Deepa Kotwani Ghosh, Author at Tech Web Space Let’s Make Things Better Mon, 16 May 2022 15:51:18 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Deepa Kotwani Ghosh, Author at Tech Web Space 32 32 Twitter SEO: Do Tweets with Links Get Less Reach and Engagement? Mon, 10 May 2021 15:39:01 +0000 It’s been a long time that Twitter outgrew its impression of social media, where only a bunch of elite influencers would post their thoughts. It is, now, a mandatory mobile icon for literally everyone who likes the virtual world. But has Twitter...

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It’s been a long time that Twitter outgrew its impression of social media, where only a bunch of elite influencers would post their thoughts. It is, now, a mandatory mobile icon for literally everyone who likes the virtual world. But has Twitter started favoring linkless tweets for some reason? Read ahead to find out. 

Twitter birdies were recently dubious about Twitter SEO. There are speculations that the Twitter algorithms favor the tweets that keep people on the platform instead of redirecting them into a new one. Or maybe that’s what the people like and retweet the most? 

What is the real deal? 

It is actually a bit of both the theories. Let’s get into how and why. 

Theory: Twitter SEO provides more reach and engagement to Tweets with no link 

Twitteratis were happy and gay with their e-life. But then the pandemic kicked in, and we witnessed an influx of thousands, if not millions, of new Twitter accounts. The result? Competition increased, and a lot of influencers struggled in keeping up with their online presence. 

Apparently, various new Twitter accounts gained more than 5k followers in 3 months, while the old accounts grew merely 500 followers in that span. 

The Catch 

One of the anomalies among the growing accounts was the lack of links on their tweets. They only tweeted with the purpose of interaction. But the ones that witnessed a downfall would often link their blogging site, business profile, Etsy shop link, etc. Such links act as CTAs. 

On looking closely, we could literally witness that linkless tweets got 40% more retweets and likes. 

Confirmation: Linkless Tweets Do Get More Reach 

And that’s really annoying. For starters, Twitter is one of the most popular channels for digital advertising and marketing enthusiasts. 

From Tesla to Zomato- every corporation tries to reach its audience via tweets. And they link their products, websites, polls, and many more along with relevant images and stuff. 

But here’s a thing- a tweet with media like image, gif, or video performs really well. However, adding a link to it again decreases its engagement to a significant extent. 

twitter seo

Let’s get into the crux of the situation. There are two prominent reasons why the tweets with links get lesser engagement and reach. 

#1 The Effect Of Twitter’s Audience 

Twitter CTAs Divert Users 

When you add a Twitter link, you redirect them into a different app/website. Apparently, a tweet without a link would make people scroll the timeline further. And thus, it gets more traction. 

It is the most evident reason why tweets outperform the ones with a link. A button that says “read here” might be okay after a thread. But when you add something like that in the first tweet, you distract the viewer from clicking on the like or retweet icon. 

As a matter of fact, the people who haven’t read your Tweet link can’t comment or retweet with a comment. So, it limits the metrics of engaging audiences. 

Users Engage Better With A Linkless Tweet 

A tweet that doesn’t push anything encourages users to join a conversation. 

When they don’t have a link to click, they reply to what they read on their feed. Such promptness in tweets and retweets automatically improves their reach. 

It is contrary to when you post a link because the reaction time gets reduced. The viewers would have to first click on your link, read the reference URL, open Twitter again, and tweet back at you. 

Honestly, they are, most probably, going to skip all of these steps. 

#2 Algorithm Makes All The Difference 

Twitter tries to hold people to its timeline. 

With every upcoming update, Twitter is trying to make its platform more relatable and fun. Any content that increases the screen timing of a user on the app would serve the purpose. 

Remember, Twitter doesn’t want you to make people escape their platform every once in a while. Therefore, around 19/20 Tweets you look at on your screen at any given instant have no links. 

If you check the metrics, your Twitter SEO won’t be very high for the tweets that consist of a survey link. 

Social signals and engagement metrics matter 

Social signals are likes, comments, or any other human response you get on your social media post. 

When you start getting social signals as soon as you tweet, your Twitter SEO automatically escalates. 

Such things may or may not happen when you tweet with a link. Not everyone reads the links, so they’re probably going to skip it. Plus, the ones who read it would probably like it later. 

All-in-all, people are going to take time to start liking, sharing, retweeting, or even commenting on your tweets. As a result, your Twitter SEO goes a bit down. And that’s inevitable. 

Is Twitter Biased? 

Well, NO! 

First of all, Twitter SEO doesn’t discourage linked tweets. 

The decrease in reach and engagement that you see in these tweets results from two things that we discussed above- the user metrics and Twitter algorithms. 

If Twitter was so unhappy with links, they could always get rid of the option. But they won’t- because Tweets with links contain all kinds of content- from promotions and brand endorsements to informational toolkit and tutorials. 

Twitter would stop generating ad revenues and stop gaining a cross-promotional audience from other channels if they outrightly BAN Twitter links. 

Twitter doesn’t favor linkless tweets. 

Which makes us conclude that.. 

Do NOT Stop Linking Your Tweets 

Do This Instead 

There’s no point in getting discouraged about your linked tweets if you’re not getting the engagement and reach that you think you deserve. It’s the same for all the users on the platform. 

While it is not advisable to link all of your tweets, it is also not advisable to stop linking them all at once. 

Try to strike a balance between both of them. We observed a hike in the engagement level of CTA posts when there was more reach among a user’s linkless tweets. 

Thus, improve your overall Twitter SEO to get a better engagement in the long run. Here’s how you can do it: 

Optimize Your Profile 

Your profile handle and user bio act as meta-description for Google and act as a ranking factor. 

Use your Twitter handle as the alt text for your profile picture- rename the file before uploading it. Also, try to add relevant links and URLs into the bio. A blogging or YouTube link ranks the highest. Embed URLs using RocketLink. 

Also, add clickable links to your other social media handles using @mentions. Try to link to your company’s home page if you mention a website instead of a social media handle. 

Contrary to popular beliefs, avoid using hashtags in your bio. Popular tags change every hour, and Twitter ranks tweets, not profiles based on these tags. 

Follow Latest Trends 

It’s always worth tapping an ongoing topic every once in a while and stepping into the ongoing discussion. 

Don’t worry. You don’t have to stay opinionated on controversial socio-political matters. Understand what your brand should talk about, and get to the depth of it in every aspect. 

Engage in every conversation that revolves around the services that you provide. Everything that you tweet can be useful- from a random reply for a query to an elaborated PDF for an asked set of information. 

Don’t (Always) Include Images. 

Although media does captivate eyes, images don’t always stand out in tweets. 

Include images and gifs only when they look relevant and make the tweet look way more enticing. Or else, drop it. Sometimes, plain texts make way more sense. 

Also, Twitter offers a dark mode for its users now. So your Tweet screenshots would look cool anyway. 

Less Is More 

Twitter is all about one-liners. The entire community revolves around creating maximum impact in minimum possible words. 

The best-performing tweets are not always the shortest. But a maximum of them is, for sure, one-liners. Remember, your audience chooses Twitter over other social media when they want quick updates. And they’re not here for long-form stories. 

So, don’t be a long wall. People might as well scroll past. 

Use Hashtags 

Always pick the trending hashtags over the generic ones. 

Generic hashtags like #giveaway and #art is cool when you want to target a specific audience, but make sure you don’t overuse them in every tweet. 

Use the generic hashtags occasionally and focus more on the trending hashtags to get more page visits. However, never skip the use of generic tags, as they positively affect your Twitter SEO in the long run. 

Engage With Other Handles 

There’s no other social media that updates you with news at the pace Twitter does. Seldom do you find an active Twitter handle inactive for more than two hours. 

To keep up with the pace, you have to come up with a way of interacting with your pre-existing and potential audience regularly. Your Twitter SEO can go down terribly if you don’t tweet, retweet, reply to comments, and interact with other users every single day. 

Tools like Socinator let you schedule and automate your tweets, retweets, comments, follow-backs, etc., so that you can focus on other stuff while the software takes care of your online presence on Twitter. 

Wrapping It Up 

Your ROI via social media channels has a lot to do with how well you understand the algorithms and SEO and is not entirely dependent on how well you manage and promote your content. 

For the most part, marketers do have whims of the implications of Twitter SEO. But things may take an unexpected turn at times, leaving everyone confused. Think of it this way- tweets that don’t want to sell you something strike better than ones that do. 

Thus, it is better to personalize and improvise every once in a while. This way, when you actually have a sales pitch ready, you have more people reading it instead of scrolling past it. 

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How to Leverage Data to Manage Your Remote Employees More Effectively Mon, 25 Jan 2021 12:22:31 +0000 Remote working culture is evolving day by day, and companies of all sizes are implementing it at their own levels. Well, this is not something that has been there since forever. The current pandemic situation has made this work from home culture...

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Remote working culture is evolving day by day, and companies of all sizes are implementing it at their own levels. Well, this is not something that has been there since forever. The current pandemic situation has made this work from home culture even more widely used now. 

Earlier, only a limited number of companies used to allow their employees to work from home and that too, not everyone and not on a regular basis. But, since March the workforce has been experiencing a major shift in the work culture like never before. 

Though the initial remote wave was full of uncertainties, confusions, and communication issues for a lot of companies, especially the ones that are not well established or don’t have proper resources. But then eventually, many companies found the right software to put into their remote toolbox. 

While Zoom, Slack, and Google Meet have been the savior for many, some companies have taken a step ahead and installed employee monitoring software to efficiently manage their remote employees and keep them on track.

It’s been about seven months since the widespread remote work has begun, and the time is pretty much enough to learn how to successfully manage remote employees. So let’s see what we should do and what we should not.

Is employee monitoring a good strategy?

Well, this topic is quite debatable, and there can be thousands of perceptions. But nobody can deny data. According to recent research, it is very much clear that using high-end technology to monitor employees lowers job satisfaction and increases job tension. And both these factors affect the turnover. 

Overall the point is spying on employees is not a good idea as it leads to building distrust and employee disengagement. But then how to ensure that the remote employees are on track and how to build 2-way trust.

The answer is Data

Data is a very powerful asset anyone can have in this digital world. In fact, today the entire world revolves around data. So, a data-driven approach to using employee tracking software is the best way to analyze the productivity of the employees. It helps you get easy and accessible insights into the metrics that are important and matters the most. 

Using a data-driven approach also eliminates the need for tracking remote employees each and every move because you are not tracking the working hours but the actual output. Checking how close your employees are towards their goals is more important than checking how close they are to their desks.

When you use data to track employees’ performance, you will be able to clearly see the employees who stand out and are more likely to hit their goals. And in case you find any issues, you can easily validate your point with the help of data.

Automated data reduces the guesswork of the management and enables them to focus their energies on solving the problem and boost their employees’ growth.

So, now that you know about the importance of data, let’s have a look at some of the valuable tips that will help you establish and refine your remote management strategy.

1. Anything is better than nothing

Remember no one has a well-structured work process and a perfect stack of technology. There are always some improvements that need to be made. So, don’t waste your time thinking that one day everything will be perfect and then you will start. Do not let the flaws interrupt your process and get started with your data-driven management.

Just focus on your goals and start with the available resources. Initially, it might feel a bit messy but focus on what you can measure and simply move on. Do not stick to counting what you do not have.

2. Don’t go for all

Start with the top 2 metrics which are very important for your organization and which you can frequently and accurately measure. Then make sure that all the members of your team are focused and oriented with them. Don’t just try to cover everything at once, leave the long list of metrics for the business operations team or data analytics to measure.

If you are not sure about the 2 most important metrics that matter the most, then check with your executive team and determine them. 

3. Understand the Inputs and Outputs 

In every business role, there are some inputs and outputs. For example, if you’re from the sales department, then a customer contacting you for the product details is the input and the final output will be that of customers making a purchase which increases the revenue. 

Though many people believe that output is the main thing, it is very important to understand that input is also as important as output for better performance. If you take longer to realize what is lagging and what is creating issues, then you might not be able to make things up. If the input will be right, you can easily get the ideal outputs.

4. Focus on 1:1 meetings

It is not important to have many meetings. Always focus on one on one meetings, it is much beneficial. Just have the consolidated data at your fingertips and let the other person know where he/she is lacking or how to be better. If you are following a data-driven path, you should know what you need to work on.

Wrapping Words 

Remote employee monitoring is surely helpful for an organization, but only if it is executed in the right way. Employees should not feel that they are not being trusted and micro-monitored. Following a data-driven approach not only makes the employees comfortable while working but also reduces the burden of employers. 

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How SaaS Marketing Is Different From Every Other Type Of Marketing? Tue, 02 Jun 2020 09:07:26 +0000 Marketing is a tricky business, especially when you are selling something which doesn’t have a physical presence. Have you guessed it, right? Here we are talking about Software as a service (SaaS).  Being a SaaS marketer is not easy since how could...

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Marketing is a tricky business, especially when you are selling something which doesn’t have a physical presence. Have you guessed it, right? Here we are talking about Software as a service (SaaS). 

Being a SaaS marketer is not easy since how could you be able to showcase the thing which doesn’t have a physical presence. Not to mention, the market is flooding with competing SaaS products. We all know that with the constant change in the market, your service also needs to be updated from time to time. What is more challenging is that you are not asking for a one-time payment since you are looking for the hard-earned money of your subscribers every month.

Even with all such challenges around SaaS marketing, there are some success stories of marketers reaching and converting their ideal customers to grow their business.

In this article, we are going to discuss the key factors which can help the SaaS marketers to accomplish effective results for their business. Here we go!

Effective Content Strategy:

In terms of marketing, having a good content strategy gets you the advantage of gaining more audience’s attention. In fact, most of the brands rely on their content marketing to promote their SaaS product on the search engine.

On the other hand, it is also a great medium to share information and educate others about your services and products. By showing your audience how your software works and how it can help the users to deal with complicated business situations.

In fact, most of the successful SaaS industries utilize content marketing strategies to nurture sales growth in their business. Here is an example in which you can see the search results showing PowerAdSpy ads-intelligence software for the keyword- best valentine day ads.

Using the quality content, SaaS companies can promote their value and expertise to users so they could attract more potential customers for their service. Nowadays, companies also share case studies and success stories of their clients about how they have utilized the best features of the software to have a growth in their business. This way, you can not only improve the SEO but can also bring more customer engagement and conversions for your business.

Give Away Free Stuff:

Giving a free trial or a free plan for a limited period is a widespread SaaS marketing strategy often used by many marketers. When a customer is using the free trial, they get to know about the different features of the software and also learn how SaaS tools can be helpful to them.

After having the taste of the service for an interval of time, the user develops a habit of relying on the SaaS tool. And if the users get satisfied with the service, they would most likely invest in the software.

The aim of the free trial marketing strategy should be to target new users. And by successfully meeting the expectations of onboarding customers, you can encourage them to pay recurring fees for using the service.

Referral And Affiliate Traffic:

People usually look for referrals and affiliates programs to find the best software for their use. According to a survey, we found that most of the people would like to invest in the service recommended by their friends/family members or trustful affiliate sites like Capterra, Saastrac, Bloggerideas, etc. Referrals programs can help the users to learn about the software’s insights. So that they could make sure to invest in the service which fulfills their requirements.

Usually, companies special offer for their affiliates and referral programs to gain more business acquisition. Indeed, depending on the traffic, you are gaining from the affiliates and referrals sites, you have to give them some benefits. And in return, you will be able to attract more customers for your SaaS service.

Social Media Sharing:

Having a good presence on social media helps you to achieve brand recognition for your business. By sharing your content with social media, you would be able to attract more users on your platform. Nowadays, social media has become a great medium to support your customer base and nurture sales prospects in your business.

Besides, social media can also be utilized to enhance your content marketing and SEO strategy. As it can also help you to bring more engagement and traffic to your platform, which you can later turn into sales acquisition for your business.

Cross Promotion To Expand Reach

SaaS companies can also become partners with other companies that provide relative or complimentary services for your business. That way, you have a two-way channel to cross-promote each other’s brands. By tapping on each other customer base, you have a chance to outgrow customer reach and conversions for your business. It is a powerful way to reach potential customers who might need your services but doesn’t really know about it.

Exactly how you cross-promote your SaaS products totally depends on you only, as you can also invest in the resellers and affiliate marketing to grow your reach with customers.

Wrapping Words:

As the software products are updating with time, so it’s marketing is also evolving. But the most essential thing in the SaaS business is to maintain the amazing service and provide excellent customer support to your user.

Most traditional marketing ways don’t work with SaaS business since SaaS products don’t have a physical presence. For marketing the software, you need to showcase the valuable side of the tool. In turn, word of mouth, referrals, and the affiliate can also do the job to enhance your business.

So what are the strategies you are thinking to implement for your SaaS marketing? If you have more knowledge about this, then you are welcome to share your thoughts in the comments section given below.

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How To Increase Remote Team Productivity? Mon, 30 Mar 2020 16:15:08 +0000 As the world is facing Coronavirus pandemic, the companies across the globe are forced to take precautionary decisions, allowing their employees to work from home.  And due to this, remote working has become new normal for many companies as well as people....

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As the world is facing Coronavirus pandemic, the companies across the globe are forced to take precautionary decisions, allowing their employees to work from home. 

And due to this, remote working has become new normal for many companies as well as people. Although it’s an advantage for employees to be able to work from the solace of their home. While employers do have some obvious productivity concerns, especially small businesses that are facilitating their employees for remote working for the first time.

Since productivity and efficiency are the two factors that keep the business running. The reasons behind the concern of employers are pretty much valid.

Keeping all these things and the current situation in mind, here are some tips that can help you to increase your team productivity even if they are working from home.

1. Communication is the key

No matter whether your employees are working in the office or from their homes, effective communication is very necessary to make employees know what is expected of them. In the workplace, people spend their time in close proximity with their managers and leads, so communication is effortless and easy. 

But, that’s not the case with remote working, there are more chances of communication breakdown. Hence, being an employer, try to connect with your virtual team more often and explain your expectations from time to time. Also, listen to them and be available whenever they want to talk to you. 

When you keep in touch with your employees on a regular basis, they will not feel isolated and unstructured, which are prominent reasons for less productivity. 

2. Keep tracking the work done

Remote teams with flexible working hours sometimes lead to laziness among team members, which obstruct productivity. If you are paying your employees as per the productivity hours, then you need to monitor their work, or else you end up paying even for the non-productive hours.

In the traditional office setup, you can keep an eye on your employees, whether they are working or not. But, it is not possible with the virtual teams. And the best way to resolve such issues is to have an employee monitoring software that can let you track the work your team is doing and calculate their actual productivity. 

There are so many highly efficient time tracking software available on the web like EmpMonitor, TimeDoctor, Hubstaff, etc. So if you have not implemented any such tool yet, then you can just consider one of this software looking at your business requirements.

3. Set goals 

Setting goals is vital, especially when you are working with remote employees. It helps to keep you and your team on the same page regarding the outcome towards the work you all were working for.

Remember, if goals are actionable, employees can track their performance, know where they stand without feeling lost and frustrated, know where they stand, and achieve the expected results.

In particular, remote teams tend to be outcome-oriented and require consistent deliverables in their work. So, it is better to prioritize production-focused goals instead of performance-focused goals, at least in the initial stage, so that the team can get their footing secure.

4. Recognize achievements

Recognizing and praising your employees for their good work is a skill that every manager needs to have in their toolbox. Constructive and timely feedback helps a great deal in establishing productive working relationships. 

No matter how you are expressing it, with a genuine thank you or something big like organizational awards. Recognizing the efforts of your team is very important.

Take out some time and make your employees feel appreciated for the contribution they are making to your company. If you lack in these areas, then the employees really get disengaged and can also drive down the morale of the rest of the team, which directly impacts productivity. 

5. Set your employees free

When you set your employees or team members free and give an environment where they are allowed to do the things their way, then you will surely get the best result. It’s basic human nature. 

Generally, employees tend to lose interest when they are being micromanaged by their managers or bosses. So try to create the best team by defining their job responsibilities and tell them your expectations clearly. After that, get out of their way and let them do the work in their own way.

But you also need to make sure that you are approachable when your team needs you to clarify their doubts and boost their confidence. It will help your team members to perform to the best of their abilities.

Wrapping words

Remote work definitely comes with a lot of benefits and freedom. But it also brings a lot of responsibility. There is no specific way to empower your employees and boost productivity. It requires small-small and constant efforts to lay the foundation of a productive environment no matter where your employees are working. You can see a huge rise in productivity, by providing constant support, feedback, and encouragement to your employees.

The above-mentioned tips will definitely help you in preparing the perfect batter with the ingredients that are required to empower the employees to be at their productive best.

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YouTube Influencer Marketing Tips That Can Uplift Your Business In 2020 Fri, 14 Feb 2020 07:43:56 +0000 Having a cup of coffee tucked inside a cozy blanket with YouTube streaming is what your weekend nights look like, then you’re not alone, as this is my guilty pleasure too. Let’s just address the elephant in the room, today we all...

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Having a cup of coffee tucked inside a cozy blanket with YouTube streaming is what your weekend nights look like, then you’re not alone, as this is my guilty pleasure too. Let’s just address the elephant in the room, today we all are fond of social media platforms like never before. We use Instagram, YouTube, Facebook, and all considerably. We love stalking our favorite persons on social media, we follow up on them on various things, like what they wear, eat, do, and much more. 

So, clearly, social media has become an influencing factor in our lives. Especially, millennials pick up things quite quickly these days from social media hubs. They follow trends and adopt them in no time. Hence, you cannot deny the fact that social media platforms somewhat subconsciously or consciously impact us in a big way. And, according to researchers, this is not going to stop here, but becoming more a part of our society. 

As I have mentioned, social media influencers are playing a humongous role nowadays. Brands are approaching them for selling their products to audiences, as they have more influence on people out there. If I can quote it in a one-liner, then it would be, “they say, and people listen”. It is as simple as it may sound, but this is a reality of today as far as influencer business marketing is concerned.

YouTube v/s Instagram-


When it comes to influencer marketing, then no doubt, YouTube and Instagram both emerge as the perfect choices for marketers. But, most often, I’m not saying they make a mistake, but end-up choosing a more competitive path, which is Instagram, for sure. Instagram has already invaded with 830,000 influencers. Whereas, YouTube has around 347,000 influencers accounts. Also, the conversion rate of YouTube influencer ads is 2.7, which is higher than the conventional YouTube ads conversion rate of 0.5%.

So, considering all this, YouTube is a tad better alternative for you than Instagram, in particular, when you have barely started influencer marketing for your business. 

However, practicing influencer business marketing on YouTube is not about only creating salesy content. People don’t like to watch overtly product-centric videos on YouTube. Instead, they entertain content in the form of storytelling. That’s why conquering YouTube influencer marketing is an art, which you have to master. So, if you’re reading to give your best shot regarding influencer campaigns on YouTube, then this blog for you. 

Here, I’m going to offer some YouTube influencer marketing tips. By following them, you can uplift your business in 2020 to another dimension altogether. So, without any further ado, let’s start this!

Top YouTube Influencer Marketing Tips For 2020 –

Study Your Brand As A Whole:

Every form of marketing starts with understanding what your objectives are. Since, if you don’t know what you want to achieve as an outcome of your marketing endeavors, then there’s no point in investing both your energy and money. That’s why start building your influencer business marketing strategies from here onwards. Analyze all your business aspects and work accordingly. Some of the things that you should scrutinize to comprehend your brand attributes for this sort of marketing are- 

1. Age, gender, likes, dislikes, and every possible information about your buyer persons. It’s very critical, as they should appreciate what you’re going to do. Otherwise, there are no chances of you achieving your marketing goals.

2. The features of your brand that people like or can admire the most. Some of the most valuable characteristics of your business that can strike a chord with visitors out there. Your target audience should feel motivated to follow your brand after watching your collaborative approach with the influencers. 

Pro tip-

You can also make use of advanced social media management tools like Hootsuite, Socinator, Agorapulse, and Buffer to track your business’s social media presence in real-time. By using them, you can monitor how people are responding to all your marketing campaigns. That way, you can learn what can work for your influencer marketing and whatnot. 

Consider Trends Going On In Your Niche:


As we all know, one thing that can never stop on social media is different trends getting viral. Social media trends have become very critical for business marketing strategies, as they change the entire mood of the online landscape. They somewhat decide where the complete interest flow of masses is shifting. That’s why you cannot ignore them anymore. So, even if you are about to implement an influencer campaign for your business, you have to consider them anyhow. 

The most noted advantage which comes with following trends for your business marketing is that they increase the chances of your campaigns getting received well on the viewer’s side. And, that is of utmost importance. If you are offering content to audiences, which is a trend-setting for that particular time frame, then your half job is already done. 

No doubt, various trends are going on social media at the same time. But that doesn’t mean you have to take into account all of them or they all can integrate with your marketing campaign. Of course, they will not. That’s why consider things that are spreading on your social media niche. That’s it! 

This niche thing brings us to our next point, which is to search for an influencer that can fit in under your business space. 

Recognize The Most Relevant YouTube Influencer:

Selecting the most compatible YouTube influencer for your marketing campaign is of topmost importance. Because if you go wrong here, then there is no road to go back. This decision can make and break your influencer marketing strategy to the fullest. So, be vigilant and aware before going for this cornerstone.

As I have mentioned at the starting of this blog, there are 347,000 influencers accounts on YouTube. That, without a doubt, is a large number. Pointing out the most relevant influencer out of these massive numbers is itself a task. That can daunt and exhaust you at some point in time. 

But, by using social media management software like Hootsuite, Socinator, Buffer, and Sendible, you can reduce your overwhelm. These tools allow you to automate your daily activities, such as Like, Comment, Subscribe, and so on for any YouTube account. That way, you can track different YouTube influencers like inside out. All this will give you insights regarding a person that can convey your brand message to the tee.

Prefer Micro-influencers Over Other Macro-influencers:


According to a content published by Influencer Marketing Hub, there are five different types of influencers exist, which are Celebrity (Mega) Influencers, Macro Influencers, Mid-Tier Influencers, Micro-Influencers, and Nano-Influencers. They have also stated that about 90% of successful influencer marketing comes from micro-influencers. 

Not to mention, they generate more engagement rates as compared to macro-influencers. So, the long and short of it is that you should try to reach out to micro-influencers (people who have between 1,000 and 100,000 followers) for your marketing campaigns in the first place. So, you can resonate with the audience wholly. Also, it becomes so easy for you to spread your brand message to ordinary people out there seamlessly. 

These are some of the top YouTube influencers of our times. Please have a look! It might save you from walking the extra mile.

  1. elrubiusOMG (36.2 M subscribers).
  2. BB Ki Vines (16.2M subscribers).
  3. Ryan’s World (22.4 M subscribers).
  4. Werevertumorro (16.6M subscribers).
  5. FailArmy (14.6M subscribers).
  6. Sandeep Maheshwari (13.6M subscribers).

Look After Your Influencer Marketing Budget:

I’m sure you would have heard a quote saying, “nothing comes for free in life, everything has a price tag”. It goes with business marketing as well. You cannot expect anything free here. You have to pay for each and everything. To successfully run an influencer brand marketing, your budget matters the most. It should meet your needs and requirements. Else, you cannot implement your business marketing appropriately. 

There are so many things you have to take into consideration before finalizing your marketing budget. Of course, they can change as per different factors, including the influencer you’re collaborating with, people you want to target, how much quality leads you want to generate, and much more. You can also make use of some influencer marketing platforms like Mentionlytics, SocialBook, GRIN, and all to boost your influencer brand marketing efforts.

These were the top five YouTube influencer marketing tips you can use to enhance your business credibility in 2020.


It goes without saying that YouTube is a prominent influencer marketing platform for businesses nowadays. It has immense scope for companies to attract new leads for their products and services. However, running a successful influencer campaign is not that easy. The success of your collaborative marketing approach depends on a lot of factors. That’s why seeing a bigger picture is what you should go for. No matter what genre of influencer campaign you’re working on, try to analyze each aspect of it. So, you can confirm your triumph. 

Besides, the influencer you’re collaborating with is a very impactful decision for your overall strategy. Because, eventually, 50% of things depend on that person. So, pick carefully. In the end, I want to say YouTube is firstly known as a social media platform where people invest their time to experience creativity. Hence, it’s important to provide creative liberty to the influencer you are working with. So, he or she can put their heart into their storytelling and showcase your brand in the most resonating manner.

Did I miss out on any of the crucial YouTube influencer marketing tactics? If yes, then don’t hesitate to share them in the comment section below. Also, do tell us which influencer strategy you liked the most. 

The post YouTube Influencer Marketing Tips That Can Uplift Your Business In 2020 appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How To Promote Your Business On Social Media This Christmas? Mon, 23 Dec 2019 04:51:59 +0000 Christmas Day is around the corner, and, as usual, we’ll are very excited to celebrate it with a lot of fun. Right! Having said that, all these festive occasions are no more remain just about wearing fancy clothes and eating delicious cuisines....

The post How To Promote Your Business On Social Media This Christmas? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Christmas Day is around the corner, and, as usual, we’ll are very excited to celebrate it with a lot of fun. Right! Having said that, all these festive occasions are no more remain just about wearing fancy clothes and eating delicious cuisines. They have become a center of attention for businesses out there. 

No doubt, social media marketing on holidays has become a ritual that all craving businesses want to pursue. And why not, on these occasions, people inevitably become driven to buy new stuff. As a result, companies get substantial chances to generate high revenue sales. 

According to a study done by Gallup, the adults of America, on average, had spent almost $920 on Christmas goodies. Due to this, the total expenditure on Christmas gifts had reached $1 trillion last year. 

These days, social media works parallelly with all the trending feasts. Businesses on social media networks definitely try their best to make the most out of this Christmas eve to create buzz around their products and services. 

However, coming up with new Christmas marketing ideas is not easy. It can force you to brainstorm and push the envelope as much as possible. Although, it’s not impossible either if you know what exactly you want to offer to the masses. 

Well, in this post, I’m going to share with you some creative and innovative ideas for Christmas marketing 2019, along with the successful Christmas campaign instances. So, let’s start off this right now!

Embrace The Christmas Theme-

It would not be wrong to say that Christmas reminds us of our childhood. All the best times that we had in our school Christmas celebration become lively each year. It happens to all of us! Those past moments, including the Santa Claus fancy dress competition glimpses, will take over us simply as Christmas arrives. Right!

That’s why creating something childish and nostalgic can possibly work for your brand this year’s Christmas marketing. Try to portray your brand assets with the pinch of this festive season. That usually triggers emotional, impulsive shopping actions in viewers. 

The campaign run by Forever 21 last year is a glorious example of holiday marketing with keeping up the spirit of the Christmas theme. Forever 21 is an American fashion retailer located in Los Angeles, California. 

Content Should Be Unique-

It may sound cliche, but you cannot deny the fact that yes, “Content is the ultimate key”. With the advancements in digital resources and social media exposure, it has become pretty clear that content rules the roost of business marketing nowadays in every possible manner. The audience loves watching out of the box approaches as far as content marketing is concerned these days. 

That’s why your Christmas marketing campaign should base on unique content altogether. You can use videos, text, images, or much more to engage people with your brand in a prominent way.

Coca-Cola 2019 Christmas campaign with the global ad is a perfect example regarding really focusing on the uniqueness of the content. Moreover, the upcoming Christmas TV commercial of Coca-Cola themed, after, “remind us that there is more that unites us than divides us” is a masterpiece concerning holiday marketing. You can take back home a lot of things after watching their endeavors for Christmas marketing ideas. 

Seek Out For Inspiration: 

“Share your ideas with other people and make something new” is a powerful quote given by Colin Greenwood, an English musician and bassist in a band Radiohead. It simply explains how important this is to know and follow what your peers are doing in order to develop something different. 

That way, looking for inspiration is something you should not overlook to originate the best Christmas marketing ideas. In today’s world of social media explosion, it has become very accessible to look after the work of different businesses. You can scroll over Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and more to become abreast with all the latest trending posts.

However, you can also make use of automation tools like Later, Tailwind, Gramboard. That seamlessly automates your daily Instagram activities and make you acquainted with all the hot content that’s causing a stir in the online world.

Align UGC In Your Campaign:

In recent times, building social proof is tremendously valuable for gaining audience trust entirely. According to statistics, 79% of people get highly influenced by user-generated content before making a final shopping decision. That’s why UGC no longer remains a choice, but it has become the need of the hour. 

Therefore, your Christmas marketing ideas should go with the UGC. You can implement it in your marketing strategies in various ways. The simplest of all is to include potential customers of your brand in your content marketing panorama.

Like, here, Pepsi did…


Other than this, you can also approach micro-influencers to create Christmas user-generated content impact for your products. 

Giveaway Rewards And Prizes:

Following the science of psychology, there are different emotions get triggered in the human psyche when they hear the word “free”. Not to mention, we human beings love to buy free stuff anytime anyplace. That’s why giving away rewards and prizes to customers in exchange for some contests is a solid strategy to execute at this year’s Christmas. 

Starbucks, the largest coffee chain in the world, is doing a phenomenal job for this Christmas. They are offering their fans to win free coffee for a lifetime and some astounding prizes. It can be by far one of the best Christmas marketing ideas for their brand image. 

Over To You:

Christmas Day is on the way, and very less time left with you to get ready for the most effective marketing campaigns. There is an endless number of things you can do regarding making the best out of this Christmas Eve. However, the adaptation of all the above explained Christmas marketing ideas can be a game-changer for your business landscape. 

But, always remember that the execution of ideas makes a lot of difference. Many businesses try to make big with holiday marketing tactics, instead not able to create an everlasting impact. Hence, the implementation of ideas should do with excellence. So, you will be able to get the desired outcomes. 

So, what’s your take away from the above blog? Do you have some more amazing Christmas marketing ideas to share? If yes, then don’t forget to mention them in the comment section below!

The post How To Promote Your Business On Social Media This Christmas? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

How To Transform Events Into A Source For Impactful Content Marketing? Sun, 13 Oct 2019 15:31:13 +0000 Quality written content does make a lot of difference in marketing. And if “content is King” then “events are jewels” of the crown which offers invaluable open doors for brands to produce a high volume content in a short period.  There is...

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Quality written content does make a lot of difference in marketing. And if “content is King” then “events are jewels” of the crown which offers invaluable open doors for brands to produce a high volume content in a short period. 

There is a misconception among many people that an event is a one-time experience and is only relevant for that specific time. Its value solely confined to its starting and finishing dates. This kind of perception that events have a limited scope does not let people understand their impact and potential of being an outstanding source for content.

Instead of assessing events as an independent activity, it is better to comprehend them as advantageous supplements for bigger marketing picture. Because there are endless ways in which content can inspire by events. So, it makes sense if we consider events as one of the most powerful tools for content marketing

Nowadays, both event and content marketing goes hand in hand. These techniques have become the preferred choice of marketers for advertising their company’s products and services. 

Throwing some light over event marketing, there are two ways in which businesses can benefit from it. The first one refers to conducting an event to promote your company through in-person interactions. 

And the second one is, attending an event as an exhibitor to tell your prospects what your company is offering. Both these methods have equal potential to elevate your business across different channels, and content plays a vital role in that.

So, before proceeding further, let’s understand what exactly content marketing is and why is it crucial for your business. 

What is content marketing?

It is one of the best marketing approaches in which companies create and share relevant, valuable, and quality content on different social media platforms. And all these to attract their targeted audience. As a result, they get more profitable actions from their customers, which ultimately helps in the growth of the company.

As per our latest study, we have observed that most of the marketers have made content marketing as their foremost strategy. In fact, there are so many prominent companies like Cisco, Toshiba, American Express, etc. which are consistently following this method and are seeing much success.

Why content marketing is important for your business?

There is a reason why content marketing is known as the heart of digital marketing campaigns, and that is, its ability to influence more conversions. You can enhance the relationship with your audience by creating interactive content that has the solution for all their needs. 

Apart from that, with the help of content, you can convey messages to your audience, whether it is regarding the usage of your products or the importance of your services. People like to read stuff that can educate them.

If you look at brands like Nike, their powerful and empowering content has made it more than a company for their customers. They know very well how to create engaging content that can be liked by their fans. Likewise, there are so many examples of big companies from where you can take reference and motivation to begin.

Since now you got some idea about content marketing and its benefits, let’s concentrate on how to take help from live events for impactful content marketing. 

To provide you a better understanding of this, we are breaking down the process into three parts: pre-event, live event and post-event. Each section holds some importance and will help you in building up great content for marketing.

1. Pre-event preparations:

Through events, you can bridge your online content marketing strategies to offline face to face interactions. So, as soon as you get the schedule of an event, whether hosted by your company or others, start working on the content creation. 

Make yourself aware of the excitement and anticipation surrounding the event and plan content strategies accordingly. Here are a few tips that can help you steer your work in the right direction.

Create a roadmap 

For building up the momentum of your event, it is very crucial to create a weekly overview. It should focus on the subjects which are going to be discussed in the event along with a piece of advice for each day to make sure that people have a great experience. 

Your weekly series can be anything, podcasts, videos, and even blog posts. You can also create interview sessions of old participants to share their experience of attending your previous event marketing campaign. If you start to think of the ideas, then the options are unlimited.

As a result of following this method consistently week after week, the participants and the potential participants will get a clear understanding of what they should expect from the event and how it can benefit them. 

However, to make your weekly arrangements more captivating, you can also give an attractive name to it that resembles the main idea of the event just like Salesforce. They had created a video series and titled it “The Road To Dreamforce” which ended up building a lot of anticipation. 

Use past event videos 

If you have organized at least one event in the past, then you can make its video and use it as promotional material for your current event. Because with the help of it you can pique curiosity among people. 

Moreover, nothing can light up the desire of registering for an event better than the feeling of FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out). So, utilize every resource you are having and share it on social media, no matter what kind of content it is. 

You can also take help from various automation tools like Socinator to schedule your posts on multiple social networking platforms in advance. By doing this, you will not only save your time and efforts but also able to promote your events on as many networks as you want, that too at the same time.

Moreover, you can also check the engagement on your posts and then create further plans accordingly.

Pen down the benefits 

Content is considered as engaging when it serves people’s interests and helpful to them in particular ways. So, if you want to build up such piece of content, then instead of waiting for the event to start, create hype through your articles, infographics or any other form of content. Mention the benefits of attending the event and how it is different from others. 

2. Live event preparations:

Capture the moments on the day of the event and execute your months of meticulous planning. It is the perfect time when you can harness all the enthusiasm and energy that is throbbing throughout the event and create awesome content. Remember, the pieces of content you will gather will not only help you in the current events but for the future also.

Collect feedback 

The most valuable data is not what you have produced during the event, but it’s the one which has been obtained by the participants. So make sure to not leave any opportunity of collecting data, or feedback from the attendees of each day through onsite forms, online polling or post-session surveys. 

Every piece of information is crucial for the success of future events. There are also so many events integrated software available on the Internet, so you can also make use of them to get such kind of data. 

Make shareable moments 

In this digital world, where people love to share their special moments on social media platforms. It is very beneficial to set up different photo booths in several areas so that it encourages participants to take pictures and share them on their social media profiles. The more photos and videos will get uploaded on social media, the more popular and successful, your event will become. 

Live streaming

Apart from this, live video streaming is also the most trending thing on social media. It is a useful feature that most of the platform offers these days. So utilize this opportunity and make specific sessions of your event live-streamed, but make sure that it is accessible to everyone. 

You can also tell your audience to go live so that other people can also feel the energy of the event virtually whenever they tune in.

3. Post-event preparations:

Post-event content is equally valuable as pre-event content and live-event content. So, make a final note of all the relevant points discussed in the event and share it with the people through different mediums. 

If you have a dedicated group or page on social media for your event, then it is much better to share all the content there. In this way, people who by chance missed attending any of the sessions can update themselves.

Generally, the initial 2 weeks after the event is the ideal time to push all the gathered contents into different platforms.

Event highlights 

Writing blog posts to mention the highlights of the event is the best takeaway you can provide to your attendees as well as to the people who have not participated. It may happen that after reading your blogs, they might think of attending your future events. 

So do not miss out on any stage if you want to grow with your every event. Remember, participants play a vital role in any event, and keeping them happy should be your priority.

Partnered content 

The relationships formed during marketing and events are very precious and can bring you lots of perks. Therefore, think of the ideas to take those relationships further. 

Launch marketing initiatives with the speakers, exhibitors, and sponsors from the event. As you all probably have a common goal of increasing your brand’s visibility, so grab this opportunity and ask them to spread the word about your event. 

Inspire the speakers to share their images and sessions from the event on social media because generally, professional speakers have vast networking and followers. So make the most out of every possibility and become proactive.

Host social media contest 

After the event, the best way to not let the fun stop and keep your participants remain engaged is by organizing the contests in different social media channels. 

Keep it easy and simple. You can ask your audience to describe the event with a unique hashtag or through a particular picture taken during the event.

Provide small gifts to the winners so that more people will participate in it. Marketing your brand through this kind of post-event content will positively impact your ROI.

Over to you 

Although the possibility of creating a power pact content from live events are boundless. But it is also very essential to be creative on the content part and extraordinary with its execution. 

Remember, a successful content extraction from the events very much rely on the carefully laid plans, and the above tips will help you in making better strategies for creating quality content from an event. 

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How to Generate Leads Through Your Content? Thu, 12 Sep 2019 02:44:49 +0000 Content is still ruling the world of marketing, and there is no possibility that its impact will be reduced even after a decade. If you look at the current marketing landscape, then the content is the key driver to bring new and...

The post How to Generate Leads Through Your Content? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

Content is still ruling the world of marketing, and there is no possibility that its impact will be reduced even after a decade. If you look at the current marketing landscape, then the content is the key driver to bring new and cost-effective opportunities to obtain leads and generate sales. 

With the evolution of the Internet, Google, and Social Media, everything has changed. Although the necessity of content has always been there in the marketing, now the popularity of social media marketing has increased its value. Imagine how Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media platforms will look like if the content will be missing from them. Merely an app with blank pages.

That’s the reason why content considered as the most effective tool to promote anything on the Internet. But having a piece of information is not just enough. It should be captivating enough to pique your audience interests. So, if you are thinking why your contents are not getting you the anticipated leads, then this might be one of the reasons. In this post, we will share a few lead generation ways that will help you to multiply your website traffic.

1. Create eBooks

E books are the most popular type of content that has the potential to get you the maximum number of leads. People love to read the stuff that can educate them. And, if you offer them some interesting information for free, then they will be anxious to take an interest in your marketing campaign. As a result, you will get a large number of leads. But make sure to choose such topics that will entice them to download your eBook.

There are so many things you can achieve with the help of eBooks. You can educate your targeted audience about your products and their usage. You can also make a lot of money by selling your eBooks that very well communicate with your audience.

Here is an evident example, of LiveCareer, This company created a winning content that aligns with their services, a handbook for job search, and built a landing page for it. Plus, they also make it shareable by putting social media icons below the form, which makes it very convenient for the users to share the content with their friends and colleagues. As a result, they succeed in acquiring more leads.

2. Create easy shareable contents 

Sharing is the only way to get massive leads in a short time because people generally like to discuss more on the shared contents as compared to others. So, whenever you craft an article for your website, conceptualize it in such a  way that people could not resist themselves from sharing it on social media.

There are a lot of ways in which you can affect the readers emotions, so utilize those techniques and leave no stone unturned to make your content impactful. Moreover, to get the actionable response from your audience, you can also provide shortcut buttons like to mention in the above example.

3. Promote your content

If you have written a power pact content, and it is not reaching to your target audience, then it is of no use. Remember, the more your audience will know about your content, the more traffic you will receive. So instead of becoming relaxed after creating content, you should start promoting it. And for that, you can use paid ads feature available on various social media platforms. 

It is much better to splurge on advertising one content and generating leads from it rather than paying 10 writers to write articles and get nothing in return. The choice is yours. 

Air Asia is very good at advertising their content. With their recent- static promo, they proved that even a simple Facebook ad create an enormous impact. Their ad copy did not have any exceptional content. The thing that made it really work is the bright image and the usage of powerful words like ” FREE.”

4. Be active on social media  

The content creation process is not limited to drafting an article, info-graphics, eBook, or making a video. It is also about staying active on social media. We are not discussing the paid promotions that we have referenced before, but about the actual activities such as posting, liking, sharing, and communicating with the audience. 

If you are one of those who frequently post about your business on social media, then this step is very crucial for you to generate leads. Because your activity shows your presence on social media and people love to invest their time on the profiles that are not self-focused. 

Communication is yet another significant aspect of social media. To drive traffic, you also need to communicate with your potential leads. Whenever people ask you something, whether through comments or direct messaging, try to respond to their inquiries as soon as possible. By doing this, you will not only increase your business credibility but also able to raise the possibility of conversions.

A very striking example of this is Uber. They are very good at maintaining their social media presence, especially on Facebook. Uber uses social media not only to post the content about offers and deals but also to retain their customers. They spend a significant amount of time responding to the queries of their customers on social media. It helps them to build their brand image, and as a result, now they have 22 million followers on Facebook, which is not easy to achieve.

5. Guest Blogging

Sometimes creating high-quality content and then posting it on your low traffic website to get leads, doesn’t make sense. Guest blogging is the best option in such a scenario. With the help of it, you can expand your readers by publishing your blog on other reputable websites, that works in a similar niche as that of yours and have comparatively more traffic.

But this method is not that easy as it sounds. Guest blogging is a sensitive job. You have to convince other site owners and then agree to their terms and conditions to publish your blog on their site. 

The advantage of following this technique, you will be able to reach out to a different section of people who might not be aware of your brand. Plus, you do not have to put efforts to make people read your blog because, the site in which you will post, will have their loyal customers who trust their articles and respect the information shared by them.

To help you understand better about the importance of guest blogging, we have come up with a great example of Buffer. This company got a tremendous success because of guest blogging. They constantly stick to this strategy and published their content on the high visibility sites to attract more traffic. As a result, now they have four blogs, 400,000 users, and millions of followers across different social media platforms. 

6. Create videos

Another type of content that you can use for lead generation is video. You can put all the information that you want to share with your audience in a video, and then the rest of the work of attracting traffic will get automatically done. 

According to the present market scenario, the success rate of video content is very high. Therefore, you can think of including it in your marketing strategy. However, it might cost you some money depending upon the kind of video you want to make. But if people will love it, then all your expenses will get compensated. You will end up getting huge profits. 

Prominent brands like Reebok always keeps their content marketing game up by producing attractive videos that encourage the audience to buy their products. The most recent video they created is ” Reebok 25,915 days.” Through this, they are promoting their #HonorYourDays campaign.

If you look at the video, it does not contain any spoken words, but the message is very powerful. It motivates women to stay fit. They also add CTA at the end of the video, and that is ” Calculate your days, ” which makes their message not only compelling but actionable also.

7. Experiment with different types of content

We have already mentioned some of the types of content like ebook, blogs, and videos in the above points. But what about social media contests? It is also a very engaging form of content which can generate great leads. Most of the business follows this strategy and get profitable results. 

To give this method a try, all you have to do is, create some questions about your company and encourage people to participate in the contest by offering winning prizes. Social media platforms are the best place for carrying out this activity. Because nowadays, the majority of people prefer to invest their time on social networking sites as compared to other places.

Summing up

Among so many lead generation ways, content marketing is the only one that can help you to get hordes of sustainable and long-term traffic without investing much. So make use of the above-mentioned tips as per your business needs and watch your leads increasing like never before. 

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How to Monitor Your Competitors’ Content Strategy? Sat, 24 Aug 2019 03:44:44 +0000 Competitor analysis might sound vague and intimidating, just like any other business jargon. But in reality, it is not. Analyzing the content efforts of your rivals can also be done in a very stress-free manner. It is a process which requires you...

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Competitor analysis might sound vague and intimidating, just like any other business jargon. But in reality, it is not.

Analyzing the content efforts of your rivals can also be done in a very stress-free manner. It is a process which requires you to research and track your competitors to gather all the possible information regarding their marketing approach.

Finding out what strategies are working for your competitors will help you know what type of content might work for your brand. Although, there are a plethora of tools available in the market which can get you detailed content analytics of your competitors. But here, we are providing you a few smart techniques to keep an extra eye on your competition. Have a look. 

1. Subscribe to receive email updates

According to a recent survey, 60% of the marketers stated that email is the most powerful marketing asset to generate revenue. Hence, you should monitor your competitors’ emails, which they are sending to their prospects and existing customers to promote their business. For doing this, you need to subscribe to their website using a personal email address, or the one that doesn’t include your company name. Such that, your competitors will not be able to know that you are observing their activities.

Once you become a part of their email listing, you will learn a lot of things. For example, their advertising campaigns, types of content they are using, frequency of publishing, how they are addressing their target audience and other business news. All this information will help you to develop more effective content marketing for your brand.

2. Analyze video content

Video content is on the latest trend and has apparently become the best medium for lead generation. According to a recent study by Cisco, till the end of this year (2019), approx 81% of the consumer traffic will be video-based. Most of the brands have already included videos as a fundamental part of their content marketing strategy. Therefore, you should check whether your competitors are using video content or not for marketing their brands. And if they are using, then evaluate the engagement on their content.

Likes, shares, comments, views are the best indicator of the performance of any content. So, carefully observe the video content of your competitors, which are getting a good response from their audience and note down the keywords they have used in the title and description.

It will also be advantageous if you consider subscribing to the YouTube channel of your competitors (if any). You will get notified whenever they release any new video.

3. Track social media presence

With the increasing popularity of social media, now most of the brands are active on the prominent social networking sites. It provides an excellent opportunity for you to know what your competitors are doing online. You can track their activities by following their profile and turning on the notification to get updates.

You can also observe the tone of your competitors content, images they have used, and the overall efficacy of their strategy. All these things will help you in creating a brilliant content strategy for your brand.  Moreover, you also don’t have to waste time in trial and error method. When you get to know that any particular post of your competitor is receiving a lot of appreciation, you can directly go for a similar kind of approach.

4. Research social media advertisements

When we talk about monitoring content strategy, then how to forget automation tools? 

Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram have raised the bar of marketing by introducing Ads feature. And the inclination of people towards video content made advertisements successful in promoting a business as well as its products. That is the reason companies prefer to invest in social media ads to fulfill their marketing needs.

You can take advantage of this opportunity and get some insights into the content strategy of your competitors. The drill is the same. Observe their ad copies, check how they have targeted their audience, and what kind of ad they have made. However, using Ad intelligence tools like PowerAdSpy, you can easily find all the trending ads in your niche and their keywords. Apart from this, there is a lot of helpful information you can get with this tool.

5. Attend Webinars

A lot of content marketers use webinars for promoting their company, which generally consist of more delve content into the topic of particular interest to the audience. So by analyzing the webinars of your competitors, you can get a rough idea about what their audience is liking.

Moreover, webinars also have a question and answer session at the end. Thereby, it is vital to stick around and hear the questions asked by the participants and write the points if you find something noteworthy. Later, you can utilize this information to generate topic ideas, or you can also create your content to answer the questions people have raised during the webinar.

6. Identify the best keywords

Keywords play a significant role in enhancing the performance of any content. When the right keyword used in the content, it dramatically increases the possibility of that site appearing at the top of the search engine results.

There are so many tools like Ahrefs, which you can use to monitor your competitors. It helps you to learn about the associated keywords that your rivals are using, their search volume and proficiency for the top-performing posts. You can also get to know about the competition for each keyword.

Understanding what kind of keywords drives more traffic and which all are having less competition will help you discover the related keywords to target your content.

7. Monitor the changes

The last and foremost step is to monitor the changes that your competitors’ are making on their site. Especially in the blogging section because it tells a lot about their strategy.

For example, by checking the blogs of your competitors, you can get to know about what kind of fonts and colors they are using and how they are organizing their content. Visual presence also matters a lot in content marketing as it is the first thing that grabs eyeballs of the people. Moreover, by doing this, you will also get updated with the latest products or services that your competitors are launching.

Final Thoughts

To get success in content marketing, you need to change your strategies from time to time according to the market dynamics. There are endless ways in which you can monitor your competitors. But nothing is better than tracking your competitors content. It will help you to develop an effective content strategy for your brand, that continues to evolve with the business.

The post How to Monitor Your Competitors’ Content Strategy? appeared first on Tech Web Space.

11 Startup Marketing Strategies to Use on Social Media Fri, 26 Jul 2019 07:42:13 +0000 Once somebody said that “Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan” and this statement is quite relevant in today’s digital world. Startup companies, who are facing a tough time in promoting their products on different social...

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Once somebody said that “Social media is just a buzzword until you come up with a plan” and this statement is quite relevant in today’s digital world. Startup companies, who are facing a tough time in promoting their products on different social media channels can very well relate to it.

Before the evolution of the Internet, companies used to have limited options for advertising their business and all that traditional marketing methods required substantial funding. So, it was a big deal for start-ups to invest in promotions at the initial days of setting business, and because of that, there was less competition in the market. 

But now, in this immensely growing social media world, where billions of businesses are already registered, and billion more are ready to take over, it is very challenging to get your brand noticed by people. However the investments have become very minimal, but the competition has increased a lot. So, the best way to use social media for your marketing needs is to make effective strategies according to your company needs, goals, and the latest trends.

Let’s look at some of the successful tips that we have come up with after doing extensive research. 

1. Choose the right platforms


There are so many social networking platforms available on the Internet, and each one of them is unique in their own way. They all cater to different purposes and have different audiences. So, the very first tip from our side is, understand your business and the types of audiences you can target, then choose those platforms that meet your requirements. 

Just for the sake of marketing, most of the people create accounts in all the available channels and start promoting their brands. Later, they wonder why things have not worked for them and why their efforts are not showing results. Remember, you have to work smartly in order to get success, and for that, you need to know the right place, the right time and right people to reach. 

For example,  Facebook has 2.38 monthly active users, and Twitter is also leading among the popular social media platforms by having 2.75 million users, as per 2019 stats. So, if you have recently started a B2B company and searching for the partners, then despite having these many users, both the platforms will not be able to give you the proper result. For this kind of requirement, LinkedIn is the appropriate platform where you can find the right people to join you and invest in your business.

2. Create engaging posts 


Most of the social media sites are either content-driven or more of a visual medium. Therefore, no matter which platform you choose, engaging posts is the key to successful marketing. If you select platforms like Facebook or Instagram to promote your business, then make sure to focus on posting attractive images with unique captions to gather the attention of the people. Whereas, if you choose platforms like Tumblr and Twitter, then make use of content more than pictures on your posts. But remember, the content should be original, catching, and interactive.

Apart from all these, there are so many other features like stories, live videos, where you can ask questions to the people related to your products or their likes and dislikes. The more interactive you will make your post, the more it will pay you off in the end. So, keep trying all the trending things on your posts. 

Also Read:05 Reasons Why You Need A Social Media Management Tool [Bonus – 03 Best SMM Software 2019 Inside]

3. Use hashtags 


There is no doubt that hashtags are doing great on social media. It started merely as a trend, and now used as one of the most powerful marketing strategies on social media. The best thing is that the strength of hashtags is not only limited to finding relevant content. They can also serve as a means of building communities of brand advocates and loyal customers. Moreover, hashtags are not only easy to implement, but they can also be used across different social media channels which helps you to cross-pollinate your messages in various social campaigns, offering users to have a cohesive experience wherever they interact with your brand.

There are so many well-known brands that are using this technique incredibly well, for example, Nike. Let’s go back to 2014 when Nike’s unique hashtags brought them immense popularity and massive social sharing. By using  #chooseyourwinter and #runfree hashtags, they managed to build so many communities of Nike consumers and that too, with very minimal investment. As a result, now they have so many communities over the different platform with millions of followers with them. 


4. Test your content ideas on Twitter 


Like it is already mentioned above, content plays a significant role in marketing. It can help you convey your message to your audience. But, the quality of the content also matters a lot, and nothing is more helpful than Twitter to test how well your piece of information will be received by people. With the help of Twitter Analytics, you can evaluate the performance and engagement of your tweets. Marketers follow this technique very often while producing their content. They first get ready a small draft and then share it on the Twitter platform to check whether people are liking it or not. Later, based on the response, they decide to publish across other social media platforms.

For example, Larry Kim, the founder of popular blogging platform Wordstream (acquired for $150M) and Mobile Monkey app randomly found an infographic fascinating and shared it on his Twitter account (as seen in the above picture). After that, he used Twitter analytics to find out the engagement rate of that tweet and discovered that it was 8%, usually more than his other tweets. As a result, Larry Kim ended up creating a write-up of the infographic and then published it in his column at Inc, that performed exceptionally well. 

5. Invest in advertising campaigns 


Since the time Instagram and Facebook advertising feature is introduced, the demographics of marketing has completely changed. Now, the marketing strategies of most of the brands and marketers rely on social media ads. So, if you want to make your marketing game influential, then you should try paid advertisements. However, it might need a little bit of investment, but once your ad campaign gets successful, the ROI you will receive will be huge.

Apart from these two platforms, PPC and Adwords are also great for advertising. So, in case if you are thinking of giving them a try, here is our another tip for you. Discover the ads that are doing well on PPC, and then use the best converting Ad in your social campaigns. It will help not only help you to improve the CTR of your social media ads but also saves your time. Remember, the more successful PPC Ad you will choose, the more chances of it doing better on social campaigns.

6. Use better targeting options 


Generally, people prefer using broad targeting options to reach their audience. They think it is very beneficial and can bring more profit to their business. But actually, it can be done in a better strategic way. To get more precise results you can layer your already existing targeting options with some additional data. 

For example, if your business is about sports apparel, then you can focus on people of all age groups, but it will be more effective if you target according to their buying behavior. Moreover, you can also add another layer of targeting by considering the interests and hobbies of your potential customers. This technique is more like mix and match. You can combine countless data sets with your targeting options to get highly customized and more focused audiences. 

7. Go with cross-channel marketing 


Cross-channel marketing is technically all about marketing on different social media sites. It is not necessary that all people are available on all platforms. So, when you market your business on every possible platform, you will able to reach different audiences. Therefore, share the same content across different channels and try to maintain your presence. As a result, you will get a large number of people following your brand. 

There are so many companies who follow this technique for marketing and are getting immense success, for example, Casper. They are available on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, which is quite common. But the way they are using Spotify, Youtube, and IGTV to promote their new sleep channel are just incredible.

Uniqueness and extraordinary ideas are necessary if you desire to stand ahead of your competitors. Although this process is quite a time consuming, the results it will get you will be worth in the end.

8. Run Contests


This is the best strategy if you want to make your business famous in a short time. Running contests and giveaways can increase your online visibility, engagement rate, and followers. But, it is also not an easy job to conduct profitable contests as you have to craft it in such a way that both you and your audiences will get profit from it. 

The best part is, this kind of social media marketing strategies not only works great for startup companies but for large companies also. The only difference is big brands generally approach this method when they launch some new products or services. For example, Meraki, they offered giveaways to their customers while celebrating 1000 followers. Have a look at the picture!


Soon after they posted it, their followers started getting increased and ultimately they made so much profit from it.

9. Focus on what is trending 


Marketing has a lot to do with the latest trends. Usually, people like to check out the stuff, trending on the Internet, whether it is related to hashtags, news, or any other thing. Therefore, start-up companies should always aware of the on-going trends and craft their posts according to that.

Facebook and Twitter, these are the 2 platforms where you can find the complete insights of current social media trends. So, make the most of the information available on these platforms and check what all trends you can capitalize according to your brand niche.

10. Identify the best timings to post 


Being consistent when it comes to posting on social media is a good practice. But posting regularly on your account is not just enough. Time is also an important factor while making posts on social media because the likes, comments, and views you get on your posts are directly related to the day and timing on which you have published your content. 

For example, if you want to launch a new product or announce something about your brand to your customers then make a post on weekdays (Monday-Friday) between 8:00 am to 2:00 pm because people generally go through their social media profiles in the first half of the day and mostly in the morning. So the chances of getting more views are higher. 

11. Follow popular accounts related to your niche


Regardless of how well established your startup company is, keeping an eye on your competition is very important. To know your strengths, weaknesses, and methods of getting a competitive advantage, you need to follow all the popular accounts of your niche on social media. By doing this, you will be able to understand your hold in the industry and the areas in which you are better than your competitors.

Final Thoughts 

Social media marketing is undoubtedly not an easy task. It takes a lot of considerable efforts and time to get success in it. But at the same time, its benefits are also can’t be ignored. If you want your startup company to reach new heights in terms of popularity and sales, then you need to work hard on your marketing part. Hence, by the time you gain experience and start creating your own winning strategies, you can use these tips and fine-tune your social media marketing efforts.

The post 11 Startup Marketing Strategies to Use on Social Media appeared first on Tech Web Space.
