chokehold over your competitors and achieve your goals. We would like to divide it into four categories.

Processing data

A machine can read, collect, analyze and place enormous amounts of data. AI assistance means less of a workload for you.


Through monitoring your customers’ habits and web rituals, you can personalize ads and make sure that their placement is a guaranteed conversion.


You can create several forms of ads and allow the AI to choose which one to implement, depending on the conditions.


Dynamic pricing is something that can attract many customers. This means customized discounts for customer groups, as well as lesser prices due to less of workload being bestowed upon humans.

The post Impact of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence on the Advertising and Marketing World appeared first on Tech Web Space.
