Chris Delgado, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 24 Dec 2021 07:56:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Chris Delgado, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 7 Gadgets for Your Office To Improve Your Productivity Sun, 27 Jun 2021 14:26:02 +0000 Do you feel you could get more value from your working day? Whether working from home or returning to the office, most of us got used to new ways of working in the post-pandemic landscape. For many of us, a more independent...

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Do you feel you could get more value from your working day? Whether working from home or returning to the office, most of us got used to new ways of working in the post-pandemic landscape. For many of us, a more independent working lifestyle is forcing us to be our own bosses, and ensure that we’re staying on track juggling different products and assignments.

As we know, it’s all too easy to fall prey to distractions and end up with little to show for our efforts at the end of the day. Fortunately, great minds are always working to bring us the next cool electronic gadget that can help boost productivity and keep our attention laser-focused. Here are seven of the best cool and worthy gadgets that can improve your quality of life at the office and ensure that you’re always operating at 100%.

1. Saent

Saent Button

For a complete distraction-busting solution for the office, look no further than Saent. This cool gadget started life as a crowdfunding project that more than exceeded its funding goal. The result? A cool desk gadget that locks you out of any website or app that isn’t work-related. Simply hit the button on the Saent desk accessory, and your device goes into work mode, focusing you on your predefined set of work-friendly apps and sites. It would warn you if you try going on Instagram or Facebook. The desk accessory, a cool gadget all by itself, also functions as a “Do Not Disturb” sign to any colleagues who might want to interrupt you.

2. Lenovo ThinkReality A3 Smart Glasses

If you want to jump into the future of hi-tech office solutions, this cool new gadget could give your productivity a serious edge. Use these glasses to tap into the power of augmented reality (AR) and enable 3D visualizations of all your workflows. The Qualcomm Snapdragon XR1 Platform provides responsive performance, and the HD displays let you navigate up to five virtual screens at once. Light and comfortable to wear, this is a cool gadget to buy, and one that will change the way you interface with your business’s digital resources forever.

3. Luxafor Flag

If the constant interruptions influence your work, Luxafor’s range of cool productivity gadgets could be just what you need. A Luxafor Flag is a cool desktop gadget that easily attaches to your device or workstation. Just set it to display a red light for when you’re busy with work, or change to green if you’re available to talk. The device has a sleek design, but it’s not so discreet that your coworkers won’t be able to notice its status. You can even synchronize it with your scheduling apps to automatically create the perfect schedule for you to get some work done in peace. It will show colleagues when you have free slots for talking with them.

4. Joan Home Office Availability Calendar

Working from home has become the new reality for many of us, but it’s brought its new set of challenges to overcome. Chief among these is the question of how to work when flatmates or family trample all over our home office hours. This is where the Joan Home Office Availability Calendar comes in. This cool gadget for your office at home, where it synchronizes with your calendar and displays calls to let other people in your home know that you’re busy.

Also read: The Ultimate Guide to Improve your Home Office Setup and Boost your Productivity

5. LVL Hydration Monitor

When we get full absorbed in our work, it can be too easy to neglect our day to day wellbeing. Staying properly hydrated is a challenge for some of us, especially with a steady intake of caffeinated beverages which contribute to our dehydration. If any of this sounds familiar, you should make the LVL Hydration Monitor your next cool gadget to buy. This advanced smartwatch uses red light technology to accurately measure your body’s hydration level. Simply connect it to any of your devices via Bluetooth or with the proprietary app, and the device will alert you when you need to top up your hydration levels. It’s a cool gadget for daily life as well since it lets you track other wellbeing indicators like sleep and steps walked, making it a useful health assistant.

6. Wynd Air Purifier

Even with modern air conditioning systems, our workplaces can still be plagued by poor air quality, which negatively impacts our overall health and the environment we work in. The Wynd Air Purifier is a cool and worthwhile gadget that’s strong enough to improve the local climate of your workstation. The cool gadget filters germs, dust and bacteria from the air around you, while giving you detailed feedback on surrounding air quality through its mobile app. One cool gadget like this won’t be enough to purify your whole floor, but it can provide noticeably better air quality when you’re sitting at your desk.

7. Livescribe Symphony Smart Pen

Why settle for a regular pen when a smart pen can conveniently save and archive everything you write? The pick of the current crop has to be the Livescribe Symphony, an elegant cool gadget that’s packed full of features. The pen’s sensor records everything you jot down on special dot paper and can convert it into text thanks to the Livescribe+ app. It records audio files so you can listen back for the important details from meetings. Also, you can automatically synchronize your notes with cloud storage services like Google Drive.

To Conclude: Take Advantage of a Cool Gadget for Better Productivity

Between our smartphones and the buzzing of our coworkers, it seems that modern office life provides more chances for distractions than ever before, which can seriously harm our productivity. So why not take advantage of the latest technological innovations and get a cool gadget for your office to help you stay healthy and focused at work? Is there a particular cool gadget we missed that had a positive impact on your office life? Let us know in the comment section below.

The post 7 Gadgets for Your Office To Improve Your Productivity appeared first on Tech Web Space.
