Krause Leia, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Fri, 30 Oct 2020 08:55:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Krause Leia, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Customer Experience Made Simple: What You Need to Know Fri, 30 Oct 2020 08:43:31 +0000 When you hear about customer experience, there are many terms that you hear over and over again. But today I will be talking about things that you don’t hear that often. These are basic things that can have a very lasting impact...

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When you hear about customer experience, there are many terms that you hear over and over again. But today I will be talking about things that you don’t hear that often. These are basic things that can have a very lasting impact on your cx strategy. Experience is the only thing that can change with a single interaction. So you must get your basics right. Remember, customers are humans like you and me; at the end of the day, their concerns are just like ours. The market is in turmoil, and your customers need to know whether they can count on you.  

Customers don’t just share the experience with your brands; they share their opinion and values with your organization as well. 

Build a community: 

Society, Culture, Countries, as humans, we have an innate desire to belong, be it your family, friends, co-workers, or just someone you know being a part of something bigger than themselves is crucial. This is why it is essential that your customers feel like they are a part of a community.  

Crisis brings us together as a community and help each other out. And that is precisely what you have to do. CX experts go on and on about how you need to improve their experience, listen to what they have to say, etc.  

Customer familiarity: 

One term that you might not have heard as much as exceed customer expectations. Familiarity is your customers understanding of your product and services – the process, concept, experience. It has two sides to it – how well a customer knows the business and how well an organization knows it’s customers. Customer familiarity can influence purchase decisions.  

Maintain Standards: 

Organizations have one job – to make their customers job easy.  

Customers expect the same service they have always received, and if you need to meet and exceed their expectations. Customers feedbacks and opinions can present a fresh perspective. They are your most reliable and most valuable source of insight. So it can be both confusing and frustrating for your customers if they do not get the service or experience they are used to.  

Value their time: 

Customers reach out to you after they have exhausted their option of finding a solution. They are looking for an answer, and they need it fast, well-trained customer support can help them with it. Support calls and chats being one of the first choices followed by emails, then social media. Make sure that you provide a swift and smooth solution. But when you find yourself in a situation where you don’t have one, reassure, and follow up. You must value your customers time. 

Commit and follow-through: 

Never make a false promise; when you commit to deliver, make sure you do. If, for any reason, you cannot deliver on the said time, inform them, and follow-up. Knowing that someone is working on a fix is reassuring. Even after testing your process, product time, and again you can hit a snag. Take feedback and keep on improving. 

Ask, Ask, Ask: 

One of the most crucial points in customer experience management is feedback. The more, the merrier, understanding your customer’s journey and their experience with your organization. Ask your customers feedback on how is their experience with different aspects of your business. How can you make it better, where there is room for improvement- improve, where things are good- take the win.  

Use tools: 

Experience management platforms these days offer better insights into the data you collected. Different metrics explain different aspects of your business. Customer effort score describing how easy or hard it is to accomplish a task. To NPS (net promoter score), asking for their likely hood of recommending your business to friends and family. 

Evaluate and Improving: 

When you take feedback from your customers, make use of it. Keep evaluating your process and product. Whenever you see an opening, update them and make them more user-friendly. Regularly improving your product and service is an excellent way to keep your customers. It will not just enhance their experience but also instill a sense of loyalty. 

Care over support: 

Customers, employees, and organization together makes a community. And community means you care for each other, make sure that your customers feel valued and important. Well-trained support executives can help make this an easy process. It is a process that can only start from within. Happy employees make for happy customers, it may sound like a cliche, but that is a fact. Go above and beyond when it comes to helping your customers solve their problems; it leaves a mark.  

Make sure that the foundation of your customer experience plans are built on a solid ground. Trust and uniformity assures that your customers have faith in you. Loyalty is the best leverage you can have over your customers. When you cover your grounds on the above point, you will have an experience strategy that works itself. 

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The Complete CX guide to Net Promoter Score (NPS) Wed, 15 Jul 2020 09:10:24 +0000 The term “Net Promoter Score” or “NPS’ is used to measure the satisfaction level of a company” s customers to recommend their brand to other customers, colleagues, friends, or family. It’s generally used as a customer experience metric to know what your...

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The term “Net Promoter Score” or “NPS’ is used to measure the satisfaction level of a company” s customers to recommend their brand to other customers, colleagues, friends, or family. It’s generally used as a customer experience metric to know what your customers think and feel about your products and services.

NPS is calculated with the help of numbers ranging from 0 to 10. It’s a straightforward indicator of customer experience. Organizations rely on NPS scores to understand customer satisfaction levels, use the scores to improve their offerings and work on improving their solutions.

Ways to measure Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is your customer’s overall satisfaction level, depending on the comfort level of your brand. There are multiple ways to evaluate customer satisfaction, depending on the influence on your overall customer experience indicator.

  1. Is your CX meeting your customer’s needs?
  2. Is your CX friendly and easy to use?
  3. Are your customers enjoying your CX?

How to calculate NPS

An NPS consists of (0-10) scores classified into detractors (0-6), passive (7-8), and promoters (9-10). 

Promoters (9-10) They are your brand ambassadors. They love your products and services, and instantly recommend you to other customers. 

Passives (7-8) – They are satisfied but not happy. Even a small mistake can make them switch to your competitors. They don’t spread negative reviews but are also not enthusiastic about your offerings.

Detractors (0-6) – They are not satisfied with your brand at all. They won’t purchase anything from you again, which might damage your brand reputation through negative comments or word-of-mouth.

NPS = Promoters (%) – Detractors (%)

The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is calculated by subtracting the percentage of detractors from the promoters’ percentage. The score generated between -100 and 100 is the Net Promoter Score.

E.g., When surveyed, if all the customers gave a score equal to or lower to 6, it will give an NPS of -100. If all the customers gave a score between 9 to 10, the NPS score would be 100.

How to read NPS?

The basic fundamental of a Net Promoter Score is simple and easy to understand. It’s widely used in companies across the globe. If an organization has more detractors and fewer promoters, the score will be negative and vice-versa. Similarly, more promoters will give positive scores, but organizations will not know what changes to make in their products and services. 

The Net Promoter Score will motivate frontline employees and help them improve and provide the best level of customer experience. NPS’s main objective is to convert your detractors into promoters and make them the brand ambassadors who can pass on positive word-of-mouth to other customers. It will improve business performance and increase revenue and profits.

How to increase NPS?

Firstly, calculating an NPS once in a while is not enough. It has to be a part of the organizational ecosystem, where employees understand NPS, follow it, and work on it continuously for improvement. 

The Net Promoter Score mechanism has to be a company-wide effort with senior leadership’s involvement and assistance in improving CX. It cannot be handled alone by just one department – sales, marketing, operations, or customer service. Working in silos may not deliver the cross-functional approach needed for a perfect NPS.

Secondly, NPS has to work in a closed-loop environment. Frontline employees must be able to act upon real-time feedback from the customers and the rest of the organization. Be it sales, marketing, or customer experience team; everyone should be able to focus and learn from the acquired information.

Third, correctly analyze the data derived from the Net Promoter Score. NPS is simple to calculate, but unless your business dissects the number of detractors and identifies the root cause of the problem, it will miss out on sustainability, future growth, and profitability. Moreover, take into consideration factors that make detractors convert into promoters.

Steps for NPS Effectiveness

  • Involve your team, and get your staff and senior management on board. Your team needs to understand the parameters involved by which you are going to plan, execute, and rectify customer’s issues.
  • Create a customer journey map to find out the experience a customer has with your brand. 
  • Use a robust CX management system that knows NPS in and out. It empowers you to keep track of your customer interactions, gives a comprehensive view of your customer, both current and potential.
  • Understand the factor that drives customer loyalty. Learn more about what influences customer behavior and feeling in providing positive feedback.
  • Find the reason behind the score. Ask customers real open-ended questions like “What’s the reason for your score?”
  • Ask them how you can better their customer experience. It will make customers feel that you can work on their feedback and make things interesting.
  • Generate multiple data from customer’s journeys, multiple interactions, and various touchpoints. 
  • Encourage your customers to share feedback. Assign rewards and incentives, which will make them share feedback.

Get NPS in actions

Loyal customers stay with the brand for years. They know the brand in and out. Turn your loyal customers into brand advocates. Make them happy. Incentivize and make them feel great. Give them VIP treatment. Send a personal thank you note with small corporate merchandise. They will recommend you to their friends, families, and others around them.

Benefits and drawbacks of using NPS

The Net Promoter Score is a straightforward metric based on simple questions, logic, and criteria. It weighs the value of customer loyalty through referrals and syncs customer perceptions to visible business performance. NPS standardizes the process across industries and businesses – and creates a well-established benchmark. It has helped many companies streamline their customer experience and move towards a customer-centric culture.

However, like any other metrics, even NPS has limitations. The (0-10 point) scale, doesn’t have an option for negative feedback, making it difficult for companies to compare true detractors and non-promoters. The diversification of scores into detractors, promoters, and passives have turned data points into individual data.

Many organizations completely rely on NPS to measure customer satisfaction. They don’t realize that NPS only captures a few aspects of customer loyalty. It will be futile to depend on only one metric as it may not give you the complete picture of the customer experience.


The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is here to stay and is widely adopted by organizations worldwide. It’s a direct and conscious metric indicator that pulls each aspect of customer feedback. It works fine if you understand NPS shortcomings, and make adjustments to enhance it further. NPS alone cannot give you the whole scenario of customer feedback. NPS acts as a base, and it’s combined with user research; it will give you holistic insights. Use NPS to know what’s behind numbers and not the total face value.

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How HR Can Enhance Employee Experience in 2020 Tue, 14 Jul 2020 15:34:02 +0000 Are you an HR in an organization? Or a stakeholder looking to improve the employee experience? Well, employee experience is the summation of an employee’s perception, attitude, and behaviour towards his/her organization over their course on the employee journey. It stems from...

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Are you an HR in an organization? Or a stakeholder looking to improve the employee experience? Well, employee experience is the summation of an employee’s perception, attitude, and behaviour towards his/her organization over their course on the employee journey. It stems from the ground rule that every employee needs equal and satisfactory treatment, so there will be no employee attrition.

We all look forward to working with organizations that treat their employees like families. Despite multiple jobs in the market, most of us bullseye companies that have a unique employee-centric work culture. We scroll through anonymous employee reviews or research a bit extra on the company’s existence, only to find out if it’s the right job. With too many candidates and job options in the market, candidates have more on their plate than ever before and are selective about the companies they want to associate with. In this case, the onus lies on the HR managers to create an astounding employee experience right from onboarding to exit. HR managers have to display constant efforts to attract new employees, retain the existing ones, and separate them from the competition.

HR managers need to be cautious with their processes, tools, and resources to make employees feel WOW at the workplace. Let’s see some of the top reasons that can enhance and strengthen employee empowerment.


Recruiting is the first phase of communication where a candidate interacts with an organization. In this phase, it’s essential to build a positive outlook about the organization. It’s indispensable to be open and honest with candidates about the interview process. Candidates apply for a job with a lot of expectations. If the interview postpones, or the candidate isn’t shortlisted, it’s good to keep them informed about any development during the recruitment process. Any untoward actions towards any candidate may lose them to the competition.


  • Build a substantial presence on genuine review and social media platforms. Give your organization a professional boost on the most searched platforms like Glassdoor and LinkedIn. These are the resources candidates look up to while searching for your company.
  • Authenticate genuine reviews, and eliminate the fake ones, if possible. These reviews are the first impression candidates have about your brand.
  • Be thoughtful and respectful about the candidate’s time and accommodate them as per the schedule.
  • Give them an overview of the job description and what the company expects of them.
  • If any candidate is nervous about the interview, engage them in mind refreshing activities that can ease the tension.
  • Spend in tools that will automate the interview process and eliminate any paperwork or form-filling work.
  • The above steps will get more candidates, win over others, and make recruitment a competitive advantage.


Onboarding new employees are necessary to integrate them into the company process and culture, and to assist them with the required knowledge, tools, and understanding to start the job. An onboarding process should last for a month, because of how employers make new employees feel good in the initial few are essential for employee retention. According to Gallup, 88% of organizations don’t onboard employees well. While 58% of organizations say, their onboarding program involves a lot of processes and paperwork—a well-executed employee onboarding session roots for a strong correlation between productivity and attrition rate. 


  • Start new employees onboarding immediately. Some companies wait to onboard a batch of people together to save on time and resources. But starting before time will help control no-shows, and comfort employees that they chose the right organization.
  • It doesn’t end with onboarding. Keep a frequent check on employees even after the onboarding is over. It will help ensure that they get what they need to start a smooth transition.
  • Introduce all the newbies to the senior management and existing employees and arrange a quick question & answer session.
  • Take all the new employees for a company lunch, and catch up on some exciting news about the organization.
  • Invest in a robust employee experience management tool that will produce end-to-end feedback from recruitment to exit. It will help you manage complex processes over time, and provide data-driven insights to improve the employee experience.

Career Growth

The best employees leave the organization because of the lack of growth opportunities. Employees stay with organizations if there are plenty of opportunities to move, skip, or try other avenues for continual growth. In the absence of any growth opportunity, employees tend to look elsewhere. Helping employees with adequate training and support to grow to another level will motivate them to stay with the company. One more aspect to eliminate is the biased approach towards the favourite employee. Promoting an employee should be fair and square for everyone in the organization. One in five employees leaves the company because they were pushed down just to bring up somebody else.


  • Offer community training and support to every employee close to getting promoted.
  • Keep a training and development budget for employees every quarter to tap into career development opportunities.
  • Ensure employees understand the freedom and liberty to apply for internal job postings; they get to handle the team temporarily to polish their team-building skills and work in product development or support management.
  • Ensure the relation between employees and team managers is set-up for companies’ growth. At times, people leave the job because of a bad manager.
  • Collect employee feedback about any current development program in the organization, either through one-to-one conversations or through an online survey.


After new employees spend some time in the organization, they become your regular employees. Most of the employees become comfortable with their work and don’t welcome change. Change is the spice that drives employees to perform better. Organizations should work towards supporting excellent employees even if they are old. Sometimes, HR managers get so engrossed in working towards new employees that they forget the old ones. Former employees are assets to the organization. They know the process in-and-out. Retaining existing employees means saving a lot on operational costs (money, time, resources, and energy).

  • Organize a reward and recognition program to award the top talent, at least once in a quarter. It makes employees value their work and increase their confidence level.
  • Identify gaps in the current employee process and work on areas of improvement.
  • Evaluate the salary and compensation structure regularly to match up with the company standards.
  • Identity reasons for employees leaving the job. Once you find them, solve the problem and retain the employee.
  • Work closely with every employee, arrange feedback sessions, conduct soft skills training, and make employees feel safe.

Smooth Exit

Most employees in your organization will eventually leave when their terms end. Whether it is voluntarily or involuntarily, creating a positive exit environment is essential. When employees leave voluntarily, many factors don’t work for them internally, but knowing the reasons is vital. When employees leave, they become your brand advocates. They review your organization, depending on the experience with your organization. Some employees leave and even come back. Hence treating employees exit is crucial.

  • Carry out exit interviews. Through the exit interview, you can thank employees for their contribution and ask for valuable feedback that will help your organization improve.
  • An exit interview should be systematic. It shouldn’t be personal or against anyone. Moreover, it shouldn’t be negative.
  • If employees leave voluntarily, a farewell gets together with colleagues, LinkedIn recommendations, experience letter goes a long way to please your employees. Employees remember such gratitude and show you respect their decision to move forward in their careers. 
  • Staying in touch with your employees through email or phone calls once a year is an excellent way to foster great employee relationships.
  • Create rooms for ex-employees to come back if there is a suitable opening for them.


Employee experience is the filter that differentiates one organization from another. Employees feel great, safe, and secure in an employee-friendly environment. HR managers should work on every nuance of employee experience to retain employees, motivate them, and allow them to grow. Organizations should keep an eye on the market standards and revise compensation before employees ask for.

For any organization to survive and thrive, it’s essential to work on their employees first because they are the asset to an organization. It takes immense hard work, constant endeavour, time, energy, effort, and investment to maintain a consistent employee experience, but it’s worth every money spent.

The post How HR Can Enhance Employee Experience in 2020 appeared first on Tech Web Space.
